
Grand Gacha System

las, another victim of randomly dying and getting reincarnated. Will this protagonist receive broken authorities of the universe? A demon in their right arm? Or maybe even reincarnated as another character? Gasp! Maybe even limitless wishes! No! It's something totally new and original! They shall receive the incarnation of hell itself! A gacha system! ( This is a novel that I found on Wattpad, the original Aurthor is Okipullyurireal. )

Sokdavid · Video Games
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter :12 : Enuma! Elish!

Third Person P.O.V:

Lying in the bed of a small inn is an orange-haired girl, surrounded by very... unique individuals. She has been in this state of unconsciousness for a few hours, which worried a few of these individuals. Though luckily it was simply due to exhaustion and strain, no actual injuries or damage was done. This girl, was naturally, Gudako.

The rest of the makeshift Chaldea simply waited, taking turns watching over her recovery. Although a few individuals who were not very... suited for the task of taking care of a person were left to do basically nothing. Time had passed and soon from morning, it became noon, the sun hovering high in the sky. The sun kept going, not waiting for the sleeping girl to wake.

Eventually, it began to set, and soon the moon rose. Still, Gudako had not woken up, and so the servants began to go to sleep, or at least tried to. Heracles was more crouching intimidatingly in a corner, as Cu had to stay up well into midnight and make sure Jack didn't start mass murdering people like a babysitter.

Even those with no particular need to sleep did so, as there wasn't anything much better to do in the meantime. The moon did as the sun had, moving on in the sky, soon reaching its peak and then descending. But around halfway to its descent beyond the horizon, in all of the servant's heads, they heard a mechanical voice and they all awoke, alert and ready.

[ Notice: Host has still not chosen rewards for clearing the Main Quest 'Goblin Slaying', rewards shall be now chosen automatically. Recommended that servants protect the Host during this period of inactivity, to ensure the safety of the Host. ]

[ Commencing Processes... ]

[ Detecting Rewards... ]

[ Confirmed. ]

[ Rewards: [Fragment of Protagnilium x1] (EX) ]

[ Choice based reward detected. ]

[ Converting to luck-based reward... ]

[ Complete. ]

[ Gacha initiated... ]

[ Rolling Gacha... ]

[ New Host Template acquired. ]

[ Analyzing... ]

[ Luck based reward detected. ]

[ Host is still unable to choose. ]

[Luck-based reward shall be used automatically. ]

[ Gacha initiated... ]

[ New Servant acquired. ]

[ Beginning summoning... ]

This is where the voice all the servants heard had ended, it worked a bit differently than normal as Gudako was unconscious. The servants present did not hear whatever this so-called 'Host Template' was or who this new servant was, as it had opted to omit that information from them. Now on their guard, suddenly a bright flash of light had blinded them all for a moment.

After recovering, they no longer saw a bright orange-haired Gudako resting in her bed, but a more petite and doe-eyed brunette girl. Most were confused, but a few had connected the dots of what the system said and put the pieces together. For whatever unknown reason, their master had changed appearances.

But the real main event was yet to start, the new servant. Following right after, a magical circle of some kind appeared on the ground and began glowing. Small orbs of light spun around it, turning rainbow in color as they spun faster and faster, turning into a ring from their speed. Soon enough it dissipated, and another blinding light illuminated the small room of the inn.

In the place of that glowing radiant light was something that perhaps could be called even more grand and bright. A man, sitting calmly on a golden throne of pure gold, in equally golden armor. His hair had a gold hue to it as well, the only things that weren't were some blue accents on his armor, along with red fabrics that matched his scorning eyes of scarlet.

A few servants reacted with awe, seeing the flamboyant man appear out of thin air before them. Some select few reacted... less favorably than the others. Those with certain memories pertaining to the man in front of them reacted poorly, having flashbacks, feeling uncontrollable rage within them, or ceasing function altogether.

The man in gold- no, the king on his rightful throne looked around, rather unimpressed and bored-looking. Resting a hand on his face, he was about to speak about their worthlessness and what they had perhaps summoned him here for, that was until... a certain human girl and green hair had caught his eye.

Temporarily caught in a moment of shock and mild joy that surprised the more acute servants who caught the change in expression, something even more surprising happened after. The king had burst into laughter, going from looking as if he wished he was anywhere but here to being the most amused in the room. He got ready to speak after calming himself from his laughter.

???: Kuahahaha! I see, this place is far more interesting- no, welcoming than I first imagined. To think I would find you two here, certainly makes this place more than tolerable. Indeed, a reunion is in order!

His face shifting scarily quick from joy to that of anger, he turned to the rest of the people in the room and pointed a finger at them.

