
Grand Gacha System

las, another victim of randomly dying and getting reincarnated. Will this protagonist receive broken authorities of the universe? A demon in their right arm? Or maybe even reincarnated as another character? Gasp! Maybe even limitless wishes! No! It's something totally new and original! They shall receive the incarnation of hell itself! A gacha system! ( This is a novel that I found on Wattpad, the original Aurthor is Okipullyurireal. )

Sokdavid · Video Games
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30 Chs

Chapter : 11 : Goblins! Slaughter!

Gudako P.O.V:

I rush to the cave that I vaguely remember the location of, I may have been too hasty, but this isn't the time to be cautious. If I can just prevent that from happening, prevent the deaths of those innocent people, it means I've done something good here, that I've made a difference. So long as someone like Priestess doesn't have to witness the cruelty of goblins like I did, I'll be happy.

So I keep going, running through trees and rocks without a care, I have to be faster. My surroundings got more familiar, so I made sure to check out the area of the cave where it was all supposed to happen, this is good. I'm making progress, and sure enough, I soon stumble upon the entrance of the cave. I feel my heartbeat increase and my breath quicken... I just hope I got here in time.

Without heeding the advice or techniques I managed to get from Goblin Slayer, I rush into the cave. It's much harder to navigate than I thought, seeing as there were so many twisting pathways. Not to mention how damn dark and narrow it is in here! Damnit! This cave the goblins use is slowing me down, how much more horrible do goblins need to be?!

I managed to calm down from my initial reaction at the inn though, I need to be more careful about this. So I continue running through the cave until I smell it. Blood, perhaps it's from being enhanced by the powers of Lancelot, but I can smell it even through the helmet, strongly. I feel my vision narrow, no... surely it hadn't been that long? No way did it already happen! In a rush, I break through a thin cave wall and stumble from the rubble.

Recovering, my vision is blocked by dust until it finally settles. I look around to see the corpses of a few goblins, one charred with a hole through it's chest, a few more dead from slashes or kicks I assume. But it's fine! I see the swordsman just resting over there, the wizard being taken care of by the priestess, and well... I don't know where the fighter is, but she must be close by! I'm here just in time! The rest of the goblins aren't here yet and they dealt with the initial ones all by themselves!


A noise breaks the silence, the laughter of goblins. This breaks me out of my delusion, to which I finally notice it... the crying... the groans of pain... the goblins... ahh... I look around in a stupor, it's too similar to that time. So I finally saw it, my false dream that everyone was fine breaking and shattering into a million pieces. I just made myself see that everyone was fine, I didn't want to look at the reality of the situation.

The swordsman wasn't resting, he was a mangled corpse, the poor wizard was dying out on the floor from a poisoned dagger beside Priestess, the fighter was surrounded by goblins, and Priestess herself cowering in fear. I just refused to acknowledge it when I arrived, my trauma and denial of the truth that I was too late preventing it. I really wanted to believe that I would get the ideal outcome I wanted, that everything would go my way somehow just like it did until now.

But now... I see it. The horror of goblins. How...

I was too late.

I was too careless.

I was too scared.

I am just... too weak.



*Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki*

I can't... I can't... I can't...

*Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki*

I can't do it! I can't! I'm too scared! I'm too weak! I can't face goblins!


But then I hear it, a scream, a high-pitched scream of pain and terror. Yet again I manage to break free from my fear for just a bit. That was all it took, to see the fighter about to be r*ped by those things. Seeing Priestess desperately drag the wizard away as she was trying to call out to me to run. No, I can't just be another victim here. I can't just stand by and let something like this happen again. I get up from the ground I was unknowingly on, it seems my knees buckled when I got into one of my panic attacks again.

The goblins seemed to have ignored me since they were too focused on the other people here. That is their mistake because now I know that I have to do something. I have to do the only thing I can do now, no matter if I'm scared, no matter how many goblins there are. It's the only solution to this problem. I feel the rage I felt when I first heard of the news back in the inn surge. The singular thought I had coming back to me...


I have to... kill.


Every. Last. Goblin.


