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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 161: A Menace To Society Part 1

A/N: You already know what kinda book this is so I'm not even gonna warn you as to what this Subarc entails, it's probably what you sadistic people are here for.

"Drain" As Arias muttered these words a bright glow engulfed Peter and caused him to release a grunt.

"Peter!!" Both his aunt and Mj called out in unison as he looked to be in great pain but it only lasted for a moment before Arias pulled away and Peter dropped to the floor.

Mj who was nearest rushed to his and held with great worry while his aunt soon followed as well. "He'll be fine, powerless but fine." Arias casually commented and received a hateful glance from MJ. "You're a monster! The world was just fine before you came along!" She yelled in a moment of anger but Aunt May who still felt great fear tried to silence but to no avail.

"If that's what you considered fine then I worry for your standards, then again I suppose it does explain your taste in men." Arias casually replied while looking down at her. She returned his gaze but still felt great fear, her hands had even began to shake subconsciously while her mouth felt dry. "Just… leave." She muttered while looking away.

"I see, the only redeeming quality he had was his powers which he used to win your over, now that they are gone so is the attraction. Women really are petty creatures." Arias chuckled and got ready to leave as he saw no use lingering around any further. Just then Peter clenched his fists hard. "You've just never been loved, so you wouldn't know. Anyone who would love a monster like you is a monster themselves." He had lost a big part of what made him special, he was left feeling empty and great anger at the same time. But he chose to say the wrong words…


Before anyone could see a thing Peter was sent flying across the room before hitting the wall with immense force. "Peter!!" Once again both MJ and Aunt May called out to him before looking at Arias whose demeanor looked to have completely changed.

"You say it's love yes? You're willing to die for each other and overcome all things together right?" Arias raised his hand and Peter began to hover in the air while holding his throat.

His face had already been injured badly and his left hand looked limp. "Please stop! Please I'm sorry!" MJ now saw that Arias wasn't joking. Normally words wouldn't move this man who detached himself more and more from the world each day.

But to call the only person he felt ever loved a monster had actually sparked an emotion, it was minuscule and only momentary but it was there as he remembered that person's face.

"Please, forgive them. Please don't take my Peter…" Aunt May could barely speak as the tears ran down her face.

Arias however didn't forgive his enemies. Peter now only had two options, to die a painful death or to live the rest of his life scarred. Arias didn't even need to think twice before coming to a conclusion as he turned to look at the panicking women pleading towards him.

"Then let me test how deep your love for each other is. Option 1, I kill one of you and see if that person will truly love you till his or her life ends. Option 2, I impregnate your lover while satisfying her better than you ever could. If don't decide in five seconds I'll kill her as an example." Arias said coldly before looking in Aunt May's direction and causing her to fall to her knees while holding her throat and gasping for air.

Peter couldn't believe what he was hearing, his mind was already in shock from the unexpected hit he had received and so he couldn't even speak. He could only look at his crying Aunt with worry as the seconds began to tick away. "Kill m-"

"Use my body." Before Peter could say anything Mj held Arias by the arm with watery eyes and pleaded that he use her body.

"No you can-" Peter was about to add on but he suddenly fell to the ground as the force keeping him up dispelled. "Times up. Option 2 it is." Arias muttered as he turned to MJ who looked extremely nervous, only now did the weight of her decision hover in her mind.

"Please just not here." She pleaded as she couldn't imagine the thought of being taken by another man in front of Peter. "This isn't a negotiation, I hold no great attraction towards your body. I'm simply giving you a chance to save your lives. Either shut up and accept it or let me kill so I can be on my way." Arias muttered coldly and MJ could see this wasn't a person she could speak with.

Peter was about to stand but he felt another force press him down to the ground.

"His bleeding too much, please!" Aunt May noticed that Peter had lost great amounts of blood and would likely not last longer but Arias showed indifference to this.

"Healing him wasn't in the options, you just have to be quick and hope he's alive by the time it's over." Arias revealed causing the tension to grow.

Now the hesitant MJ had no choice but to hurry as the longer she delayed the quicker Peter was dying.

"Am I allowed to help? It should be quicker that way…" Aunt May offered with her trembling hands clasped together.

Arias however only saw another factor that would add to scarring him so he gladly accepted. "If you wish."

"Now then strip."

A/N: Debating wether or not to write lemon scene for this… decisions decisions.