
Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic

When the Third Gods initial awakening ensued, the Ancestral Dragon Will formed a new blessing. From this, a boy was born. This is his story, the story of Wan Julong. (A Dragon Prince Yuan spin-off.)

Messianic_Complex · Book&Literature
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87 Chs


All of the Disciples had momentarily moved outside of the Dao Seeker Hall to a practice arena just out the back. They were all preparing for the clash between Pan Song and Wan Julong, more specifically, the utter annihilation of Wan Julong.

As expected, many were betting on Pan Song to come out victorious, but then again who wouldn't - there was a three-layer difference between them.

"Junior Brother, would you do me the honour of learning your name before I defeat you?"

Pan Song seemed to laugh.

"You seem to be the arrogant type, Wan Julong. My name is Pan Song. I'm sure you will remember it without much effort after I beat you."

Julong smiled at his remark. It had been a while since he had come across someone who dared to be so uncouth while directly talking to him. Even Wu Huang had not shown such arrogance, and he had far greater rights to be arrogant than this Pan Song.

It reminded him of the Wan Estate. And despite Julong's smile, he despised such an outlook.

In hopes of getting the match over with, they both looked toward Shen Taiyuan. He caught their gazes and wore a complicated look on his face for a few seconds. As if coming to a decision, he nodded as if to acknowledge their request.


Pan Song laughed hysterically. Who knew becoming a Purple Sash Disciple would be so easy?

"Wan Julong, I must really thank you for this opportunity. Such an offer does not come around every day. As such I will crush you in one blow."

He slowly began to hover as a ball of Genesis Qi emerged in his palm, slowly getting larger and larger. Eventually, it took on the form of a large sword, ready to swing down upon Julong.

It gave off a menacing and exceedingly sharp pressure, one that many of the Black Sash Disciples trembled before. Even so, despite their incredibly deep fear of the Technique, the Black Sash Disciples were smiling with glee, preparing to see it strip someone undeserving of their status.

"This is my Whistling Heaven Splitting Sword Qi. Prepare to be humiliated Wan Julong. This is what you receive for showing such arrogance before me!"

Julong watched as it came down toward him, still standing where he was with his previous smile. He had not sensed even the slightest danger from the attack with his Spirit, it was quite saddening to see that this was one of Shen Taiyuan's top Gold Sash Disciples.

"To tell you honestly, I'm rather disappointed. Has this Saint Genesis peak really fallen so far?

He nodded to himself solmenly.

"I will definitely have to work very hard to restore this places' former status and glory." His eyes then flickered between his fist and Pan Song. "Junior Brother, Pan Song, allow me to show you why I am a Purple Sash Disciple, and you are not."

He activated his Minor Mythic Saint Body Technique and drew some of the Genesis Qi in his Qi Dwelling toward his hand, doing nothing to his position in the arena but assuming a punching stance.

"This is my Legendary Technique, Fist."

As the sword came closer, Julong met it halfway with a mighty punch, one strong enough - one with enough power - one terrifying enough to split a small mountain.

As expected, upon contact, the power exploded, creating a smokescreen. Pan Song couldn't be more surprised by this. He had expected the attack to destroy any form of resistance Julong had. But it all happened too fast.

Before he could contemplate further, through the smoke came a barrelling fist toward Pan Song.

Pan Song jumped in fright seeing the fist. He did not want to be hit with the same punch that had created such an explosion a few seconds prior.


He couldn't even yell, the fist had come in so fast he had no time to react. The fist cleared the smokescreen that had formed in an instant, moving toward Pan Song where it socked him in the gut and sent him flying. He flew so far he ended up hitting the side of a surrounding mountain.

It was almost comical how he had been defeated.

Silence had momentarily taken over the spectators. What made what they had seen even worse, was the fact that had Julong quite visibly held back his strength as to not kill Pan Song. It was unbelievable.

As per the rules, Julong had undoubtedly won the match. These rules were: Either the opponent surrendered or be beaten until unable to continue, or the final way - being knocked out of the arena. Julong had just achieved two of those simultaneously.

After the momentary silence, the crowd roared in disbelief. How on earth was that possible!? A Second-Layer Alpha-Origin Expert had just defeated a Fifth-Layer Alpha Origin Expert, in a single punch! Pan Song was a seasoned Gold Sash Disciple! He was nearly even qualified to participate in the Purple Sash Selection Ceremony, something Julong had directly skipped!

While the Disciples were roaring in shock, Shen Taiyuan wore an intrigued look on his features. It was quick, lasting only a few moments, but he had seen the Body Cultivation Technique Julong had used. Perhaps the Technique that Pan Song had offered could provide worth to Wan Julong.

He would find out in the future.