Third Person P.O.V:


A distorted scream of rage breaks the silence of the cave, drawing the attention of every being within. The goblins look on in confusion, seemingly having missed the new arrival due to the dark coloration of the figure's armor. Breaking away from the woman they were just about to use to take a closer look at this strange armored figure.

Suddenly, the head turns and they see the red visor of the figure staring back at them. A deep seething rage behind it. They backed away in instinctual fear until they noticed something. The lustful and despicable nature of the goblins makes its entrance. They noticed the figure was female, or at least shaped like one. So a few licked their lips, others laughed.

But the armored knight would have none of it, as if the mere hatred-filled glare was enough to kill, a goblin's neck was twisted so much the head came clean off. Shocked from the sudden death of one of their own, the goblins took a second to realize... this person was a threat. So they readied their crude weapons in fear of the same happening to them.


A deeper, more guttural laugh emerged from behind the goblins. Holding the fighter woman by the leg before tossing her aside like an old rag, seemed to only anger the knight in black more, however. The goblins had regained confidence too, seeing one of their strongest come to support them.

But Gudako, donning the armor of Lancelot, wasn't phased in the slightest by this. It mattered not that there was a hobgoblin, just like the one who broke her legs like twigs all that time ago. It didn't matter that the laugh of the goblins that used to terrify her to her very bones echoed off the cave walls, mocking her from all angles and surrounding her in their hideous voices.

She only took a glance behind her, seeing Priestess muttering prayers and desperately trying to save her dying or even dead party members. This filled her with even more rage, and filled her head with only more thoughts to kill and slaughter. Her trauma was crushed under the weight of her anger at the things that caused her and others so much pain in this world.

So after a final stare, sights set on the hobgoblin in particular, she dashed forward. In an instant, a goblin had its head ripped from its body, the spine joining it. In yet another blink of an eye, two goblins found themselves impaled on a spear, a skewer of goblin corpses. The remaining goblins found their fear coming back to them, and even the hobgoblin would find itself unconsciously stepping backward.

Soon enough, a goblin found itself face to face with the knight, seeing only an imposing red light, the rest of the black armor fading into the shadows of the cave. It tried to fight back even against it's gut telling it to run for it's life, and it should have listened. The crudely made club was caught without effort and ripped from its grip.


With a brutally hard swing, the skull of the goblin caved in and its brain matter was splattered on the cave walls. With yet another swing another goblin had its ribs crushed into sharp shards, stabbing its internal organs and killing it. Discarding the club, Gudako decided to use the sword of the fallen swordsman, to take vengeance in his place.

It was too long to swing in the cave, however, so she broke it in two with her knee. Holding the broken-off half of the blade in one hand like a dagger, while wielding the other just like a normal sword, albeit shortened. Leaping forward she lands on top of a goblin, piercing it's eye with the shard of the blade, leaving the piece within the skull.

Jumping from the corpse, like an angel of death, she flies forward with incredible speed at a group of goblins. In a singular swing, all of them are decapitated and their heads go flying, their bodies dropping down to the ground with a satisfying thump. With that, the only one left was the hobgoblin, now slightly trembling.

But this hobgoblin got here because it had never tasted defeat, never was slain by any adventurer. It grew and grew from a mere little goblin, slaughtering the poor newbie adventurers that came to kill it as it grew more. Overconfident in its strength from this, it ran forward, ready to pummel Gudako just like every other adventurer who thought they could take it down.

That was its first and last mistake when facing her, as its right leg twisted from an unknown force, just like the first goblin that was killed. It fell to the ground, helpless, as the cold and hatred-filled gaze of Gudako bore into its now pathetic form. She could only let out an echoed and distorted laugh, at how ironic this situation had turned out.


Following this, she stepped hard on the still functioning leg of the hobgoblin, leaving it with no means of escape. It of course still tried to desperately crawl away, even letting out pathetic noises, perhaps in its language it was begging for mercy. But no matter what it did to try and live, none of it would work in the face of the wrath it had invoked.

Seeing it crippled, Gudako started walking away, one could say that the hobgoblin had an expression of joy and relief on its face. That expression melted back into one of fear, however, when she came back with a sharp stalactite, pulsating with darkness and mana as it had been turned into a noble phantasm.

