
Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic

When the Third Gods initial awakening ensued, the Ancestral Dragon Will formed a new blessing. From this, a boy was born. This is his story, the story of Wan Julong. (A Dragon Prince Yuan spin-off.)

Messianic_Complex · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Purple Sash

The three Elders stood there silently in surprise. Even the Peak Masters were rather taken aback by his choice. Everyone had expected Julong to choose Lu Hong, but he chose the Shen Taiyuan, who, in terms of faction power, was the weakest of all three of them.

"Yes, of course. From today onward you are officially one of my Disciples, Wan Julong."

Julong smiled at him.

"My only question is, what rank is it I should bestow upon you. Surely just having been in contact with the Patriarch does not warrant you to join a Peak. You should have incredible strength, no?"

Qing Yang laughed. Shen had read Julong like a book.

"You are as quick as always, Shen Taiyuan. It is as you say, this one here is incredibly talented, and I was personally hoping he might have joined my Peak, but such is life..."

He took a quick glance toward Julong then back at the Heavenly Sun Expert.

"This one here possesses Grade-7 Genesis Qi, and from what I can tell, around 800 Genesis Qi Stars at the Second Layer of the Alpha-Origin Stage. Such talent is unheard of. I do not even believe my personal Disciple, Chu Qing, had such a foundation at such a stage."

Julong was amazed by the deduction that Qing Yang had made. Perhaps just like how people with much more powerful Spirits could read a weaker ones mind, a much more powerful Internal Cultivator could get a near-exact read on the foundation of another.

While Julong and Shen Taiyuan seemed both a mix of happy and surprised, it was obvious Lu Hong had become extremely bitter over losing such a talented person. Lu Song on the other hand just seemed happy that Shen Taiyuan had gotten a good Disciple for the first time in a while.

"As such, with his outstanding talent, I believe that he should be given the best we can offer, meaning I personally will place him as a Purple Sash Disciple with the 'Second Peak' Dwelling."

"Y-Yes, of course! I will give him a Sash and the Dwelling right away."

That was when Lu Hong decided to step in. Giving away a Purple Sash position was a big deal after all.

"How will we be able to justify this to the other Disciples? Will this not cause outrage?"

Qing Yang nodded his head.

"A Purple Sash is highly sought after in our Cangxuan Sect, only given to the most powerful Alpha-Origin Experts. I have decided to give him a Purple Sash due to his prior achievements and an account from Mu Wuji. While at the Quasi-Alpha-Origin Stage, he was able to kill, not just defeat, a Fourth Layer Alpha-Origin Expert. Being a Second-Layer Alpha Origin Expert should theoretically make him able to defeat people far above that level, which lower-class Purple Sash Disciples sit in."

Pausing for a moment, Qing Yang quickly came up with a solution.

"As such, if any Gold Sash Disciple feels that his placement is unfit, they may challenge him for his position. Though what Peak they come from will not matter, they should be prepared to offer up something of equal value should they lose, and if they win, should be prepared to move Peaks.

"I believe that this should be enough to allow him to prove himself to the other Disciples."

After a few final words between them all, Shen Taiyuan decided to take Julong and Yao Yao back to his faction sight. He seemed rather excited, though the general consensus between the Peak Masters and Elders of the Saint Genesis Peak was rather unsure.

"You seem to have a lot of confidence in this young one, Sect Master."

Lu Song skeptically gazed over them.

"Although I have only just met him, I have absolute confidence he will prevail. I don't know why, but I can just feel it."

Cangxuan Sect - Purple Qi Dwelling

After leaving the sight of the others, Shen Taiyuan created a cloud of Genesis Qi. It took a few minutes, but they quickly arrived at a Pavilion, one fit to house both Julong and Yao Yao. It was on one of the three smaller mountain peaks that surrounded the main peak. The particular one they were on was only second in size to the main peak, making Julong believe this was a very special Dwelling.

"I don't know what to say to you, Julong... but thank you for giving my faction a chance."

He had a Purple Sash in his hand, which momentarily flew toward Julong and wrapped around his abdomen. He could immediately feel it draw Genesis Qi into his body passively.

"Master Shen Taiyuan - no need to be so thankful. I chose you because I believe you are the most suitable for my progress, so thank you for accepting me."

Shen Taiyuan shook his head gently.

"If only all youngsters were like you. It would definitely make my life easier."

Julong laughed at his words.

"Please Elder, you're making me feel awkward. Surely I am not the only one who reveres those more senior than I?"

"Unfortunately, what I said is not very far from the truth. People these days show such arrogance." He looked over to the Pavilion in front of them. "This is where I shall leave you. This whole mountain is a Qi Dwelling with a pavilion that runs all over it. There are also a few caves with more concentrated Grade-7 borderline Grade-8 Qi Dwellings. This would generally be the place where our factions' Chosen would stay, and is highly sought after. The only reason you have been given such a Dwelling is thanks to Qing Yangs' personal direction."

They all looked over into the cloudscape below them.

"From what Qing Yang has told me, I am confident you will make it to the Chosen rank someday, so prove us all right in giving you this Pavilion by doing so."

"I will, Elder."

Shen Taiyuan smiled at his new Disciples drive, taking off with his Genesis Qi.

"In two days I will fetch you from here to take you to our factions' main hall to introduce you to the other Disciples."

"Thank you, Elder."

With that he flew away, leaving Yao Yao and Julong to their own devices. It took only a few moments after Shen Taiyuan had left, and Yao Yao let out a slightly prolonged groan.

"Too many people for you?"

She meekly nodded.

"To many people wanting to talk to me makes me tired. Come with me Julong, we can relax now."

Thinking back to what had happened on the airship earlier, he had no choice but to accept her.

"Okay, let's go."