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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 166: An Important Meeting Part 2

"Moving on, Kara and Raven are still my students while Billy and Nearíthea remain the two greatest forces present outside myself and Àpeiro, thus giving them responsibility in dealing with threats the rest of you can not. With that section done, let's talk about the assignments concerning individuals who have joined us in this world." Arias finished speaking and turned his attention to those from Marvel.

"We haven't spent much time together so your positions will be subject to change at a later date. Widow, Laura, Venom and Loki will make this side's temporary task force. Combat wise the team is relatively balanced but we'll still see how well you can perform out in the field, if you accept the position that is." Arias revealed bringing a smile towards Widow who felt like she could finally contribute more.

Johnny looked lost after not being picked alongside Wanda who looked saddened but Arias continued. "Ororo will be an instructor for obvious reasons, your experience with teaching mutants makes you the most obvious choice, assisting you will be Jenna. Both of you lack the mentality needed to be in the task force, your gentle natures will only prove to be hindrances there as one needs to be ready to do terrible things in that force but your ability to nature others is second to none."

"Moving on, Johnny and Piettro show great promise but not enough to join the force, instead you'll be joining the other special students already in training. If you can prove yourself there then you'll be rewarded greatly and of course welcomed to the main force. Miles and Gwen can train under the same program since they don't belong in this dimension and their residence may only be temporary." After Arias revealed this the attention now was on Wanda, Rogue and Jean.

"You three much like Raven and Kara have frighteningly high potential, so much so that the lack of control you have over it makes you quite dangerous. Thus you will be learning directly from me so that you may become the pillars that protect the world even when I leave." This assignment greatly shocked the girls but it was a welcome decision.

"That about covers the assignments… any additions you'd like to make or questions to ask?" Arias raised a brow and asked them this but no one seemed like they had any questions for him. No one raised their hands immediately and first glanced at one another as if waiting for someone else to make the first move.

The first to do this was none other than Slade who raised his hand a little while after Arias had spoken. "Now that the earth here is at peace and all what tasks will you have us handle?" Slade asked with a grin, eager to head out into the field again.

"Good question, since humanity has more or less been united our focus shall extend to what lays beyond. For now we are going to begin taking control of uninhabited planets either to colonize or for resources, in some cases even both. After this our focus will shift to dealing with the hostile races that wished to either enslave humanity or destroy them." Arias revealed causing some to show visible excited at the idea of expanding.

"Here that my babies, more screen time. Mwah!" Harley commented excitedly while kissing her two guns with a wide grin on her face.

Slade could understand her excitement as he too looked forward to it greatly. Since Arias's goal sounded beneficial to humanity on the surface no one could find fault with it.

"It's impossible to guarantee peace forever but the least we can do is provide humanity with the tools to stand strong against whatever threats they may face wether internal or external throughout countless realities. If this is something you do not wish to be a part of you may stand down now and leave." Arias crossed his hands and looked at everyone with a stern gaze but surprisingly no one raised their hands.

Each one of them had their own reasons for choosing to remain. Some like Kara, Wanda and Billy completely believed in Arias's ideology and wouldn't hesitate to whatever it takes to achieve it. Whereas others had branching goals, Shay wanted greater knowledge, Ororo wanted a better life for mutants, Rogue needed somewhere to belong, Slade wanted an adventurous life and ideal future for his daughter.

Whatever their goals they all joined together in Leviathan to bring them into fruition and so none were willing to leave.

This brought a small smile to Arias's face as he gave them a small nod. "Alright then, I look forward to seeing what you'll all show me. You're dismissed for now, except Rogue."

Rogue showed a slightly perplexed look at this but remained seated like he asked while everyone began to walk away and leave.

Even Nearíthea could only glare menacingly at her as Àpeiro brought her with her but not without great reluctance.

Once everyone was gone Arias simply looked at her with crossed arms before a raising brow of her. She greatly reminded him of Kara and Raven although mixed together. The uncaring look that resembled Raven but the timidness of Kara because she was still quite young.

"Unlike the other four your powers are completely out of your hand and you have zero control over them. I learned about the Cody boy you had accidentally put into a coma because of them, I'm sure you'd hate for something like that to occur again hence why you seem so detached and scared to be around people." Arias spoke slowly while keeping his gaze firmly fixated on her, the memory of what she had done began to resurface for her once she heard his words and a complex expression emerged on her face.

"I realize that can be hard but as your teacher I won't let that carry on forever, one day you'll be able to enjoy the sensation of touch just like everyone else. Until then, stay hopeful by using me as an example." He said to her as he began to approach before placing his hand on her face and caressing it softly. "Okay?" He asked while maintaining eye contact and she nodded slightly subconsciously.

…not knowing she had fallen prey to his methods.