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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 62: It Will

08:26 PM 'Infinity Island:

Arias was in his quarters where Nearítheá was still resting soundly. Àpeiro sat on the edge of the bed near her stroking Nearítheá's face with while occasionally throwing glances at the man standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder.

"How is she doing?"

Arias asked while looking at her but Àpeiro let out a small smile and responded.

"She's fine. She is merely enjoying having her father all to herself in her dreams. Apparently I am on a so-called business trip...she adores you, Ari."

Arias let out a helpless sigh and looked at the girl laying on the bed.

"Who knows she may get attached to you now that you're here".

Just as he said this Nearítheá began to mutter something while fidgeting around.


Arias leaned in closer and raised a brow

"She's still an innocent girl even in her dreams".

Nearítheá went quiet for a moment and continued to mutter in a stuttering voice.

"Y-you can look Father but only a peek"

Àpeiro then turned to Arias and raised her brow at him with a smile. Arias wore a straight face and shrugged.

"She's probably training and feels a bit shy with me watching".

But Nearítheá continued.

"A-are they as good as mother's ?...Y-you can l-look a bit longer to be sure I don't mind ".

Àpeiro tilted her head slightly while looking at Nearítheá with a smile.

"Oh my. She must take her boldness from you".

Arias rubbed his temples and sighed heavily.

"She probably wants to know if her moves are as good yours hence doesn't mind watching her train longer ".

Continuing to speak such blatant nonsense with a straight face left Àpeiro looking at Arias for a good moment but saw no shift in his expression.

"You and your glib tongue are the bane of all women".

Said the woman in a lovely teasing voice.

Arias leaned into her ear.

"Does that include you..."

He whispered before blowing into it.


This made Àpeiro who was caught off guard to jolt up straight.


Just as Àpeiro did so, Nearítheá began to open her eyes and slowly turned her head to look at the source of voices that had awaken her. Once fully opened she looked at Àpeiro for a while before turning her gaze to her father. She kept alternating between the two waiting for them to speak first.

Arias looked at the silent girl and spoke first.

"Sleep well?".

Nearítheá didn't speak but only nodded then Arias continued.

"Dream of anything interesting?"

He asked while crossing his arms and raising a brow.


Nearítheá's eyes widened for a moment before clearing her throat and speaking.

"I was dreaming about you two...".

Àpeiro let out a smile and spoke as if contemplating something.

"I thought I was on a business trip?".

A large blush appeared on Nearítheá's face as she looked down at her twiddling thumbs.

"Don't worry I too sometimes just want to have him to myself."

Àpeiro calmly reassured the panicking girl but the response she received shocked her.

"You c-can't have Father to yourself. He said I'll always be his favorite if I work hard..."

Nearítheá spoke while still twiddling her thumbs. Àpeiro let out a chuckle.

"I do not doubt that, but don't forget your mother now and run off somewhere with him".

"You'd probably find us anyway".

Arias spoke as he gestured both to come towards him. Àpeiro who was closest to him smiled and laid into his open arms. Nearítheá wasn't far behind and did the same.

"This is pleasant..."

Àpeiro said with her eyes closed. Nearítheá smiled happily and nodded along.

Arias kept silent and told the two of them to talk a bit. Àpeiro listened to the many stories her Daughter shared. Most of course included her father which made Àpeiro chuckle from time to time.

"Um mother? How did you and Father meet?".

Àpeiro looked up at Arias at this question but he pretended to not notice her gaze.

"Hmm well where to begin?. I was imprisoned for many many years all alone in a dark place. Till a man appeared in front of me. He didn't have great power nor great fame. Even after telling him he could rid himself of me should choose to do so taking all my power for himself he didn't, he chose to look after me till I got better. Time passed and you came to be aswell".

Àpeiro told her a reworked summarized version of their story.

Nearítheá was listening to every detail occasionally looking up at her fathers face with a smile.

"If you were still getting better why didn't Father stay with you?".

Àpeiro let out a small smile and continued.

