
Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic

When the Third Gods initial awakening ensued, the Ancestral Dragon Will formed a new blessing. From this, a boy was born. This is his story, the story of Wan Julong. (A Dragon Prince Yuan spin-off.)

Messianic_Complex · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Outer Mountains

After two days, Mu Wuji gathered all of the Geniuses he had selected, taking them aboard his aircraft. He didn't specify how long the trip to the Sect would be, but he did tell them it would at least take a few days since the Sect was on the Shengzhou Continent.

The Shengzhou Continent was apparently the most blessed continent inside of the Cangxuan heaven, with 60% of Genesis Qi gathering in the singular Continent, producing many talented and outstanding Geniuses.

In addition, he had also explained that becoming an Official Disciple of the Cangxuan Sect was a lot more difficult than let on. They would have to compete in the Sects' Outer Mountains against thousands of other Geniuses from the Heaven who had been selected by the other Envoys. According to Mu Wuji, only ten thousand of the Disciples on the mountain would be admitted to the Inner Mountains after the selection process. Those not selected would have to wait for the next process.

It seems that despite the arrogance that Zhao Pan displayed, what he said about joining the Sects had some truth to it.

It took exactly 3 days for the aircraft to finally approach the Outer Mountains, quicker than Julong had expected. He was ushering all of the Geniuses off until he came to a stop on Julong.

"Not you. You're staying on here. We're going to be heading straight to the Inner Mountains."

He could feel menacing glares strike his body at those words. Even so, Julong wasn't completely sure why he would be going there straight away.

"Why would that be, Mu Wuji?"

He gave Julong a small grin.

"You have some importance. Whether you will be directly admitted I'm not sure, but I am obligated to have the Sect Master made aware of your circumstances."

"I have a feeling you are referring to Cang Xuan."

Julong could only laugh nervously at the conversation. Cang Xuan had put him in an interesting spot. He wasn't sure if Cang Xuan did it accidentally or not but he had no choice but to roll with it.

"You're pretty sharp. Anyway, just go make yourself comfortable. We'll be leaving in around 30 minutes."

"Got it."

He turned around, allowing the other Geniuses to step off around him. He was fully intent on just returning to the room he had been allocated when a figure grabbed his hand. Turning to look at who had taken his hand, he was greeted with Yao Yao.

"I'm not going if you're not going."

Julong sighed.

"I would go, but I have no choice."

"Then I'll stay with you. Tuntun can go and look after Zhou Yuan."

The Genesis Beast in her arms perked up at those words, not pleased at all.

"It's not up to me, you'd have to ask Mu Wuji."

The aforementioned man had apparently heard the conversation and stepped in himself.

"This little lass can come if she so pleases. Despite her trying to hide by your side, assuming she would be swept up by our Genesis Qi's at the selection ceremony, we purposefully left her. It is rather clear that she is much stronger than anyone in the batch, aside from possibly you. I'm sure it would just be a waste of time if she was in the Outer Mountains."

"So you can tell that much... haha..."

Julong wasn't really surprised that he had figured it out, he was more so taken aback by the fact he had just openly said it.

"Either way, it would be valuable to bring her along, as we both have a connection to the Patriarch."

Julong decided to twist the story a little bit, just to make sure she would be welcome to stay, earning a reassuring nod from Yao Yao. It wasn't a lie in a sense, but it did still seem a little suspicious, but what could Mu Wuji do about it, it was confirmed that Julong at least had a connection to Cang Xuan, and considering his and Yao Yao's closeness, it was definitely possible for the latter as well.

Mu Wuji however made no objection and smiled at Julong wickedly in an assuming way, a very dirty way. He gave a small nod and thumbs up making Julong shake his head.

This old geezer...

"It's all settled then. Both yourself and Yao Yao can go relax."

"Thank you, Envoy."

"Thank you, Uncle."

With that Mu Wuji walked off the ramp, following the Geniuses to allow them entry into the Outer Mountains, assigning them as potential candidates for selection.

Yao Yao looked down at Tuntun, who begrudgingly looked back up at her owner, giving her something akin to the stink eye.

"Go be a good boy with Zhou Yuan, okay?"

He lagged to his paws, jumping out of Yao Yao's arms, sulking his way down the ramp to the ground behind the figure of Mu Wuji.

"Well, Tuntun seems to be a little dejected."

"He'll be fine. Come, let us relax. Especially in the wine cellars."

Julong chuckled at her words.

She really doesn't change.

He didn't have a chance to respond as his hand was once again grabbed by Yao Yao. She quickly began dragging him down one of the hallways with her unexpected strength. Oh well... it was time with Yao Yao - he couldn't complain.

It didn't take long for Mu Wuji to reboard the airship, signaling it to take off and begin its venture into the Inner Mountains, which was yet another half a day away.

What a large territory the Sect owned.

Unsurprisingly the aforementioned Divine-Dwelling Expert had quickly found the pair, he was amused at the sight of the two drinking wine in each other's company, so of course, he had to step in, just to ruin the atmosphere.

"So, how long have you two been an item?"

He said nonchalantly as he barged into the table setting they were seated at.

Julong who had not been expecting such a question spat his wine out, accidentally making it fly and land on Mu Wuji's figure, who in turn got a good smell of the alcohol they were drinking.

"Hmm, Tao Wine. Good choice."