
Great Apostle of Hades

Shienanana · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Mom, What's the meaning of this?" Jin asked in confusion. Eventhough he suspected that he already awakened, he still asked her mother for a confirmation.

Amie furrowed her brows and looked at him with a questioning face as she confused of what his son is pointing.

She looked at the wall and just saw a clock and nothing more.

"Huh? A clock, that's a clock."

"Wait, mom. You can't see what I'm seeing? Here, infront of me now."

"Ugh. Like I said, it's just a clock and a wall and what's more do you want to know?"

"So you can't see this, huh?"Jin whispered to himself and just keep the status window to himself.

"What? Did you say something?!"

"Oh, nothing!"

As Jin realized that he was the only one who can see his status window, he stopped asking his mother and just let her bring the utensils he used to eat with her down.

'Hmm.. So it's mean that I'm the only one who can see this thing, huh? Wait,

'But, for the last quest, it says that I need to clear a Rank F dungeon, I don't think I can afford such an expensive quest. And it said to that if I didn't finish the quest, something bad will happen.'

Jin lied down on his bed while looking at the ceiling, 'What am I going to do now? Oh right, I think I will looked for a part time first since I can't be bother with the school now.'

Jin sat up, he grabbed his phone on his desk beside his bed and browse in the internet to look for a job and check the price of the Rank F dungeon in a hunter association site too.

"Ugh... All of the job here only need a mage class, and they need a prof too, the Rank F dungeon are so expensive too, well as I expected. How a I suppose to clear this quest?"

Jin put away his cellphone and lied down again to rest for the day and tried to open his quest window.

"Quest window open!"


"What!! Nothing happen?" Jin bury his face on his pillow and rolled on his bed.

"Gosh I just shouted an embarassing word but still nothing showed up? How am I supposed to open it again."

He calmed down from embarrassment and then sighed deeply.

"Okay this is now for real." He concentrated for a minute and then a bell rang. After that the quest window along with his status window popped up.

"All right! Let's see let's see." He browse at his quest window and read the first week quest thwt was given to him.

Jin eyes widened and once shifted his gaze at the clock and the calendar at his phone.

19:22 and the date is March 13 2022.

"What the hell? The quest is already starting this day? It's already 7 in the evening, how am I supposed to do my excercise. Well, I think I need to hurry up now."

Jin immidiately changed his clothes and then rushed down, he saw Amie in their living room watching the news seriously.

"Mom, I'm going for a walk."

"For a walk you say? It's already late now."

"Don't worry, I'm not a kid anymore, so I'll be fine in my own. Bye mom."

"Okay, but still be carefull!" Amie sat tight on the couch and lean her head on the arm rest.

"So you're finally awoken your ability, huh?" Amie whispered to herself as she saw her son well.


As he was jogging in the nearby street of their house, he thought of the news he saw on the their tv before he left. It is a news where his cousin, Shiina featured.

"So Shiina is a processing well for being hunter, huh? Who would have thought that a crybaby like her when we are just a kid can advance to Rank A immidiately after being scouted by a top 3 guild of the country." He spoke to himself with a determination looks on his face.



A mail envelope with a red dot popped up in the upper right of his head. He clicked it and a mail showed up.

- 23:13 pm, Congratulations for finishing the first day Quest on the monthly Quest, you'll receive a random reward after 30 mins if you pick yes.-

Do you want to accept you reward. Y/N/R?

"Of couse it's a yes!"

-Delivering the reward: Countdown- (29:59)

After Jin finished his first day of the monthly, he directly went home and then take a bath to resfreshen up before going to bed.

"A lot of things happen today that until now my mind is still processing to keep up. But now that I'm awaken now, I will work really hard to help my mother, but wait, now that I think of it now, how did I awaken?" Jin wondered as he soaked himslef in the bathtub.

"Jin, are you not done yet?" Amie inquired out of the blue.

"Mom you're still awake?! I thought you already gone to bed!"

"Yeah, but after you opened the door, my eyes open up on their own."

"Liar, you waited for me, am I right?"

"Pfft!" Amie laughed a bit. "I leave the food at the table so after you've done there, eat first before you sleep, Okay?!"

"Okay I will. Thanks mom."

After that he heard the footstep of Amie gradually fading. He rested his head on the edge and put a wet towel on to his forehead.

As he was resting quietly in the tub, the bell rang again inside his head and the random reward appeared.

[You received a bottle of HP potion: You can find your reward inside your inventory.]