"Only Arias and I had access to the place I was recuperating in, So he chose to take care of you alone while I regained my strength".

Nearítheá looked at her father with eyes full of admiration. From the story it sounded as if her father had to leave the woman he loved and raise their child alone. She could also tell that her mother was probably lonely as both the people she cared for weren't with her. Nearítheá never questioned her birth, she knew she was no ordinary girl as the first time she opened her eyes she had a grown body and basic knowledge.

Although the first time she saw her father was in a lab. She had numerous memories of him as a baby,toddler and little girl. To her for all her life she's been looked after by him. She had no other memories other than these hence why she tried to mimic his way of carrying himself.

The only memory she had of her mother was a lovely voice saying

"Our child".

Nearítheá now had both tears of joy and sadness running down her face. Happy that she finally had both her mother and father and sadness from how much she thought both of them endured.

"Thank you both..."

She said while crying into Arias's chest with her mother stroking her hair.

Àpeiro too noticed she had a tear running down her face when her daughter expressed herself to them. This tear seemed to sparkle. It was an energy different from the chaotic one that flowed through her. She had finally realized how Arias could release destructive energy when the one inside him was the pure life energy side of her.

She had initially thought he had taken some chaotic energy as well but only realized now that he was simply changing its form to whatever suited him. Such an idea had never even crossed her mind as she didn't need to change to any other forms before. But now that she has a body she is beginning to understand how different she'd become.

Time passed and they reluctantly broke from Arias's embrace. Àpeiro was beginning to learn of her new capabilities but put that to the back of her mind, for someone who has been at the top all her life and alone. She merely wanted to enjoy herself with the company of those she cared for while experiencing what the universes had to offer. Even without training in her new body, she remained unmatched.

In her eyes as long as Arias was with her it didn't matter. When Arias asked how she felt about his people because he thought it might trigger her chaotic energy. She simply smiled at his question saying whatever he cares for she will protect.

She also reminded him her view on most things is neutral. This view may change once she knows more of what he prefers, her only wish is that he never abandons her other than that she said she would stand by his side no matter what he became just like he had accepted her.

"Ari you may attend to other matters, I wish to bond with our daughter a bit longer".

Arias kissed both their foreheads before turning to leave.

"I'll leave you be then"

He then walked out of the room leaving two women behind.

Outside the door, the two Tamaranean sisters were kneeling on either side with their eyes closed. When Arias walked out they turned towards him and kowtowed which he was slowly getting used to.

"Starfire you're dismissed to do as you please until I call for you. Blackfire will shadow me today".

Blackfire had a sly smile on her face as if victorious while her sister Starfire looked a bit downcast. Arias raised both their heads by the chin.

"Always so competitive aren't you girls, from now on I'll only be choosing one of you to accompany me at a time while the other is free to do as she pleases and in some cases I'll dismiss you both. It isn't all that odd. Rather than compete by who's chosen I suggest you focus on who outperforms the other during".

The girl's eyes began to glow green and purple as smiles appeared on their faces while looking up at the man they worshipped.

"As you wish my Lord".

They said in unison.


Arias looked at them momentarily and began to walk away, Blackfire quickly followed and Starfire went another way.

While they were walking through the halls Blackfire broke the silence.

"My lord how can I make sure my performance is to your satisfaction? ".

Arias pondered silently for a moment before answering.

"Quite simple really, I enjoy the active company. If I wanted obedient followers who act like robots I would have found a better use for you then".

Arias spoke casually and didn't explain further.

Blackfire revealed a grin and flew closer to Arias's side pressing her ample breasts against his arm. "Like this my lord?".

Arias raised a brow towards the ambitious girl

"Who knows. The rest is up to you to figure out".

"Are we going to meet the guests?"

asked a curious Blackfire. Arias shook his head

"No first I need to do something in Metropolis".

"Oh? That look in my Lord's eyes says it'll be fun hehe".

Blackfire pressed her breasts against Arias's arm more.

Arias's eyes revealed a slight glow as he spoke.

"Oh, it will".

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