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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 21: Protégés

10:00 AM 'The Citadel, Gotham City:

Arias had just gotten out of the shower and was walking to his room with a slight smile as he conversed with Àpeiro.

'You seem especially happy this morning,excited to meet the leagues protégés?'

She teased causing him to frown and respond in an unamused tone.

'You know am just happy my power has grown once again'.

Àpeiro quickly answered as Arias returned to his regular unexpressive self.

'I know, I just could not resist, you should smile more and not that smile you show you're looking at your prey'.

Arias shrugged as he continued to walk to his room.

'I can't help it ,getting stronger is an amazing feeling, you're also getting closer to having a body of your own as well so I look forward to that as well'.

Àpeiro stayed silent for moment before carrying on with the conversation.

'Yes it means I'll be able to help you achieve your goal sooner'.

Arias smiled before taking the chance to tease her back.

'You mean our goal and no, you getting a body means I'll get to see the most amazing smile in all existence of course am ecstatic. Not to mention the body...'

Àpeiro went silent once more before responding.

'You mean that?....um I also look forward to it...your smile not my own I wouldn't even know how mine is again that would be strange....wait, were you teasing me?'

Arias fell silent for a moment before answering.



Àpeiro's voice echoed through Arias's mind before he tried the salvage the situation.

'I was teasing yes but I meant every word..it's just playful teasing that couples do or even frien-'

Before Arias's could finish his sentence the once loud voice spoke in a very soft tone.


'Yes sometimes couples or eve-'

Arias tried to explain once more but was stopped dead in his tracks.

'I forgive you then'.

The lovely voice quickly spoke cutting arias off again.

'Huh? But I though-'.

Àpeiro gave no chance for Arias to complete his sentences anymore.

'I must go now Ari summon me only if necessary'.

'But aren't you on-'

Àpeiro's presence faded before he could fully say what he wished to


"And she's gone"

Arias could only sigh and curse the God of Misunderstandings as he quickly dressed up and went down to the lab where he found Dr.Veritas working on a capsule while Harley was dancing around near a corner with headphones on.

"What are you working on Shay?".

Dr.Veritas paused her work and turned to Arias with a proud look on her face.

"Finished actually and it's a cloning machine the last one I'll make for today".

Arias was a bit surprised as he knew nothing about a cloning project.

"You have my curiosity. Care to explain?"

Arias then walked around the capsule and saw a whole row of them approximately,12 before turning back to the doctor with a questioning look.

"It was meant to be a surprise but who knew you'd stop by before leaving to start your plan to corrupt the poor leagues protégés".

Arias then asked with a puzzled look as if he heard the most absurd thing in his life.

"Me ? Corrupt ? What makes you say that? I doubt I've done anything that would merit that accusation."

Dr. Veritas crosses her arms before answering bluntly.

"Simple because every time we talk for too long I get Rhopalocera in my stomach and my gut-brain axis is sent into turmoil".

Arias could only stay silent and wait for an explanation.

"You give me butterflies in simpler terms, anyway back to the matter at hand, remember when we talked about how my facility became operated by clones of me? Well It got me thinking we could grow clones and implant loyalty and obedience towards us in their genetic makeup, if the idea appeals to you be sure to bring me a DNA sample of a strong specimen and I'll start working on it."

Arias smiled while placing his hand on the capsule.

"You never cease to amaze me Shay".

He then quickly let go of the capsule before turning towards Dr.Veritas and adjusting her lab coat properly before running his hand through her disheveled hair.

"You've been working on these all night huh? Get some rest there's no need to over work yourself alright? I'm sure we're already ahead of schedule".

Dr.Veritas wanted to argue but seeing the serious look in his eyes she could only sigh and nod.

He then turned to the dancing Harley and walked towards her stopping just a few inches away. As she started to back it up she bumped her ass into him.

After noticing who was behind her Harley quickly removed her headphones and beamed a large smile.

"Hiya Sir! Dr.V told me you'd be away for a day or so ,aren't ya going to be late or something?"

Arias simply shrugged.

"Who knows, I simply wanted to check on you two before leaving. But seems everything is in order, I'll see you later then.".

