
Great Apostle of Hades

Shienanana · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ice Queen Interviewer

After the first interviewee left, the second person immediately entered with a worried face while his sweat was dripping.

As soon as he handed his resume to the interviewer, it looked at him with a cold stare that made him even more anxious.

"Rejected! Next!"

"Oh shit! The second one was also rejected, how cruel is this interviewer?" The people outside said as they heard the word rejected.

"I'm getting more nervous bro!"

"Hey look, he's here."

As before, he immediately got rejected before he could even sit in the chair. Without complaint, he left the room thinking that even if he argued with that woman he would surely lose.

"How was the interview?" The man asked the second interviewee as it passed in front of him.

The man shook his head and displayed a small smile.

"She is an Ice Queen. She didn't even ask me any question about my life and then she just rejected me." The second interviewee spoke as tears dripped down her cheeks.

"Shit man, he said appearance, isn't he a good-looking guy? Then how about us who look like rusty metal?"

"That's also what I'm thinking bro. I think I'm just gonna leave here before she even rejected me."

"Me too."

Because of what the second interviewee said, some of the waiting people decided to back down without even trying.

'It's not normal! He just a few seconds ago and he's already rejected? Jin thought.

In the same process and situation as before the interview only a few were accepted and most of them were rejected. Not to mention, all that got accepted are all girls.

'Why do they rejected all the male and only accept female? Am I going to be rejected too?'

*Sighed heavily.

'No, I need to stay positive and wait for my turn.'

Jin is the last to be interviewed so he expects to stay in line for a long time. But just a few minutes have passed and his turn to be interviewed has already come.


When Jin heard that word he immediately stood up and faced the door of the interview room. Before he entered he first took a deep breath and cleared his mind.

'All right, just smile Jin you can do that, calm down and answer her questions properly.'

Jin slapped his cheek softly to calm his mind and then entered while showing a big smile on his face to make a good impression in front of the interviewer.

Inside he immediately gave the requirements to the interviewer and then sat in the front seat.

Once the interviewer looked at the paper, the first thing that she noticed was his name. She touched her chin and thought for a moment.

'Jin Silverred? What is he doing here? But maybe they just have the same name because his appearance is very different than the one I know, hmm...' The interviewer thought as she was looking at him from head to toe.

She looked at Jin with a confused look and asked his name for confirmation. "Jin Silverred, right?"

"Yes, it's already written on paper." Jin's sarcastic reply while smiling.

After hearing Jin's answer, the interviewer changed his face to a cold look and stared at him with a dagger.

''Oh! I think I'm confused. It was all written on his face that I would be rejected. Why did I answer him like that? '

"Okay you're hired."

Jin sighed anxiously and faced the floor with a trace of frustration on his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to answer you that way so please forgive my rudeness. Just accept me and I promise you to do my job perfectly, so please ..." Jin groveled in the floor as he begged for forgiveness in front of the interviewer.

'Huh? I just said "you're hired" so what is he doing? Did he hear me wrong? '

"I said you were hired!"

"Please! Please accep-- Huh? What? Did I hear what you said wrong?"


Jin looked up at the interviewer and asked. "So you mean, I was accepted right?"

The interviewer nodded in agreement.

Jin stood up straight and then rushed to the interviewer. He took the interviewer's hand and thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

"Really? Thank you so much for accepting me! I really need this job so I can finish my quest at the end of the month!"

The interviewer smiled awkwardly as he nodded his head. "Now that you're accepted, You can let go of me now!"

"Oh! I'm sorry! I just can't stop myself from thanking people whenever they appreciate me." Jin said with a giggle then let go of his hand.

"So you really are Jin thst I know, huh. Finally found you." Whispered comment of the interviewer to herself.

"Oh, when do I start? If it's okay with you, I can start now, but I'm so sweaty and smelly. Can I take a bath first?"

"No, no! Your shift is going to start tomorrow 5pm to 9:30 pm and for the uniform, go straight to the staff room to find a uniform that suits you. The staff room is just next door."

"Roger ma'am!"

Jin picked up his bag on the floor and immediately ran towards the door to get out, but, before he could open the door, the interviewer called him.

"Jin, don't you remember me?" Question of the interviewer.

Jin turned and looked at her with a questioning face while tilted his head.

"Have we seen each other before?" Jin asked as his finger pointed back and forth between them.

"Ahh. Nevermind, I think I got the wrong person. And by the way, don't call me ma'am, I'm too young to be called by that, Just call me Iya from now on."

"Okay, got it Iya." Jin said smiling as he opened the interview room door. "But, isn't it too rude to call you that?"

"No buts, okay? I feel more comfortable when you call me that."

'So he really can't recognize me, huh! Well, I understand the reason. But we have so much time so I think you can figure it out soon, there's no point in rushing.' Iya thought as she saw Jin leaving the room.