Gil: What are you doing there standing dumbfounded, mongrels? I enjoy being looked upon and praised, but not by unworthy filth over a reunion with those to whom I consider friends. Now that you know this, begone! The king of heroes, Gilgamesh, has no use for mongrels in this place, so leave already!

Enkidu seeing tensions rise at the refusal of the servants to move an inch and from Gil's growing anger and impatience, they decided to intervene. They thought about how much they might get scolded by their Master later seeing as this was certain to be destructive, but Enkidu was sure that the destruction would be limited by their noble phantasm... so Enkidu hoped for anyway.

Enkidu: Gil, how about we continue the duel on that plaza once again... let us relive that joy. Though perhaps we should move to a more suitable location for battle, I can sense you have a connection to the appearance of our master, which is why you restrained yourself from going to battle immediately. So, how about it, Gil?

Gil only smiled at this and nodded his head with a warm smile of nostalgia, after which he walked to the window of the room and tossed it open. With a snap of his fingers a golden portal that looked as if it were a ripple on the surface of water opened. A ship of mainly gold, along with green wings as well as blue stripes came out of the gate, floating in the air.

Gil: Hop on if you wish to take this battle elsewhere, I would not wish to hurt one of the only people I've recognized as my Master after all.

Enkidu: Hmm... to think you would look at someone with such fond eyes, it seems the king of heroes has grown soft.

Gil: I simply admire their value as a human... and a few other things. Nonetheless, let us continue our so-called "reunion", shall we?

With that Enkidu hopped onto the ship known as Vimana, one of the many treasures in Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon. However, he took one last look behind him, past the servants he saw little to no true worth in, and to his Master. Remembering the adventures they had in a certain grail war at the odd location of the literal moon, he let out a small smirk as he flew off.


With that... the battle between two old friends began.


Gudako P.O.V:

Mash claps her hands together and smiles at me, having finished her explanation.

Mash: So that's how we ended up here, Senpai.

Gudako: Ah... that certainly is a... massive fucking problem! 

I watch in horror as the chains summoned by Enkidu congregate and begin forming a... plant? Well I know what it does, it's just weird to see it in person. But to even more dread at the coming destruction, I see clouds twist and swirl above forming a massive storm overhead as a red glow comes from Ea being held by Gilgamesh. I also swear I saw reality crack a bit! That is not healthy!

Gil:  Heaven and Earth split, nothingness congratulated creation, my Sword of Rupture cleaved the world. Mortar of the stars, heaven's hell is the eve of creation's celebration. Now you shall die and be silent... 

Enkidu: For I walk with humanity, therefore...

I see the flower, which is actually a divine construct, bloom and spread its energy to defend the planet... which I really hope it does! But at the same time, I see the wind and energy of Ea coalesce and gather faster and faster around the weapon, so my salvation and imminent destruction are being charged at the same time... haha, I'm in danger.

Gil/Enkidu: Enuma Elish!

As they finished doing that, Mash who was still beside me pointed a finger at the two as if they were the finishing touch to her explanation of what I missed out on while I was passed out. Luckily they are rather far away, in a flat open field. Still, though, I don't feel particularly safe as I see the two noble phantasms clash, but oddly enough they fizzle out quickly and don't do much damage to the planet at all besides a crater, as if they were canceled suddenly.

Mash: That about wraps up things to the present, Senpai. Gilgamesh and Enkidu are still fighting and have just used their noble phantasms.

Gudako: No! No! You're telling me they went straight to Enuma Elish?! 

Mash: Well no, they started fighting before the sun rose. As you can see, it's already late morning, so they've been going at it for quite a while. Actually, the place where they were fighting was a large mountain range. The keyword being 'was', Senpai...

I look over to where Mash points and only see the flat field in the distance... ugh... that might be a problem later, I thought it was flat originally. Even all the way from the inn I can see thousands of weapons being launched from the ground and shot out from the Gate of Babylon. They are really going at it huh? Why did they stop their noble phantasms halfway through the clash?

Wait... I'm Hakuno, or well I'm pretty sure I am, she is a bit plain looking after all. Anyways, don't tell me... is Gil trying to show off?! No, is it holding back? I was prepared to deal with an insubordinate stuck-up prick, but I think thanks to this I got the most powerful golden simp on the planet! Thanks, my new Max Bond with Gil skill and this Hakuno face of mine!

Oh yeah, the system notified me of what happened aside from Mash, so I got a pretty good idea of what happened when I passed out. But how do I even see their fight in this much detail and hear them? They are far away and stuff and even my vision enhanced by a servant can't see that far. It seems Gil left behind a neat magical artifact for me to watch the fight, so yeah... I think he is showing off.

