
Great Apostle of Hades

Shienanana · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Riiing !! Riiing !!"

*Yawn out loud!

"It's morning right away?" Jin said when he woke up.

After getting a little rest in her bed, she immediately changed into a tracksuit to prepare for her daily routine. He went down first and washed his face once brushed his teeth and then ate breakfast with his mother.

"It's like the past week you've been doing so much every morning." Aime said in front of the dining room table.

"Um ..." Jin nodded in agreement. "I exercise every morning to keep my body in shape every time." He said while flexing his arm muscle.

"Exercising only? Someone also told me that you did a part-time job at Uncle Cornello's store. Aren't you still satisfied with the allowance I'm giving you?" Amie said in a sad tone while showing the worried face.

*Cough! Cough!

Jin was shocked and choked while eating when he heard what his mother said.

""Ahh .. Yes I wanted to tell you that before, but you seem to be too busy with your work so I didn't get the right time. But don't worry mom." Jin looked at him with a serious face and spoke, "I do a part-time-job so I can buy the things I want with my own money. So it's okay if you don't give me an allowance anymore, I'm done with school so I don't have the right to receive your money, just use it for your own, mother and don't worry, I'm a man after all."

Smiling Aime looked at him and nodded in agreement. "Okay I will trust you, but still, always be careful. And yeah, when you come to Uncle Cornello's place, don't forget to say hello for me."

After eating Jin's breakfast he immediately grabbed his bag and hurried out.

As Jin started to walk, he suddenly remembered another part-time job he had recently applied for so he went back to let his mother know about it.

In front of the door of their house, Amie saw Jin coming back so she asked with concern, "Oh Jin why? Did you forget something?"

"Uhm ... Yeah, I just want to inform you that from today onward, I think I'm gonna come home late every night, so don't prepare a food for me at nignt."

"Huh why?"

"I just got another job at the newly opened restaurant in Yokan city, my shift is about 17:00 to 22:00."

"Oh!" Amie exclaimed. "Is that so? Don't forget to always be careful, huh..! And go home early too if possible."

Jin happily waved his hand at his mother and then left for his morning exercise.

"Lately, my stamina seems to have improved a lot. I just need to keep this up so I can have a chance to defeat the Guardian and finish it on my own." Jin said to himself as he jog in the park.

And while he was jogging he felt a little thirsty so he went back to the place where he left his belongings and sat down.

"Water, water!"

Jin immediately opened his bag hoping there was water but only found out that his tumbler was not in his bag.

"What? How's that? Do I live at home?" Jin said in a disappointed tone. "Well forget it, there's a vending machine nearby so I only need 100 Oni to buy water."

But, too bad with his bad luck and foolishness, because when he was looking for his wallet in the bag he noticed that he not only left his tumbler at home but also his wallet.

"Are you kidding me Jin? How can you leave out the two most important things." He spoke anxiously and then face-palmed. "Now that I noticed all of it. This is not the bag I use for work, this is my school bag. No wonder it's much heavy compared to that one."

Instead of worrying about the things he forgot to bring, Jin first rested in the shade of a tree to quench his thirst so he could continue afterwards.

He lay down on the grass with both hands on the back of his head. As he rested on the grass for a few minutes he suddenly felt a cold sensation on his left cheek, to his great surprise at what he felt he quickly sat up.

"Whoa, what's that?"

Jin caressed her cheek and she noticed it was wet. He looked around to find out what had happened until he saw a familiar woman looking at him with a big smile.

"I-Iyaaaa? !!" Shocked he said and asked more. "What are you doing here?"

Iya handed him a bottle of cold water and whispered, "I'm exercising too. Why, is there a problem?" She answered in a direct tone.

However, Jin did not accept the water that came from him because he did not want to embarrass Iya to the people around who saw them.

"No, what I mean is, why are you sitting next to me? What if the people around us would laugh at you too because you sat next to me and what's even more, is that you even brought me a bottle of water. "

Iya's face was serious as she forced herself to give him water. "Accept that, and why are you worried about those people? I'm giving you this water because I heard you left your house and your house. I know you're thirsty, so don't be shy."

"But like I said, what if your reputation is ruined because of me? I guess you don't know my nickname here."

Jin scratched the back of his head and peered around. He saw people gossiping around them and they didn't even lower their voices while playing with him.

"Playing poor infront of a beautiful lady just to win her sympathy. What a jerk, he is really a greedy just as the news said."

"Why didn't he just die when he was left alone inside the dungeon? And now he's giving us this vision."

"And that girl, looked at her, isn't she disgusted to sit next to him? Or is she just playing a good girl?"

Smiling, Jin looked at Iya and whispered, "See! Noting good will happen is you stay close to m--

"Accept it ... Accept it ~" Iya said while stabbing the water bottle in Jin's cheek so that he couldn't utter a word, and for a second, she glared at the people around them with a killing intent then shifted her eyes again. to Jin, and while staring at him she displayed a puppy eyes to look more approachable towards him.

Because of her stubbornness and the look on her face, Jin didn't notice that he gave up and accepted the water unconciously.

"Uh ... Umm ... T-thank you."

Not long after Jin accepted the water, he drank it all and forgot about their surroundings.

"Ughhh ... That's right." Jin said after he quenched his thirst.

While the two were quietly resting in the shade, Jin couldn't keep his mouth shut so out of the blue he asked.

"Right, I was just thinking, do you always jog here in this park?"

When Iya heard Jin's question, she flustered suddenly and loss the chance to think in the point that her sweat dripped all over her face. She don't really know how to answer his question and so she answered it randomly.

"Um .. ehh ... I, you know ... Right .. I saw it on the inter--" But after her word where done, Jin interrupted him and spoke.

"By any chance, you just live nearby? Because my house is just near here, it's only 3 kilometers away from here to be exact."

"Ughh .. No, no! I live Yokan city and I just saw this park on the internet and I just wanted to try exercising here that is why I'm here right now."

'Hooo ~! I almost got caught. The real reason I'm here is because I saw you working out here recently on your resume. And thank god this park is a famous place. Iya thought as she averted her eyes as her sweat dripped all over her face.

"Oh!" Jin exclaimed. "I thougth you live near. If you still have time after this, do you want to eat at my house. My mom's cooking is really delicious and I know you'll like it for sure."

Iya felt a little happy at Jin's suggestion, but before she could answer her phone suddenly rang.

*Riing Riing !!

"Wait Jin, can I answer this call first?" He asked before he answered the call.

Jin nodded in agreement. "Of course why not."

As soon as Iya took the phone out of her pocket, an annoyed look suddenly appeared on her face.

"Hello, this is Iya speaking."

'Ughh ... Boss, how did you call at such bad timing? I almost regain my past with Jin and now you ruined everything. Iya thought while talking on her phone.

"Ahh ... Yes, yes! I'll just wait."

After the phone call, Iya returned to the place where Jin was waiting and apologized, "I'm sorry Jin, I think I can't eat at your house today. An urgent request from my boss suddenly came and they needed me so much, So I have to leave right now. "

"Oh!" Jin exclaimed. "Is that so? Well it looks very serious and you don't have to be sorry." Jin replied smiling but was a bit disappointed with his answer.

"I gotta go now and Good luck on work today at the restaurant!" Iya waved at Jin and immediately entered a blue sport car parked in the parking lot.

"Goodbye, and if I have free time, I'll let you know so we can eat at your house for real." Iya said with a big smile in the window of her car and left.

As soon as he saw Iya riding in a luxury car, he was so dumbfounded and said to himself, "Whoa !! I think I got a wrong person to talk to!"