
Great Apostle of Hades

Shienanana · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Status window

"Arrrghhh!!" Jin woke up in a bad dream and once sat up in the bed where he rest. He glanced around at the surroundings and found himself in a familiar room.

"Wait, this is my room, huh? What am I doing here?" Jin asked himself in confusion.

He saw his mom sitting next to him while sleeping with her head resting on her hand.

'Mom?! So it means I was only having a bad dream?," Jin sighed in relief then wiped out his forehead. "I thought I really died."

Because of the noise made by Jin, her mother, Amie disturbed from her sleep and then woke up. She rubbed her eyes and saw Jin infront of her woke up.

Out of the blue, her mother eyes teared up and suddenly hugged him so tightly.

"Hm?!" Jin became more confused as he saw her mother action. "What is going on right now?" Jin inquired.

Amie let go of Jin and then wiped her tears. "Oh, sorry soryy! I'm just happy to see you well."

Jin brows began to furrowed. "Well? Of course I am well!"

"Huh?! Are you still confuse right now or did you have an amnesia? Well, I was also expecting that to happen since you injured your head inside the dungeon and the doctor said that is possible too. By the way did you remember me? I'm your mother, Aime."

"Yeah of course, how can I forget you? But... dungeon? So its true then?" Jin tapped his head gently and uttered, "I thought I was just having a bad dream since I surely did died from the slice of the Guradian I took from back then."

Aime displayed a questioning face after she heard what Jin said and then asked. "What do you mean slice? When I arrived at the scene, you seems to be perfectly fine although your head was the only one that damage."

Upon hearing those word from her mother, Jin eyes widened, he definitely felt a slice on his body and then after that he lose his senses after.

"Mom, this doesn't make any sense, my body split in half the moment the Guardian swung his axe and I definitely received a slice from the Minotaur!"

Amie is so confused and can't follow what his son was talking about, so instead of asking more question to Jin, she just considered Jin traumatized after the incident, and so she just rubbed Jin's head gently and place it in her embrace. "Jin, you can rest first, I know a lot happen but, don't push yourself too much, Okay?"

As Jin finally calmed down, Amie kissed him in his forehead and then leave the room to bring him food and water.


After Amie came back in the room, Jin immidiately asked her of what happened in the dungeon.

"By the way mom, what about school? After I regain my composure, I think of going back because of the upcoming final exam." Jin spoke as he chew his food.

Amie whose looking at him with a smile suddenly displayed a sad face after Jin mentioned school.

"Mom what's wrong? Did you think I can't pass the exam because I'm still not awaken yet?" Jin inquired in a worry tone.

"No, of course I have my trust for you and I know that no matter what happen, you'll never give up on your dreams. But that is not what I've been worrying about."

Jin chugged his drinks and then asked again.

"Then what mom?"

"I'm sorry son but, The truth is... i don't think you'll be able to go back to that school ever again. After I heard that you are the only one who didn't able to leave the dungeon." Aime averted her eyes as she scratches her cheek with his finger. "I made a big mess infront of all the teacher. Hehe."

Amie continued to tell him the story and there he finally understood why. Her mother fought for him because no one ever tried to rescue him, they completely fooled by the false rumours spread by his team, however Amie is the is the only one who doesn't.

She knew Jin better than anyone and she also knew that he will not make such a absurd decision.

Amie did explore the labyrinth eventhough she carry nothing in her hands, and thanks to the marks on the walls inside, she immidiately traced where is the guardian chamber located.

She saw Jin laying on the floor with his head, is covered with blood and nothing else, the Guardian disappeared together with the core and the strange thing is, the dungeon is not breaking.

After that, Amie carried Jin all the way out and immediately go to the hospital, luckily he has no injuries at all and he's perfectly fine.

"Pfft!" Jin inadvertently laughed after hearing the complete details of the story.

'But I think my mom story is a bit messed up. Not only did they sacrificed me to the Guardian, but they also accused me of being a greedy who took the core from them that's why I deserve to die alone in that dungeon. How far can you go for mocking me Alex?!

"Hey, you just laughed at my story, didn't you? Why is that?" Amie asked in confusion.

"Nothing, Haha. After hearing that story, I knew you are going to do that. That's so you."

"Oh come on! Stop teasing your mother. After you finish eating, just call me. I'll be in the kitchen to wash the other dishes. Oh yeah, and make sure to rest, hah?"


After that Jin left alone in his bedroom, and as he munch his food, a bell suddenly rang inside his head.


Jin looked around at his surroundings, looking where that sound came from.

"A bell? I think I'm hearing things right now after hitting my head too much."

Jin sighed in disbilief and when he attempt to call Amie downstairs, the bell rang again twice. After the bell rang twice a sudden stat window appeared before him.


Name: Jin Silverred Rank: (??)

Job class: ??

Title: --

Exp: 0/10 (Lvl.1)

Str. - 2 Int. - 1

Agi. - 2 Luk. - 1

Dex. -1 End. - 2

Available points: 0

Passive skills : Regeneration (Lvl.1) <

Detoxification (Lv.1) <

Skill: [??]



Inventory: 🔹


The bell rang again inside his head for the third time and now the quest window showed up beside the his status window.

[Monthly Quest arrived: To withstand your power, a training is required.]

-First week to Fourth week quest: Body Enhancing.

-0/4hrs. every day.

Days to complete - 0/30

-Second week to Third week quest: Weapon Mastery.

-0/3hrs. every day in two weeks.

Days to complete - 0/23

-Third week quest: Mana Stabilization.


Days to complete - 0/16

-Fourth week quest: Solo Dungeon clearing [Rank F].

-Time is not needed as long as you finish the quest before the end of the quest.

Days to complete - 0/9

-End date of the Quest: 04/13/22

*Don't forget that every side quest are important: Not finishing a quest could lead you to a punishment. [Be careful].

*Note: Time quest will not going to decrease i if the quest didn't fulfill and will be reset in midnight.

Jin rubbed his to see if he is just seeing thing or that is the reality, and after a few minutes, the window didn't disappeared.

"What the hell is this thing!! Mother!!" Jin called Amie in a serious tone as if something big happen.

Upon hearing the voice of his son, Amie panicked and immediately stopped all of her doing and rushed to his son room.

"Jin! Is something happened to you?! What's wrong?!" Amie asked as she displaying a worry face infront of his son.

Jin looked at her with a shock face and then pointed his finger at his status window.