I keep on watching the fight, noble phantasms being thrown everywhere, some melee combat, and a whole lot of explosions. This goes on for a while more as they keep on fighting, really though, seeing them fight in person is a whole new spectacle to watch! It's so fun! Ahem... I won't start making them fight for my entertainment though. Definitely not, that's cruel.

Gil: It seems the guest of honor has woken up! Let us put on the true climax to this show then!

He was totally waiting for me to wake up to show off, wasn't he?! This might be a whole different breed of problem than Gilgamesh with his usual personality! It also seems that this magical mirror is two-way, seeing as he looked at me through it. Maybe it's like a camera? If so, I'm impressed how it's still intact, or maybe that's the perk of being the camera to a fight.

Enkidu: Seriously... Gil, to think you would make me hold back so much for our Master over there! I had quite a bit of trouble restraining myself so much, you know? So let us truly begin!

Gil: Agreed! Let a true show of our power commence, a full-powered clash of our might! 

I see Gil pull out Ea again and a green light surrounds Enkidu... don't tell me... they are going again?! Another round?! Seriously?! That much power was them holding back and canceling it because of me?! No, if they go all out I seriously might die! That was already scary enough, this is going to be worse! Based on the system rules... they are as powerful as they were in life, meaning more powerful than just normal servants! I'm dead! I'm so dead!

Enkidu: I am happy... to be able to compare my abilities like this against you once again. As Master might say... I'm going to go all out! Gil!

Gil: Kuahaha, I see, Enkidu! Well then, feel free to sing praise as you like, the both of you! 

Gil/Enkidu: I will tell you of the beginning... / I will awaken the breath of the planet...

I feel my life flash before my eyes as the entire world's sky seems to go red and bend to the will of Ea. I get some relief as I see Enkidu's own version of Enuma Elish take shape and form to both protect and reshape the world from the damage. But still, their clash as servants turned a desert to glass... so what is it going to do now that they are at their strongest!? What to do!?

They are still chanting, so think quickly, me! Lord Camelot can only defend so much, and so can Leonidas' noble phantasm. Most other servants are for fighting too, so not much can be done on that front. I need to be more creative! Think! They might not destroy the world thanks to Enkidu, but the clash is still going to be really fucking destructive!

Gah! Damnit for those two battle-crazed "best friends"! Though at least my efforts in playing the Fate games came to fruition, I can get the super rare Hakuno treatment from Gil. But that backfired because he is trying to show off way too much like a prideful idiot! I quickly scroll through my inventory for anything to save me from this situation-

[ Dungeon Key: Warhammer 40K (B+) ]

Aha! Bring the destruction and absurd power to a place full of that! Alright, this is my only option and they are almost finished chanting and charging up their noble phantasms. Sure, it might end up in me being equally or more dead than getting caught in an Enuma Elish clash, but it's the best I got! Go! System! Use it!

[ Does the host wish to use Dungeon Key: Warhammer 40K (B+)? ]

Yes! Use it already!

[ Confirmed. Which servants does the Host wish to bring along with them? No limits or requirements are present in this dungeon. ]

I was about to put some thought into it, but I took a peek at the magic mirror I was using to watch their fight.

Gil: Now you shall die and be silent...

Enkidu: Therefore...

Gah, I don't have time to choose! Bring all of them! Just bring all of them and teleport right now!

[ Confirmed. ]

[ 14 targets detected. ]

[ Inducing soul stasis... ]

[ Beginning transfer to the chosen dungeon... ]

[ Warhammer 40k. ]

Gah! They are almost about to fire! Why am I not sleepy so I can get knocked out and we can teleport already!? Hurry up system-





???: For the Emperor!

???: Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull throne!

What the... everything is so damn loud- wah!

Cu: Oi, Master! I don't know where the hell we are, but don't just go sitting around on the ground!

I seem to have been picked up like a sack of potatoes by Cu again, I've actually used Cu as a means of transport more than the bersercar now that I think about it. Now paying attention to my surroundings, I see bullets flying, machines of war everywhere, and a- holy shit! That's a big army! It's basically a tide of people vs. a tide of literal demons!

Cu keeps on running through the field of battle, occasionally having to slash down a few people, or demons, I don't know! I'm not picking sides! I'm just trying to survive here! Luckily it seems his protection from arrows also protects us from bullets, and not even a single one grazes us. Okay, so Cu as always has saved me from imminent death, but where are the others-

Heracles: ▂▂▃▃▅▅ーーー!!

Jack: Hehehe, rip and tear! Rip and tear! Die! Die! Die!

