
Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic

When the Third Gods initial awakening ensued, the Ancestral Dragon Will formed a new blessing. From this, a boy was born. This is his story, the story of Wan Julong. (A Dragon Prince Yuan spin-off.)

Messianic_Complex · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Exiting the Saint Remains Domain

"Many thanks for your Blessings, Patriarch. As I'm sure you can tell, it aided in my progress substantially."

"I must agree, Elder. Your Blessing has helped me reach new heights."

Cang Xuan could only laugh heartily at the praise of Zhou Yuan and Wan Julong.

"There is no need for sentimentality, you both won your Blessings, though I will admit, I might have spiced up the Blessing just a little, but that is because I have entrusted you with such an important task. Naturally, since I have found people to fulfill my legacy, it is my time to go, that, of course, can be taken as another reason if you will."

"Do not worry Elder, I will personally make sure that not even a single bit of the Saint Stamp will end up in the hands of the Sacred Palace."

Cang Xuan only smiled at Zhou Yuan's proclamation.

"Then prove it to me."

He waved his hand and a portal opened, one which lead to the outside of the Saint Remains Domain.

"But before you go, Julong, I have a question."

Julong turned to face Cang Xuan once more, an intrigued look on his face.

"You wouldn't happen to be a descendant of Wan Zu, would you?"

"I'm not surprised you figured that little bit out."

"Hahaha! Fate truly does envy you. With respect to that, there is a gift in my tower for you as a favour to Wan Zu you could say - you'll know when I see it. That's all I wished to say. Now, get going you three, you have much to do."

Julong gave one final bow to Cang Xuan.

"I wish you the best in your eternal silence, Cang Xuan."

With that Zhou Yuan, Yao Yao, and Julong all walked into the portal, though Zhou Yuan couldn't help but inquire to ease his curiosity.

"Hey, who is Wan Zu?"

"A Double-Lotus Saint in the Hunyuan Heaven."


Julong merely chuckled at his shock.

"Don't worry, that's not all. I'm also the Disciple of the Double-Lotus Saint Zi Xiao."

Zhou Yuan didn't seem nearly as surprised by his next statement, only laughing nervously.

"Your Spears of Divine Light suddenly makes sense now hahaha... being the Disciple of a Saint and all."

Yao Yao merely smiled at the antics taking place beside her. It was then that she gently clasped the hand of Julong.

As it turned out, in the time it had taken for Zhou Yuan and Wan Julong to finish Cultivating, Cang Xuan had decided to keep the Saint Remains Domain closed in its entirety, making sure no one would be able to leave. That meant that all of the Geniuses were forced to sit around for two weeks waiting, much to Julongs amusement, though it probably had something to do with making sure the Envoys did not leave as to allow Julong and Zhou Yuan to enter the Cangxuan Sect.

As the Geniuses who had finally been let out flew out of the Domain, assisted by the 6 Envoys, Julong, Yao Yao, and Yuan, secretly appeared amidst the large group thanks to the help of Cang Xuan. After that, it didn't take very long for Tuntun to find them, reuniting the original group, only this time with Julong as an addition.

After landing on the platform underneath the titanic pillars which the Envoys had originally opened the Domain on, the rest of the group hastily landed beside the four. Zhen Xu, Lu Luo and Zouqiu Quinyu landed beside them excitedly, almost like they were about to show off their progress, or at least they would have, had Quinyu not instantly attached herself to Julong.

"Julong~! It's been a while, hasn't it? How have you been? We should go out after this to catch up."

Julong stood there with squinted eyes. He could feel the annoyance that Yao Yao was feeling fluctuate over him. In the next instant, she was ripped off of him and thrown away, replaced by Yao Yao, who just stood in close proximity as if to mark her space. Tuntun just rolled his eyes as he rested in her arms. Even so, he still seemed to be a little surprised to see her take such actions.

"Well, it's nice to see you guys again. How did your blessings treat you?

Julong was interested in hearing how much progress they had made.

"Since our platforms weren't very high, we only made some progress in our Cultivation. Currently, I'm at the peak of the First Layer of the Alpha-Origin Realm."

Lu Luo was very happy with her progress if her enthusiasm was anything to go by.

"I'm the same."

Admitted Zhen Xu, while he was satisfied, he obviously was hoping for more.

"Congratulations you guys, I'm sure you'll break through in no time. As for myself, I'm still only at the Quasi-Alpha-Origin Stage."

Zhou Yuan, while his progression in itself was incredibly impressive, he would still be rather underestimated, even if it was obvious he had the ability to beat both Lu Luo and Zhen Xu if his victory over Wu Huang spoke anything of his ability.

"Zhou Yuan, you undervalue yourself. You still came second in the Domain."

"Yeah, but I'm still nothing compared to you. Don't pretend you haven't figured out that I know your level by now."

"Haha, I might as well tell them myself then, shall I?"

Zhou Yuan shook his head in amusement. Julong was something else. He was far too humble around others.

"I reached the Second Layer of the Alpha-Origin Realm with 793 Genesis Qi Stars. Along with that I now have Grade-7 Genesis Qi."

"Wow! That's incredible!"

Lu Luo, as always was far too enthused by the news. Though Julong would admit it felt nice to gain such reactions.

Zhen Xu was just silently smiling, he couldn't even fathom such progress.

"As expected of my future husband. You are so powerful!"

Quinyu appeared once more, though this time she had learned her lesson, keeping some distance between herself and Julong, much to her dismay. She could feel Yao Yao's eyes burning holes in her just from what she had said, no way she was going to get any closer.

"Look, the Envoys are descending!"

"The selection is about to start!"

All of their attention was directed toward the Envoys in an instant. Without the help of the Sects, their potential could wither away, such conversations as the one prior were now unimportant.

This was it. This was the beginning of the quest that Cang Xuan had tasked them with.