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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 13: Assumptions

9 AM 'Gotham City:

Arias awoke to the sight of Harley sleeping peacefully on top of him.

'When did she...'

Arias simply sighed and separated himself from her then left her covered in the sheets before heading to take a shower and getting dressed. With Harley still fast asleep, Arias decided to let her be and headed out into the city.

'Still got a few days before any auction is held but at least the goods are already secured..hmm might as well start making a mental short list of which heroes and villains we'll be easiest to deal with'.

Arias walked through the streets of Gotham in deep contemplation.

Meanwhile in a hospital waiting room, a young lady was seated with a worried expression on her face. She had blue eyes and long straight red hair. Next to her was a man in a gray suit who carried the same worried expression as the young girl.

They sat in silence until a nurse approached them. They then both hastily stood up. The man spoke first and inquired the worry in his voice very clear.

"How is he".

The Nurse showed a faint smile as she replied in a calming tone.

"He's stable but suffered many internal injuries, the doctors say his chances look good...he's awake now if you wish to see".

The man and young woman were quick to nod, so nurse then began leading them into the patients room.

"How are you feeling Jim?"

The man in the grey suit spoke first and asked but before Jim could reply the young lady darted into his arms.

"Dad!..you had me so worried I thought I lost you".

Tears ran down the girls face as the man gently stroked her hair.

"Do you remember what happened Jim?"

The man in a gray suit asked in a serious tone but Jim Gordon simply shook his head.

"I remember very little there was a knock on the door then everyone went dark, the next moment I just felt my body in pain. The only words I heard where. "The joker sends his regards" I'm sorry I can't recall anything more Bruce".

Jim looked dejected for a moment about his predicament.

Bruce simply nodded and assured him.

"It's fine Jim In the end the fire only lead to minor injuries, whoever did this to you either has some sort of abilities or had an accomplice. Signs of explosives going off at almost the same time on different floors were found but the scene didn't give much evidence as to what it may have been".

Bruce gave a rough assessment of what he'd understood. Jim nodded along and began contemplating the matter.

"How about the joker!, if he's found we'll get answers right?".

The girl asked in angry tone the clear resentment for joker on full display but Bruce shook his head.

"The joker has gone into hiding and there's been no reports on him plus with the recent case of the crime families, the police are already stretched thin. If he is indeed the one behind this then we have no way of knowing. But the crime families sending someone as well is also a possibility."

Jim nodded at Bruce's words and stroked the young woman's hair.

"Calm down Barbara, the joker will get what's coming to him just promise me you won't do anything stupid okay? You're all I have left....Just focus on school,with the mob bosses after him as-well information will pop up sooner or later"

Jim spoke in a concerned tone as he held onto his daughter tightly. As Bruce was about to speak the nurse walked into the room.

"Mr Gordon its time for the scan".

Jim saw the worried expression on Bruce's face and assured him and Barbara

"Don't go making that face you two or you'll have me worried too Haha am fine really".

He gave his daughter one last hug and patted Bruce's shoulder.

"Bring me a beer next time you decide too alright".

Bruce simply let out a small smile as he and Barbara left the hospital. As the pair walked out the girl couldn't help but ask.

"Will he really be okay".

Bruce held the girls shoulder and gave her a comforting smile as he spoke.

"He'll be alright I just worry he won't stay in bed long enough to fully heal,Jim is very stubborn, you get that from him".

The girl let out a laugh while nodding her head.

"He sure is".

Having her mood lighten up a bit, Bruce decided to change the topic.

"By the way how you getting along with your new teammates?"

The girl lifted her head in thought at the question before responding.

"Hmmm how do I put this...Aqua-lad is good team leader but sometimes a hard ass during training, Superboy has his temper while Megan doesn't know the meaning of personal space, Artemis keeps to herself most times, Zatanna either loves talking about magic or Robin, while Robin himself well he just talks about strategy. As for kid flash I hope he falls next time he clicks over 5000mph".

Bruce simply raised an eyebrow at the girl and asked.

"That bad?".

She then let out a sigh and shook her head

"No but it's hard being new y'know or wait you don't know".

Bruce gave her shoulder a pat before they got into his car and drove off.

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