With a thrust she had stabbed the thing into the groin of the hobgoblin, it howled in pain, but that wasn't the end of its suffering. Gudako ripped into the very gut of the creature, ripping out its intestines and using it as a rope to choke the hobgoblin. Using the intestines as a handle, she treated the hobgoblin like a ball and chain, as a weapon made from a corpse.

Dragging the corpse behind her, leaving a blood-stained trail in its wake, she continued. Even ignoring the terrified Priestess in favor of the remaining goblins she could hear further into the cave. Seemingly stopping in place, she waited, still and unmoving. That was until four goblins appeared from the dark, jumping at her in an ambush.

This ambush failed, however, as she swung her makeshift hobgoblin corpse weapon at them, crushing them all under it's natural weight and the force of the swing. The goblins had come from the hidden passageway, so she went down it, finally arriving at the main chamber of the goblins.

What greeted her was an arrow, which she caught in one hand effortlessly before snapping it clean in two. That wasn't the end of the barrage of projectiles the goblins had in store, as the shaman, the leader of this group of goblins, launched a fireball at her. Having had enough of dragging the filthy hobgoblin corpse around, she tossed it at the shaman and its spell.

The large corpse flew through the spell and caught on fire, landing on top of the goblin shaman and trapping it under its weight. This resulted in the screams of the shaman echoing through the cave as it was unable to escape, burning from the fire of its own spell. It had more intelligence than a normal goblin, but even that could only take it so far.

There were of course a few goblins, but it would be short work. Some attempted to flee, some froze in terror at the sight of the one who butchered them like animals, while some more brave or perhaps one could say foolish goblins tried fighting back. All were killed in the end, ripped to shreds, chopped to pieces, torn limb from limb, left as nothing more than a puddle of blood.

In the end, the only thing that was left in the cave was a monster- no, a slayer of monsters, that had been dyed red in the blood of their prey. Corpses and pieces of goblins littered the cave, drenching it in the foul smell of goblin blood and organs. But there was still one last thing to be done, there were still... survivors.


With yet another scream of rage, Gudako tore open the cover hiding the goblin children, terrifying them. But oddly enough, she had dragged along with her a alive goblin and brought it to the children. It was no longer about vengeance, saving the Priestess, her trauma, or even about protecting people...


At this very moment, she simply wanted to see goblins suffer.



The goblin children made high-pitched squeals, seemingly hoping to ask the remaining goblin what was happening. They received no answer however from the goblin as the black knight simply pointed at the children, and made the motion of shoving something into her mouth, then pointed at the goblin.

Both the goblin and goblin children were confused, that was until she made a display from the head of a decapitated goblin, shoving some meat down its mouth. After that, she once again pointed to the children, then back to the alive goblin. Finally, what was being asked sunk into their primitive minds?

It wasn't an effective method of disposing of goblins, it wasn't efficient, and it certainly wasn't required. But after seeing the horrible things the goblins have done, and thinking of what they can do, Gudako thought it necessary to bring a little of the hell and pain they bring to others upon them.

So, shoving the goblin into the cave she waited. She waited for the thing she wanted, for the goblin to eat it's own children, to kill them with it's own two hands. It hesitated, it refused to do so. Another distorted laugh erupted from her throat, that a goblin would show kindness or empathy was such a hilarious joke to her, it truly was.

Not satisfied with this outcome, she offered something that appealed to the true strongest emotion of goblins... fear. With another motion, she signaled that if the goblin were to eat its children, every last one of them, she would let it live. In a near instant, the goblin started beating its own children to death and eating their corpses.

The children ran in fear, but Gudako wouldn't let them escape, and neither would the goblin who wanted so desperately to live. Soon enough, the only thing left in that nursery was a pile of mangled corpses that the goblin was feasting on hastily. It looked up to Gudako, smiling with a grin full of the very flesh of its own offspring.

It hoped to live, it thought it fulfilled what the mysterious monster wanted. Oh, how wrong it was, how completely naive yet despicable its mind was to not comprehend that such a vile action does not grant mercy or forgiveness. The only thing a goblin deserved, no matter what, was death.

