
Great Apostle of Hades

Shienanana · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Wish Granted

"Yosh! Everyone, this is our win for today!" Alex stepped forward to collect the core circling the center of the room.

"Though, I'm a little disappointed since the guardian didn't show up in this space, but don't worry, because we are the number!"

As soon as Alex put his hand near the core, Jin figure out something behind the missing Guardian inside so he shouted and warned Alex.

"Wait Alex! Don't touch that thing, that's bait!"

Alex shifted his gaze and stared at Jin with a cold eyes.

"Huh? What are you saying? Are you nut or something?"

Ignoring Jin's warning, Alex grabbed the core without showing tension.

"I got it!" Alex shouted once raised his hand together with the core.

After a few minutes of getting the core in the middle, the ground suddenly shook and the wall around the room shone.

"What's happening?" Alex asked confused.

"Just like I thought, the core is really a bait. Now we're done." Jin commented.

"Huh?! Shut up! How bait is this, this is the core!"

"The core is a bait along with the dungeon, the labyrinth type dungeon is full of monsters and how can we not--

Before Jin could finish what he was saying a bull three meters tall, with a bulk body, a fierce face and holding a large ax twice the size of a man appeared together with a bunch of worms with a fang and goblins holding a different kind of weapon.

"What are those ?!" Pommiel asked while trembling.

"This is the guardian, the guardian of this dungeon and his minions." Jin replied.

"Guardian? That minotaur, Guardian of Rank B, that creature shouldn't be in this Rank G Dungeon!"

Josh looked at Alex and asked. "Alex what are we going to do?"

Alex showed a smirk on his face and was at once ready to attack.

"What else are we going to do, we're going to kill that monster!" Alex's arrogant answer. "I can finally test how resilient I am."

They doubted the idea at first but then the rest of them also prepared to attack once Alex led them.

"Bon and Jeff, frontline, you two are our tank here so take all the blows while we cover you two."

At the moment they heard command of Alex, they began to move, smoothly. Eventhough Alex had a bad personality, he is smart enough to take a lead and command and made them move forward.

"Josh enhance your sword and once attack the Minotaur after he throw an attack, his movement is not so fast so you can definitely land a blow on his face. Me and Pommiel will take care of the range attack from behind while taking care of his underling too. And you, Gian, use your blessings to enhance the defense of the two!"

"Okay! <God blessing: Shielding>!" Gian gave the two a buff that can help the two tanks hold the attack even more.

'In our team, we have 2 tanks that are receiving much more blow than any of them, but thanks to our, priest's support, they can handle much more attack.

'They are pretty coordinate due to Alex command who's mage in the back line together with Pommiel who is a Marksman. And on the other hand, for short range attack, I think Josh can handle it much with his Swordmanship.' Jin thought as he witnessed them fight.

Based on the school's ranking, Alex and his friends are the top rankers in their job class, so the self-confidence they show seems worth it at their level. However, they are still trainees.

Jin is pitiful because no matter how ready he is, Alex won't let him join the fight.

The Minotaur threw his ax towards the two in the frontline, when Josh saw a crack, he jumped towards the monster's face and slammed his sword as well.

"Yosh! Just like that Josh!"

"[Fire bullet.]" Alex made a mini ball around him and fired it at the Guardian.

"[Machine Gun Blow.]" Pommiel's gun can transform any type of gun base into what's on his mind, pretty comfortable.

As they fight the monster, Jin feels like he's left behind because Alex didn't give him a command. However he still fighting the underlings on the sideline and luckily they're weak as the normal monster inside.

'How about me? I'm here too. ' He didn't want to move and make a reckless decision because it might ruin their team coordination.

'But, they sure can fight. Do I even need to give them assistance?

A few minutes have passed and the 6 are gradually running out of mana and breathe, however, only the underling monsters are affecting and not the guardian, the Minotaur seems to be still okay, no wound or even a scracth on his skin.

"Alex, this guy is tough, can we win?"

"I don't know, but I still have my trump card in me."

"Oh so we can still survive. Then that put my mind at ease."

As the number of the underlings are gradually decreasing, the two range damage dealer began to focused their attack at the Guardian. But even with their full force attack, nothing changes.

"Huu- Haa! Huu- Haa!"

The six lower down their offense because of mana efficiency . Of course, Rank B Guardian are so powerful where you need a group of Rank B or 1 or 2 Rank A hunter just to take down one.

And for those of you who are just a trainee, the Minotaur just sees them as an insect trying their best to knock down a cow in their numbers. And that's why, the Minotaur only defends and doesn't attack.

Soon, Alex realizes that even if they combine their forces and use all of their remaining inheritance, they have no power compared to the power of the monster in front of them.

"Everyone, it's time to use my trump card!"

After hearing those words coming from their leader's mouth, the worry on their chest rose like a balloon with nitrogen flying freely in the sky.

Alex backed away a bit and stopped next to Jin, "Jin, sacrifice your life for us." Alex said with a smile on his face.

Jin looked at Alex showing a shocked expression and at that moment his legs suddenly became paralyzed.