Harley shook her head while rubbing her ass more towards Arias. He showed a slight smirk before gripping her asscheek.

"Behave or I may really be late. We'll continue another time."

3:00PM 'Mount Justice;

Three people stood in front of the zeta tubes as a robotic voice resounded near them,the zeta tubes began to glow and figures started appearing from them.

[Kid Flash B03,Artemis B07, Robin B01,Zatanna B08]

"Yo Kaldur I thought the mission isn't until later tonight why'd you tell us to come a few hours early, oh and Hi Mehgan, Sup Connor".

Kid Flash walked up to the three as the others followed behind him.

"Yeah Kaldur is something up Batman, just said *imitating Batman voice* "stay Vigilant" before I left mind filling us in?."

Aqua-lad nodded at Robins words before responding.

"Yes we will be receiving a new member in a way he's sup-".

As aqua lad was speaking kid flash interrupted him.

"Oh come on, first it was miss bad attitude over here and now someone else is here to fill in speedy's role"

Artemis furrowed her brows before she retorted.

"Hey, I have every right to be here as anyone so what's your problem huh?"

Kid Flash turned to face her and placed his finger on her shoulder.

"My problem is you waltzing in here thinking you're good enough to replace speedy when you're not".

Aqua-lad decided it best to step in before things got out of hand.

"Kid Flash that's enough the league clearly thinks Artemis is good enough to be a part of this team speedy was my friend too and he left on his own accord can we just respect his decision and drop this?'.

Kid Flash simply took his finger away from Artemis and went to stand near Robin.

"As I was saying he's supposed to be this teams co leader along with myself so I just wanted to let you all know before mission to-".

Robin continued.

"To prevent these two from fighting in front of him and making a bad first impression?".

Kaldur smiled at Robins words.

"Yes he should be here any minute, in the mean time I'll leave you all to your own devices".

Zatanna walked over to Megan who was now talking with Artemis.

"C'mon Artemis don't take it personally he was just close with speedy is all, so he didn't take the news so well just give him time".

Artemis sighed before venting.

"Look he was one starting something with me why is everyone talking to me like I'm the problem!"

At that moment Zatanna made her presence known.

"Ummm Bad time?".

She said as she laughed awkwardly making Artemis sigh once more.

"No he just gets on my nerves is all I'll just ignore him and focus on the mission".

Soon time flew by. Robin was telling off Kid Flash about being too harsh on Artemis whilst Connor was watching tv. The girls where debating on what kind of guy their new team mate would be. A topic only Megan seemed hyper about, thinking it's what earth girls enjoyed.

A few minutes later the zeta tubes began to glow and the computer's voice resounded in the room.

[Leviathan B09].

A tall dark haired figure clad in all black attire walked out of the zeta tubes whilst everyone gathered nearby. Arias stopped near them before speaking uncaringly.

"I go by Leviathan, I'll be working with you guys occasionally as a co team leader, anything you want to know before the mission?".

Robin spoke first.

"Yea I've never heard of you before and atleast one member of the league has to vouch for your ability for you to join the team-so who exactly vouched for you?"

Arias didn't answer his question but instead looked at Aqua lad who answered in his place.

"Superman, Martian Manhunter, The Flash, Wonder Woman And Batman all vouched for his ability".

Aqua-lads words came as a slight shock to some.

"Wow never heard of the man in blue vouching for someone to join, same for Batman if Robin wasn't his protégé. Well welcome to the team, Oh and also the word side kick is taboo around here".

Kid Flash said. After hearing his mentor the Flash vouched for Arias he treated him like he would any other new member.

The next question surprisingly came from Aqua lad.

"I was told the mission this time around came from one of your sources and that you'll have extra information about it. I only know we have to infiltrate two separate hide outs believed to be in possession of box like devices that we must bring back or if the situation is dire destroy on site".

Arias nodded his head before speaking.

"Only an extra piece of advice, you don't want those boxes to activate, destroy them on site".

Arias said with a serious expression then walked passed the group.

"That said you can ask your other questions later the sooner those things are destroyed the better oh and one more piece of advice when you reach the hideout..."

"Don't hesitate to kill anything that doesn't look human."