Saint Genesis Peak - Dao Seeker Hall

Seating back in their original positions, the previously unquenchable horror of the Disciples had calmed. Though, unlike the others, Wan Julong was now holding a scroll in his hand, spinning it in his fingers. Naturally, this was his newly acquired Technique.

Julong was leisurely taking small glances back to the now-injured and sulking Pan Song, and the Elder Shen Taiyuan, out of amusement. Just seeing the way Pan Song had already been filled with regret was quite funny.

"Now that our entertainment has ceased, we can return to the lesson. As per usual, you will be sending your Spirits into the Alpha-Origin Heaven to bring back Genesis Qi.

"Wan Julong, because you are new to our group Cultivation lessons, it will be okay if you do not last as long as some of the others. Just use this time to practice. Just try to attune yourself with the powers of your Purple Sash, the purple matt and the power of the mountainside in which we are located. All of these will help in your future Cultivation."

"Yes, Elder."

Shen Taiyuan nodded, fondly smiling at the boy. While he wasn't sure why Julong wouldn't call him Master, he was sure there was a reason for it, and as such wouldn't prod him about it. It would make sense for someone so talented to have another Master after all.

Shen Taiyuan brushed off the thought and activated his Genesis Qi. Just like a domino effect, he managed to make every else bring forth their own Genesis Qi. It ranged from Grade-5 to Grade-6 between the normal Disciples, but that didn't last long, such an event had unwillingly made Julongs' Grade-7 Genesis Qi appear.

Such a difference in power between Grade-6 and Grade-7 Qi was so profound that he immediately began drowning out the other Disciples Genesis Qis, bringing even more attention to himself.

"Grade-7 Genesis Qi?!"

"Senior Brother Wan Julong must be very well endowed!"

Well, at least the comments weren't all demoralising this time.

A few seconds later, everyone's Divine Spirits also appeared on their head. After a bit of playing, Julong had learned that he was able to artificially change his Spirit's colour back to blue when doing small tasks like the one he was about to do, so in order to not cause anymore uproar, he did just that, changing his normally gold Divine Spirit into the normal blue colour everyone else expected.

Julong closed his eyes and began to focus. He could feel that his Spirit had been boosted significantly thanks to the mountainside that the Dao Seeker Hall sat on. He could also feel the mat he was sitting on and the sash around his waist providing him inconceivable amounts of help. He smiled in realisation as he took his final steps into the Alpha-Origin Heaven. He had no issue implementing the power into his own. He could only wonder just how much he would be able to bring back this time.

Just like all previous trips, the time he had spent inside of the Alpha-Origin felt something akin to months upon months but was realistically only a few hours. Though despite this, it was still a far cry longer than the other Disciples inside of the Dao Seeker Hall.

Many of the other Disciples surrounding him had in fact tired after only an hour, but Julong was currently on his third hour. Even the other Purple Sash Disciples had awoken another half hour earlier than what Julong was currently achieving.

"Senior Brother Wan Julong must be extremely proficient with his Spirit to be able to last that long."

Cao Shi, yet another Gold Sash Disciple, despite being a little bitter about the ranking couldn't help but marvel. Pan Song thought differently, however.

"Say what you will, but I cannot help but be convinced that he is nothing more than an actor."

Zhou Tai, the first rank Purple Sash Disciple, laughed a little.

"I believe you are just a little unhappy about prior instances. Seeing his ability with my own eyes has somewhat convinced me. Even if he does not deserve the title now, which I am very much beginning to believe he does, he certainly will in another layer or two."

Shen Taiyuan nodded in agreement.

"I trust very highly in the decision made by Sect Master Qing Yang and the Peak Masters. I can only thank them for providing us with such an opportunity." His praise of Julong caused the hall to go silent in what was envy from the Black and Gold Sash Disciples. "Though back to the topic at hand. I am interested to see how much Alpha-Origin Qi he is able to bring back."

Almost as if he was responsive to Shen Taiyuans words, Julongs' figure twitched. On queue, Alpha-Origin Qi began flowing from the sky down onto Julongs body through the roof of the Hall.

"As per tradition for someone's first time in the Dao Seeker Hall, we will be counting his breaths."

Show me what you're made of, Wan Julong...

The Alpha-Origin Qi flowed down into Julongs body for what felt like an eternity.



Alongside the bated breaths of the other Disciples, Julongs' breath count quickly surpassed 5000 and still kept going without any sign of it slowing down, soon hitting the 8000 mark. Despite it all, the Hall remained silent in counting.

1263 breaths later, Julongs eyes opened, giving him a count of 9263 - the highest breath count the Dao Seeker Hall had ever come across from a new Disciple.

This kid...