
Gourmet Cultivation

Evan Young, a non-earthling who grew up on Earth, ended up knowing his origin after both of his parents passed away. He eventually finds out the secret much later, but before this, could he get his life back on track and turn this farmhouse into a profitable one? == == == == == 1. English is not my main language, written and spoken. I'll be trying my best to make quality story that you guys enjoy. 2. Do vote, comment, and leave me a review if you like what you're reading so far. 3. This is a book about food and some isekai adventure. I might not choose the correct tag, so please forgive me for not doing so. 4. Last but not least, please enjoy.

TuXueXiaoCanYong · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 15

"That's it! Keep that fighting spirit up and continue to fight until you win! How can you be an adventurer if you can't even beat a few Forest Slimes?" said Eins while trying to motivate Elric at the same time. It seems that the fathers in two different worlds were using the same way to educate their children.

"Look at me, dad! I can win this!" the taunt Eins used earlier worked out as his son pulverized the fragile Magicule-Stone inside the Forest Slime with a single hit. In that instant, the dead slime immediately turned into a hardened piece of jelly lying motionless on the floor.

But there was two Forest Slime here, and it was still too early for the boy to claim the victory in his fight. If an accident happened, all it took was a simple blow to defeat Elric. As weak as an attack, it would still be effective when landed on the correct spot.

The battle itself made Eins nervous, and it was evident from how he kept his hand around the sword's handle in case something went wrong. If necessary, all it took was a mere two to three seconds to reach his son.


A unique sound that only comes from the Forest Goblins caught Eins and Evan by surprise as they unsheathed their sword instantly. The father immediately made his way calmly to his child. At the same time, Evan took a longer path around somewhere, possibly being the monster's hiding spot.

"Elric, come back to me after you're finished with the two Forest Slimes," said Eins as he approached the youngster carefully. He already had a clue where the Forest Goblins might be hiding, but he had no control over how they'd attack.

But there's one thing he was sure of.

If Elric remained on high alert after the fight, the goblins would deter from trying a surprise attack. They're just good with sneak attacks, after all.

Through this way, not only Eins could ensure that Elric wouldn't be in danger after his battle, but he also gave himself more time to detect where the goblins hide.

Meanwhile, Evan Young took a detour after they split up.

It was easy for Evan Young to move around with the sharp but light steel machete in hand. Relying on his own sense to look for the goblins, Evan Young quickly found two sneaking behind a boulder about fifteen meters from where Elric was fighting.

From how the two goblins looked, they don't seem to have their eyes on Evan Young and the others. Instead, the goblins were arguing about something in their hand.

'I would be a fool if I don't take this opportunity to attack them.' Evan Young told himself. Attacking right after he came out from the foliage, Evan Young managed to leave a deep cut at one of the two goblins before stepping on the second monster.

And before the blood on the machete slides away from the cold steel, it is fed with more blood as the blade stabs into the second goblin's chest.


The second goblin died under his hand. But at the same time, Evan Young had a slight regret from coming out so recklessly.

It would be great if only two goblins were here, but he just had to stumble across the goblin's settlement. He quickly notices a few tents hidden in between the trees.

There are about twenty goblins around here, excluding the two he killed.

'Oh... Fuck me...' Evan Young regretted it. He finally understands why a hunter has to maintain their calmness when going inside a forest.

"Eins! I found a goblin's settlement!" Evan Young yelled without further ado. This would be the most reasonable decision he can make as they already had a mutual understanding before coming into the forest.

Able to give out precise situation checks means it was pretty dangerous to handle alone. And in case of imminent danger, they should just yell "run" and try their best to protect themselves.

"Come back! Don't fight the goblins! Whenever there's a goblin settlement, there must be a much stronger goblin nearby!" Eins replied instantly and hinted Elric to come towards him. With this discovery, there's no point for them to stay here anymore.

Eins' action got Elric to come towards him hurriedly. And that rush made the two other goblins sneaking behind the verdant foliage lose their cool and expose themselves.

The moment both goblins tried to give chase, a shortsword came flying and lopped one of the two goblin's heads off. The attack caught the other goblin by surprise. That opportunity was grasped by Eins in pulling out Evan Young's second machete.

The blade flashed as it went through the goblin's head.

Using everything to his advantage, Eins also killed both goblins before they managed to alert the others.

"Listen to me, Elric. Pick up the two Fores Slimes you've killed and get ready to run when Evan comes back." Eins said while he stabbed his sword into the goblin's skull. With a quick pull, he extracted the Magicule-Stone inside both goblins and ignored the corpses.

At this moment, they don't have the leisure to slowly finish the process they usually did.

"I'm ready, father." Elric tightened the shoulder strap on the harvest bag. And as he was done, Evan Young came and joined them as they nodded at one another.

"Let's go. I'm not sure of it, but I think I saw something agile was moving behind the tent," said Evan Young.

"Alright, there's nobody else. Let's leave before it is too late!" Eins said. Holding Elric's hand as they go, the trio quickly escaped while the goblins were in a restless pursuit to capture the killers of their fellow tribesmen.

"What now, Eins?" Evan Young followed as they quickly made their way outside the forest. Following them from behind is about twenty angry goblins with blunt tool and daggers in their hand.

"Look for other monsters. When you see one, toss this Monster Luring Powder at it. We'll be reducing their numbers by using other monsters to divert their attention."

"Is the numbers were above us by threefold, we'll keep running. But if it was less to barely above us, we'll retaliate, alright?"Eins sounded experienced at what to do.

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