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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 167: Guide To Forging Living Weapons

Rogue pondered on Arias's words a little longer before nodding more. "Thank you." Is all she could think of saying as Arias pulled his hand away. "You're dismissed for now, I'll visit you soon enough. Avoid making contact with others until then." He advised before vanishing from the scene.

'One day huh.' Rogue thought before holding the part of her face Arias had touched and sighing, she could only hold on to the hope he had given her as she turned to walk away as well.

At this time Arias appeared within the pocket dimension he had created within the Leviathan Tower in which Carol's cell was. Before entering the cell this time around he snapped his fingers to break the illusion he had cast prior.

Afterwards the doors automatically opened and he walked in only to find Carol in a pathetic state on the ground. Her eyes looked somewhat void of all motivation whereas her body looked greatly exhausted.

To her she had been fighting an impossible battle for years, failing each time no matter what new things she tried. Eventually she had given up and allowed the people she once wanted to save to be slaughtered.

Each time before the enemy could even get to her she would commit suicide, over and over again. Even now she questioned if what was infront of her was real.

As strong as she was physically, her major weakness was her mentality. Something Arias wanted to shatter completely.

He showed a small smirk when he saw her in that pitiful state. Her body was already working to restore her physical energy however she felt utterly empty inside in that moment, not even wanting to struggle anymore.

"Did you enjoy the little trip I sent you on?" Arias asked but received no response as she just stared at him blankly.

In that moment the small smirk he had faded and he proceeded to kick her in the face causing her to slam against the wall behind her.

She was tired of it all, even now she wanted to kill herself but the second she would try…


A part of her would get hit with tremendous force sending her flying against the wall over and over again to a point where the once white wall was now bloody along with the flow.

"P-please just kill me." She pleaded while holding her gut as she struggled to stand, however Arias's gaze remained unmoved.

In that moment he remembered a similar scene he had experienced numerous times in his old life.

[ "I thought you loved me… why? why?" ]

[ "please just end it, I'd rather die…" ]

[ "I'm sorry my love wasn't enough… I'm sorry, deep down I know you're kind" ]

He chuckled slightly when he remembered these lines before kicking Carol across the face once again. This time she didn't even try to stand up and just laid down in a pool of her own blood.

Arias approached her and crouched before pulling her by the hair. "You've lost even your right to die, the sooner you accept you're nothing more than a weapon the lesser the pain. Do you understand now who owns your life? or do I need to engrave it deeper into you?" He asked coldly and received a weak nod from Carol.

"I understand… I understand." She said in a pitiful voice but received no compassion from Arias who just let her hair go causing her to hit the ground.

From there he turned to walk away but not before snapping his fingers, sending her mind into yet another loop.

This time she stood in what looked like a broken down floating city right in front of the Leviathan tower. In front of her were hordes of monsters charging towards her.

"If you let so much as one monster pass by you the loop will repeat. Kill them all to end it." His voice echoed in the skies passing these instructions to her despite the sorry state she was still in.

She couldn't even voice her distraught at the situation and just did her best to try and stand.

Meanwhile Arias left the pocket dimension and chose to call it a day despite the lingering temptation he had to continue carrying out some tasks he had in mind.

Instead he reappeared on the residential floors and went directly to his room where he found Àpeiro comfortably laying on the bed with a pouting Nearíthea by her side who perked up as soon as Arias walked in. "Daddy!" She called out before rushing to give him a tight embrace that would kill any other being given the sheer strength she applied to it.

No matter how deep his plans run, Arias couldn't neglect the one being who had the power to take what was given to him. The being he still couldn't understand no matter how much he thought….

"Do I not get a hug as well?" Àpeiro asked with a small smile before appearing right in front of Arias and giving him a gentle embrace.

Nearíthea had found herself moved by an unknown back to the bed and couldn't help but show a pitiful as her parents embraced. She felt rather cheated by her own mother no less. "Is a hug all you want?" Arias asked while showing her a small smile, wether this was genuine or not only he knew.

In response to this Àpeiro pulled away before walking over to the bed. There she got on and held Nearíthea on the waist before locking eyes with him again. "Why don't I and your daughter show you exactly what we want?"

"Who am I to say no." He replied before walking over towards them.

A/N: Truly Scum..

E/N: Wait till they see what he does to blackbolt