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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 57: Challenge

Queen Maxima spoke her reason with a straight face and didn't mince her words leaving the other leaders behind her shocked. She was notorious for being straightforward and confident whenever she spoke.

Arias already knew her reason for being here the second he saw her. He too couldn't help but be impressed by this woman who didn't beat around the bush even facing him. Nearítheá on the other hand flew in front of her father.

"My father isn't interested..."

She spoke coldly to the woman.

"Ah, so you are his child, already so strong I would expect nothing less from such a man. The children I could be bear with you would truly be the best".

Queen Maxima voiced confidently leaving Nearítheá speechless, she could only look back at her father with a questioning look.


Everyone's gazes now fell upon Arias. They were all curious as to what his response would be. Arias smiled a bit and spoke.

"I'm flattered, Queen Maxima. You are a beautiful and strong woman indeed but are you worthy of being my wife?."

Arias flew past Nearítheá and over to Maxima. He placed his hands on her and started feeling different parts of her body. She let him do so with a smile on her face thinking he was checking the condition of her body. Arias began to scan her body with glowing gray eyes as he fell into thought about the results he received.

'Almerecian Physiology, Psychokinesis, Force Field capabilities, Psychic Blasts, Telekinesis, Flight, Self-Sustenance, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Strength, Telepathy, Illusion Casting, Mind Control, Teleportation, Hand-to-Hand Combat Advanced level...I have to admit she's impressive considering she's not even immortal...

Arias thought while nodding his head. This gesture made the already confident Maxima look even more smug.

"Still think I am not worthy of you?".

She asked with her head held up high. Arias shook his head.

'Depending on her conditions, a political marriage could benefit me. More importantly...she could bear me some strong children as well...'

"They will be a meeting later today, you may attend and we may discuss things further there, I need rest for now".

Maxima didn't oppose his words.

"Then we shall talk then. Rest well."

Saying nothing further she flew away back to her ship. The other figures bowed and did likewise.

Arias sighed and returned to his chamber to rest with Nearítheá. Starfire and Blackfire were told to help Dr.Veritas with the guest's matter and inform them of the new circumstances.

Arias laid back on his bed and sighed before closing his eyes. Nearítheá followed and laid by his side before speaking softly.

"Father? is my mother dead? You never speak of her, I don't ask because I don't wish to sadden you if it's something bad but may I please know if she loved me as you do".

Arias didn't open his eyes but stroked her hair gently as he spoke.

" I suppose it's no surprise you're curious, Your questions will be answered soon so just be a little more patient for me okay?".

"As you wish Father..."

She said softly while cuddling him tight and closing her eyes as well.

As time passed and the evening came, the guests began to be directed into a huge hall with a large oval-shaped table. While the special cases among the refugees were having more information taken down by Dr.Veritas in a separate room.

'Ápeiro what's happening, I feel an aura leaking but can't control it. It's making me feel impatient.'

The lovely voice stammered in her response to Arias's question.

'It is my aura, I wanted to delay my coming so you could sort your affairs...I apologize for not mentioning this.'

Arias's eyes began to glow on their own as he felt chaotic energy flow through him.

'It is fine I'll leave immediately after ending this meeting quickly'.

As Arias spoke his voice carried a hint of anger that he couldn't control. It was as if the chaotic energy made him more irritable.

He walked into the large hall and figures stood and bowed while some remained seated. At this moment he cared for neither of them not even looking at them. He directly flew to his sit but kept his eyes closed with his head resting on his palm.

"Skip the formalities, left to right. Name and purpose then proceed".

He spoke in an impatient dark voice. Some took offense to it but the first began to speak either way.

"I represent Durlan. We came to offer female servants to serve and learn from our Lord. They are not only strong they are the best shapeshifters of the younger gen-".

Before the man could blabber Arias interrupted.

"Approved...If they are capable they will grow greatly. Next,"

He spoke fast and with only impatience in his voice.

The Khunds, Okaraans, Daxamites, and Thanagarians had all brought youths to serve and learn from Arias. He approved without even opening his eyes to see them and just said to proceed

"Batman representing the Justice League. We want to know of any plans of expanding into other territories on earth as the creation of this La-".

Arias once again cut another person off.

"If you do not like what I am doing you are welcome to try and stop me. If I didn't defend the earth billions would have died and all you did is sit on your comfy asses hoping I weaken them before perishing. Let me be very clear. I will not change how I do things to please your governments. No are my plans any of your business."

They turned their backs on metahumans and fear a revolt so they turn to you. I will not abide by their laws if they dislike this then I welcome the whole world to challenge me"

Arias spoke in a dark tone finally revealing his glowing grey eyes and leaking a bit of the chaotic aura currently building up in him.

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