Well... I found two of them. It is wholesome how they are bonding together if you ignore brutally stabbing and ripping things to a bloody paste. It seems Jack is fast and agile enough to handle herself, and well Heracles... he is tanking all kinds of weapons and attacks like nothing per usual. Anyways, as I look around I can catch a few more of the servants scattered about.

Cu: Master, we should regroup! Also, should I call you something else because of your new appearance?

This isn't a really good time to ask that, but I might as well answer him.

Gudako: Okay, that sounds like a plan! And uh... it's fine! Call me the same things, it'll just get confusing otherwise!

Cu: Gotcha! Now let's go pick up the pieces of this disorganized group!

Speeding up yet again and nearly giving me whiplash, Cu dashes about to the other servants. First up, Heracles and Jack. As we arrive at the carnage of both people and all kinds of... uh... things. They either became unrecognizable after Jack and Heracles or were already unrecognizable abominations.

Gudako: Alright, Jack and Heracles, come on and follow us!

Heracles:  ▂▂▃▃▅▅▅▅ーーー!!

Jack: Oh, Mommy! Are we going to do more things to kill?

Gudako: Uh... I guess so.

Jack: Yay!

She hops onto my neck to hang off from it like a piggyback ride from her previous spot on Heracles' shoulder. But... am I imagining things? I swear Heracles looked sadder when Jack chose me over him. Probably am, okay, time to collect the rest of them!

Gudako: Cu car! Go!

Cu: I'm not a car, Master! But alright then, let's go!

As we go from servant to servant picking them up, I leave it to Cu, since it's not exactly like we need a strong argument to get them to come with us. Now then, I may have saved us from getting blasted into dust by Enuma Elish, but now we are on an unknown planet in some deranged universe of pure destruction!

But where are Enkidu and Gil? I have yet to see them. I didn't see their Enuma Elish clash either, but maybe I just missed it since I was knocked out. It is sort of hard to tell amidst all the giant machines, super-powered soldiers, and literal demons. But it seems like it's just a conflict between Chaos and the Imperium, and yes, I do know a bit of Warhammer. What? I like big guns and stuff!

Oh yeah! I should ask the system what we are doing here! Hey system! What are we supposed to do in this dungeon?

[ Dungeon Quest: Prevent the fall of Cadia due to the Chaos Gods and Abaddon. ]

... I should have expected something like this.

Mordred: Hey Master- ow you little shit!

I turn to see Mordred stomp on a nasty little creature that bit her leg before going back to speak to me.

Mordred: What about that shiny fuck and the cabbage-colored guygalclay shit?

Those are interesting nicknames for sure...

Gudako: I don't know either, Mordred. For now, we should just try to avoid the main battles and survive.

Mordred: Got it! Blast them to ashes! Kick their brains in!

Gudako: No you- gah! Hey! Listen to me!

I see her run off and start fist-fighting Chaos Space Marines... great... I don't like how both parties are having a little too much fun beating the shit out of each other either. I swear... if she starts screaming their goddamn chant of blood for the blood god and skulls for the skull throne. Anyways, at least most of us have maintained formation and are just dealing with whatever enemy comes our way. 

Well... I say maintain formation... but it's more so just loosely staying around me and having a bit too much fun killing things. Though Cu is being a loyal guard dog and staying near me, mhm! I'll definitely grail him! Anyways, Jalter is sadistically smiling as she burns things, Ushi is beheading per usual, and Mash and Leonidas are about to cast their noble phantasm- wait what? A combo of shield phantasms!? I gotta see it!

Mash: With my True Name revealed, I stand amid disaster. That which heals all wounds and grudges, our glorious homeland. Manifest yourself, Lord Camelot!

Leonidas: Behold the might of all the Spartans truly present at our glorious final stand! The 300-, no! Face all 7000 brave and mighty Spartans! Face the might of Sparta! Thermopylae Enomotia!

On one side of us, massive white walls form and stand tall as Mash slams her shield down on the ground. On the other side, thousands of phantoms of the Spartan soldiers appear, forming their shields into an equally impressive wall of shields. Now instead of worrying about all the bullets and weird warp magic, it's rather peaceful aside from the occasional demon or Imperium soldier.

Anyways, we need to prevent the fall of Cadia. How does it fall exactly? Well, some shithead chuunibyou named Abbadon or whatever is a sore loser and throws a fucking moon-sized spaceship into the thing! That's what I know at least, I've always been more of a gacha addict than some Warhammer lore-obsessed person.