Gudako walked up to it, and poured poison she had found while waiting all over the remaining meat. The goblin looked on confused as to what was happening, but stayed in fear of angering her. After finishing the bottle, she once again did the same action, she pointed to the goblin children, or what remained, then to the goblin.


Having enough of the presence of this still very alive goblin, she simply grabbed it by the back of the head and slammed its face into the pile of meat. Forcing it to eat from the poisoned flesh, finally letting go, the goblin pushed itself up and went to attack Gudako. But before it could take another step, its mouth foamed, its throat constricted, and it fell to the ground dead.


Every goblin in this cave was now...




Gudako P.O.V:

I feel the helmet disperse into mana particles, and I can finally see the outcome of what I've done clearly. The red of my vision, whether it be from rage, blood, or the helmet of Lancelot, I'm not quite sure which, well it was gone now. I walk around, seeing corpses of goblins spread around and mutilated beyond recognition.

Priestess: M-Master?

A bit confused about the title I pause in my tracks until I remember that my title is also my name here, so I turn around to see Priestess. She was clutching the wizard girl close to her, and I could see she was subtly breathing... she still alive? It felt so long though... I guess time really does fly when you are having fun.

Gudako: Pries... tess?

It seems my voice is dying because of how much I screamed in my Lancelot form. But she seems to understand that my rampage is over for now and opens her mouth to speak.

Priestess: P-please help... I've tried healing her, but it's not working.

Since I don't want to strain my voice anymore I simply nod, I look through the inventory of the system, hoping I have something. I scroll and scroll, panic building in me, which washes away when I see the most comforting things I've read from this system so far. The names appear in the inventory, it seems I have just what I need.

[ Antidote (B) - Heals ailments of any kind, up to a limit based on rank. ]

[ Minor Potion of Healing (C-) - Heals wounds of any kind, up to a limit based on rank. ]

These should be good enough, so I grab them out of the inventory and they materialize in my hand. This shocks Priestess, but she doesn't say anything besides looking surprised. I suppose this whole ordeal must be pretty tiring, so that's why. Enough stalling though, I walk up to them and pour the antidote into the wizard girl's wounds, then the potion of healing.

Priestess: I-it's... working! It's working! Thank you!

It seems she is tearing up from seeing at least one of her party members be saved. That's good, that should be the expression people should have on their faces, not the horrible ones caused by goblins.

Gudako: It's... noth...ing...

Priestess: N-no... I can't thank you enough. You saved us, so thank you!

She runs up to me and hugs me, although I feel a bit bad for the poor wizard that is squeezed in between me and Priestess. Surely my armor can't be too comfortable to be squished against. But as I'm sitting here, I realize something, what about the fighter? I don't think she got violated by the goblins considering I interrupted that, but I need to go find her.

Gudako: Other... person...

Priestess: Other person? What do you- oh! Fighter!

I nod my head and nudge her off of me to go look for her. She goes to follow me, but I stop her with a signal of my hand. Normally I would be worried, but I've made sure not a single goblin was left alive in this cave. But before I go I take a look at Wizard to see if she is fine, and it seems she is recovering-

Priestess: Watch out!

Huh? I turn around to see a goblin, it's dagger right in front of my right eye. How did I miss one? How did I not see or feel it? Am I...


Going to die?


Suddenly the goblin gets flung sideways, it's blood spraying onto my face. I look at where it's body lands, seeing a hatchet lodged straight in it's head. Now even more confused, I look to where I assume to hatchet came from, seeing nothing but darkness. But I do hear something, the clinking of metal and chainmail, then a voice, as a figure emerges from the shadows.

Goblin Slayer: Goblins have multiple hidden passageways and tunnels, watch out for those.

I can only nod my head at that, and partially in shame because of how I was so confident I killed every last one earlier. He looks a bit confused at my silence since I usually am pretty loud, but soon enough he returns it with a nod of his own. Maybe this is the language of stoic silent protagonists?

Goblin Slayer: You can come out now, it's safe.

Yet again, I am struck with confusion, until I see Fighter come out from around a rock, covered in a cloak. Looking at her face, she seems shell-shocked, but not in the same way as the original. Just... scared and traumatized from seeing her friend die in front of her and nearly being violated by goblins. It's horrible, but at least it's a bit better than what fate had in store for her.

