
Gourmet Cultivation

Evan Young, a non-earthling who grew up on Earth, ended up knowing his origin after both of his parents passed away. He eventually finds out the secret much later, but before this, could he get his life back on track and turn this farmhouse into a profitable one? == == == == == 1. English is not my main language, written and spoken. I'll be trying my best to make quality story that you guys enjoy. 2. Do vote, comment, and leave me a review if you like what you're reading so far. 3. This is a book about food and some isekai adventure. I might not choose the correct tag, so please forgive me for not doing so. 4. Last but not least, please enjoy.

TuXueXiaoCanYong · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 14

"Husband... I think we can earn no less than ten golden chips from here," Esther said. There's a hint of gold coins in her gaze while looking at the branch with sticky threads.

After all, this was not her first time processing the Forest Weaver's silk. She knew that it was too early to discuss the profit they could be expected from these threads. Still, sometimes, something is better to be mentioned earlier.

Because time equals money, and money equals motivation.

Based on the quality of unprocessed threads collected this time, ten golden chips were just a safe estimation. Perhaps, they could even make more than that if the textile was in demand.

And from the look of it, this branch of Forest Weaver's silk can be made into at least ten meters worth of beautiful yet soft crimson cloths. The color and quality are likely closer to the higher grading too.

While a lot of work will be involved here, Evan Young was sure that Esther and Elise would be completing them quickly.

"Little brother Evan, I don't know how to properly thank you. Perhaps you can tell me what you would like me to do?" Esther made Eins speak to Evan before the couple looked like they were eying to pocket all the profit.

Her action of giving Eins a light nudge using her elbow is visible to Evan, but it was also done politely.

"Please, don't mind about me too much. I am only a guest here in your house. I prefer to enjoy my days here, learning new stuff, eating something nice, and expanding my horizon about the Rook Hill Forest and all around us." Evan Young replied.

He couldn't be replying in an unbothered manner, as that would make him look insensitive over their concern. Still, he can't take his words too formal either. Thus, after considering it, accepting the gesture by pushing the offer aside would make him look more approachable and friendlier.

His action was relatively amicable. As someone who helped bring this branch of Forest Weaver's silk back, he would be entitled to at least half of the profit.

"Shall we put aside the earning we make from this and dine lavishly altogether? I'm sure everyone would love to enjoy the meat from the Fang Boar," said Eins.

"Fang-Boar? Are we going to eat some Fang-Boar meat after we sell the clothes made from the Forest Weaver? Elise will work hard for it then!" unexpectedly, the youngest lass was the first to speak out her mind.

It seems that the taste she had before still lingers around her tongue as she thinks about the Fang-Boar meat.

And, she wasn't alone.

Elric also had the same expression, but he hid it much better than his younger sister.

"Alright. It's decided. Let us have a feast after we make a profit from selling the clothes." Eins smiled as he looked at Evan Young meaningfully. He knew that this young friend of his was being considerate to his family by speaking like this.

That night, everyone had a good rest, including Evan Young himself, after visiting the village's only men's bath.


"Young brother Evan, I feel that it was a waste to leave the Golden Soil Fruit to sprout like that at the tabletop. Are you sure that's the correct way to plant them?" Eins asked they had breakfast.

There are only Eins, Elric, and Evan here.

Meanwhile, Esther and Elise were busy with the Forest Weaver silk the two adult men brought home yesterday.

It was not too difficult to process the silk, but it wasn't an easy job either. Washing to drying, removing the contaminants, discolored threads, etc. There are over ten steps from start to finish in this process.

After all of these steps, they can start talking about weaving the threads into a piece of long cloth.

The three returned to the farm right away after finishing their breakfast. Today, their work is not as much as before since the foundation for the farmwork was done yesterday.

Still, it was surprising for Evan Young to witness how fast the plants' growth was compared to what he had back where he came. He did have a suspicion when Eins told him that one month was all it required for the Golden Soil Fruit to mature, but only today did he believe what he was told.

About half of the vegetables they replanted yesterday were ripe enough to be plucked and eaten raw. As for the remaining half, most of them were root vegetables, such as carrots and so on, which can be harvested in the next two to three days.

"Do you have anything you like to do later, little brother Evan?" Eins asked. It seems that the father and son are up to something.

"Maybe another visit to the Rook Hill Forest?" Evan Young said.

Elric was the happiest when Evan simply mentioned what was in his mind. It seems that the youth was eager to follow, but the father is somewhat worried for his safety. Furthermore, they had a guest in their house.

"Father, can I join you two, please?" Elric asked.

"Little brother Evan, what do you think? Is it alright for this boy to accompany us this time?" Eins was being polite to Evan Young by asking for his opinion.

"Of course. But you'll have to be responsible for your own safety, and this will be your part of training, alright?" Evan smiled at him.

"I will." Elric immediately responded.


About an hour later.

"Father! Help me!" Eins and Evan were laughing at the youth getting pummeled by the Forest Slime. Although the power displayed by the slime could at most leave them a bruise or two all over their body, it wasn't enough to deliver a killing blow.

Thus, it was the best type of monster for the youth to practice. And to make sure that Elric trained properly, the two kept themselves away to let him grow better.

"Aargh! I won't be defeated by mere Forest Slimes!" Elric cried and used the mace in hand to strike the monster as hard as possible.

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