Okay, but do we even have the firepower with the current servants we have right now to prevent that? Looking around... yeah... no... I mean maybe if we combine their noble phantasms? It's unfortunate, but most servants here are 1 on 1 focused, not specialized in blowing up moons or planets! So where the hell is Enkidu and Gil?! They would work great for this! They better not still be busy fighting each other amidst this whole mess! What to do?


I hear a massive boom of air and sound as if something massive had just entered the atmosphere- ah... that's the Blackstone fortress the crybaby throws at the planet... aka giant moon-sized spaceship thing. We're all going to die at this rate! I don't care if we have the strongest shields, it doesn't matter if there isn't a planet to stand on! Wait! Kama!

Gudako: Kama! Kama! Do something! Incinerate it with your super awesome beast and goddess powers!

I shake her from her position as my headrest. What? The servants were dealing with the enemies, am I not allowed to be comfortable in a war-torn galaxy?

Kama: Wah... do I have to?

Gudako: Yes, yes you do! Or else this planet will blow up and we'll die in space!

Kama: Eh... but it's fine, Master. I can keep you safe in space since my body is my own universe, don't worry...

With that she goes back to being lazy... damn this hot but lazy goddess! But oh, if she can keep us safe in space then I guess it's fine-

[ Notice: Failure of the quest will lead to the four Chaos Gods coming to personally beat you to death. ]

You shitty system! Damn, whatever sadist monster made this thing! Also, haven't the screams of fighting for the Emperor gone awfully quiet? I hear a whole lot of demonic screeches and chanting glories of their twisted gods. Turning to look, I see the servants cleaning up remnants of some enemies, farther away is a tide of demons and Chaos Marines.


Well fuck, it seems we aren't dealing with crazed religious zealots, but literal hellspawn. Whoever won is a lose-lose for us anyway! Gah! What to do!? Looking at the ever-increasing tide of imminent death, the servants get ready. I know they are strong... but can they handle an entire army hundreds of thousands strong? We were lucky the Imperium was distracting them earlier... but they sorta y'know... all died!?

Chaos Marines/Demons: Blood for the Blood God! / For Nurgle's happiness! / *Incoherent riddles and nonsense* / UOUGHHHHHHHH! SEGGSSSSS!!!!

Okay... maybe the Imperium would've been better. These guys are all totally messed up, but what to expect from a faction named Chaos? All the servants get in formation around me in this makeshift fortress we made. We can probably hold out, but killing them all is out of the question, not unless Gil or Enkidu show up-


I turn my head to see a... holy fucking shit that is a giant mech?! It's like a mountain?! The cannon is smoking and the shot it fired just annihilated a crap ton of Chaos! But wait... is that Enkidu riding on it?! What?! As I am still confused, thousands of golden gates appear in the sky, and weapons are launched like an endless stream of blades, spears, axes, and whatever he has in his treasury!

Gil: Kuahahaha! Sorry for being late, Master. Endless amounts of fools and mongrels dared to block my path, and not only that but interrupt my reunion with Enkidu!

Enkidu: Indeed, so let us take care of these troublesome monsters first!

I watch as countless projectiles skewer our enemies, Enkidu using the Age of Babylon to produce uncountable weapons of this age, those being guns, mechs, ships, it's all there. Now that we have two walking powerhouses of victory and a literal army of this age's strongest weapons thanks to both of them, I sit back down to lay on my Kama pillow.

Cu: Master?!

Gudako: We've won. I'm going to sleep.

Kama: Mhm~, just like that Master. This is how to live life~

Mash: Senpai... I don't think Kama is a good influence...

Oh wait, the Blackstone Fortress coming to kill us all... eh, I've got the solution.

Gudako: Hey, Gil!

Gil: Hmm? What is it, Master?

Gudako: That giant thing coming from the sky is going to kill us all, so can you destroy it with Ea? Please?

Gil: Hmph, now why would I do that-

I give him my best puppy eyes using the power of Hakuno to appeal to him. Try going against my max bond with you and Hakuno's charms! You can't!

Gil: Now actually, that thing killing you would be rather problematic. Alright then, Enuma Elish!

He didn't do the cool chant, but oh well. I've won! Hooray for me! Gacha triumphs once more! Too easy-

[ Notice: Host's collective power level is determined to be sufficient. In 15 days a mandatory event shall be held. A tournament of humans vs. gods to determine the fate of the human race. Ragnarok! ]

I shouldn't have gotten so cocky...


New Servant/s:


New Protag Appearance, Hakuno:

Now onto the Warhammer stuff!


Space Marines (Imperium 1st, Chaos 2nd) there are also too many chapters of them so just some general images to imagine them better:


Imperium/Astra Militarum:

Blackstone Fortress coming to explode Cadia:

A giant mech!

A supermassive spaceship!


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