Fighter: R-really? There aren't any more of them?

Goblin Slayer: Yes, I made sure of it, at least up until this point. But what about those two?

He points at Priestess and Wizard, to which I give him a thumbs up in response.

Goblin Slayer: Good, take those two and her with you out of this cave. I'll make sure that there are no survivors.

Using the language of stoic protagonists, if only because my voice is dead, I nod and take the girls with me. I look back and see Goblin Slayer continue onwards, picking up a torch and lighting it as he fades into the distance as we walk further. Well, he knows what he's doing for sure, so I'm not all too worried about him. We keep walking, entirely in silence, until the relieving light of the outside world can be seen.

Finally, we make it out of the entrance of the cave, mostly intact... physically at least. No one here got the worst of what goblins could do luckily, so hopefully they can recover at some point. Unfortunately, I couldn't save Warrior though, but he died first, so it was a tall order, I should be happy with this at least. But really, this was such... a tiring... day... wasn't it? So... tiring...


Priestess: Master?! Master?! Are you okay?!

I don't know... probably? Maybe... not...


My... head hurts-


My eyes shoot open from the sudden pain on my cheek and I look around, seeing myself in my room. Well... I would say my room... if it weren't for the dozen or so people currently in it. At least I'm popular I guess? But that aside, I check my body to see if it's all good, and besides the slap, nothing really hurts. The silence is broken through by a certain tomboy.

Mordred: Look! My slapping method always works!

Hassan: That's because you wait for when they are just about to wake up, do you not?

Mordred: Pfshh! Course not, it's all in these hands!

Hassan: Master is awake, so I guess that is something to be credited for. Perhaps it's the pain?

I see Jack pop her head out from the side of the bed, it seems she needs to tiptoe to be seen.

Jack: It's the pain, people are very loud when we stab them, so they're very awake. Mommy, should I stab you?

Gudako: P-please don't do that, Jack.

Jack: Oh...

She looks sad, but I pat her head and she brightens up. How cute, and it also seems my voice has recovered. I look around at the rest of my makeshift Chaldea, seeing them all here... makes me feel... warm. I don't know exactly why, but I just feel comforted by everyone, like I have a sort of family even in this weird situation I find myself in.

Cu: Good job out there, Master! You really showed them who's boss!

Hassan: To kill all of them singlehandedly, it was splendid work.

Mordred: Yeah! Ya sure did beat the shit out of those fuckers!

Ushi: Decapitating those monsters was well deserved, excellent work, Master.

Jalter: Hmph, you expect me to praise you? F-fine, maybe your actions were somewhat commendable.

Sasaki: Indeed, you have done a fine job.

Leonidas: I agree, truly the fighting spirit of Sparta was within you!

Jack: Mommy go stab stab! Yay!

Heracles: ▂▂▃▃▅▅▅▅ーーー!!

I... feel so happy, but... I noticed a few people were missing, that was Kama, Mash, and Enkidu. I wonder where they went- oh, well I found Kama. She was actually the pillow I was hugging, or well I thought it was a pillow, but it turned out to be Kama. But what about everyone else-


I see Mash and Guild Girl run into the room at the same time... the poor door...

Guild Girl: Guda, good to see you're all well now! But-

Mash: Senpai! We have a problem!

Guild Girl doesn't look too happy she got interrupted and that Mash is competing with her in giving me news, but nonetheless she recedes and Mash continues.

Mash: Look!

She suddenly pulls a mirror from somewhere and shoves it in my face. What's so odd- huh? Brown hair? Brown eyes? Also... I look vaguely familiar, odd as that sounds.

Gudako: What the... why did no one tell me?!

They all look to the side awkwardly, it seems they didn't want to overwhelm me with info, nice of them at least.

Gudako: That aside, how big of a problem is a makeover like this?

Mash: Sorry Senpai... but there might be more problems than that... look outside.

She opens the blinds of the window and I see... what the fuck?!

Enkidu: I will awaken the breath of the planet...

Enkidu summoning the Chains of Heaven?! But that isn't all...

???: Kuahahahaha! Very well, dear friend! I will tell you of the beginning...





End me.


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