'What is happening to me? My feet don't respond to me, I can't move them the way I wanted to.

"Back of all of you! Jin will give his life for our sake." Alex shouted as if Jin really volunteered to sacrifice.

The 5 backed away and hid behind Alex who's holding both of Jin's hands.

"Josh help me throw him towards the Guardian and when the monster notices him and turns attention to him, let's make our way out of here."

"Huh? Why? Alex? I never said those words, mama is still waiting for me outside and I promise her to comeback safely. You can't do this to me, we are teammates, aren't we ?!"

"Pfft!" Alex accidentally laughed. "Teammates you said? When did that happen? I just wrote your name on the list to be our porter and not to be teammates."

"What do you mean by that? This, me being paralyzed right now, are you doing this too?" Jin asked confused, he had too much trust in Alex who was always underestimated.

"Huh? Who knows ?!" Alex said while giggling. "Since you'll going to die soon I guess I can tell you a little secret of mine. Remember that water yesterday? That water was not mixed with potion that will help you boost your strength, the truth is, I mixed it with a toxin, toxin where I can control when the effect happens."

"Hey! Alex, you're kidding right now."

"You think I'm kidding? I'll really going use that medicine once we kill the Guardian and collect the core, then after that, we will ditch you here alone with the corpse of the Guardian. However, things change, we can't afford to kill the guardian and moreover we have collected a fake core which seems to be the reason why this guardian is furious, so here is your fake core." Alex putted the core in his pocket. "...and die along with this."

"On the count of three, 1."

Alex and Josh is swinging Jin's body while preparing to throw him towards the Guardian.

"2... And 3!" As soon as Alex said three, they let go of his body and while he is still on air, they began their escape plan and leaving Jin alone to die.

"Don't worry trash, I will include you in the history with me as the one who sacrificed himself for the strongest hunter in the history. I'll make sure to be on the top!"

"Don't leave me here!!"

As he is flying in the air towards the Guardian, Jin hatred grew where in the point that he resented the god too for not staying by his side.

"Is this what you want from me? Seeing me suffer like this by not giving me your blessing!! I know, I know, you're now laughing in your seat while watching me in this pitiful state."




The Minotaur roared and swing his axe like a baseball bat towards when he saw Jin approaching him. So, Jin flew back to the end wall again and collided.

He fell to the ground and his consciousness gradually disappeared.


'I have to keep myself awake no matter what happens, once this monster returns. Even if everyone turns away from me, I will keep my promise to my mother who is patiently waiting for my arrival. '

He played dead in front of the Guardian and patiently waited for the right moment and as soon as the Minotaur turned and walked away, Jin moved and started crawling out.

'Yosh this is my chance to escape.'

"Mom, why didn't I listen to everything you said." Jin whispered to himself.

'But, I will not give up, I will bring myself out of here alive. My duty is not over and I do not want my mother to see me in such a miserable condition. '

He kept crawling and crawling slowly until he got away from the monster.

But the minotaur is not finished with him, the Minotaur has a sensitive ear where he can hear even the slightest sound in the room.

Rustle! Rustle!

"Rude brat! I let you lie on the floor for my minions to swallow, but who's to run away from someone like me ?!" The language of the Minotaur in a tone of contempt.

When Jin heard the scary voice coming from behind, he looked behind him and only to found out that the Minotaur is ready to swing the edge of his ax.

'It's hell! I guess it's for me. I tried everything I could to escape but still didn't succeed and if I stay here playing dead, I will be eaten by a Vorm of life after it leaves the Minotaur. '

Rooaaarr !!

The minotaur growled and swing again his weapon to Jin.

'If only I had enough power to defeat everything that hinders me. I will kill them mercilessly, not to mention the vile god who ruined my life, he will surely beg me. '

"Hihihi... I'm such a clown. "Jin said while giggling, he accepted his fate and calmed his mind. '

Once the ax landed and split his body in two, all his senses were gone. In that scene, the Minotaur probably killed him and soon left his corpse lying on the ground.

Because of his naivety in trusting people he shouldn't. Only death awaits him.

"Hmm. Interesting ... If that's what you want, then prove it to me." A mysterious lady wonders while sitting in an unknown place.

Ting! Ting!

The bell rang twice. The flesh he was holding glowed and immediately disappeared.

[Wish Granted.]

[Requirements met.]

[Adding both physical and magical strengths in you.]

[Fixing mental health: Emotional damage - Successfull healed.]

[Reverting Physical form: Successful.]

[Adding passive skill; Passive skill acquired: Regeneration-Lv.1 -<Regeneration speed +12%.>]

[Adding passive skill; Passive skill acquired: Detoxification-Lv.1 -<Detoxify all substances that can harm the body.>]

[Adding passive skill; Passive skill failed to acquired due to your kindness, kindness Level will decrease automatically. Substitution Hatred Level Increase.]

[Changing body to Immortal Body: Failed to convert - Requirements not met.]

[In 24 hours, you will ressurect along with the system. Make sure to take care of your newly acquired mana.]