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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 117: A Visitor

After Jennifer had agreed to join Arias's organization for now, Arias and Natasha led her back to the jet and returned to the organization.

That same night, an institution well known for the stand it was taking against mutants was under attack.

"S-stop right there." A shivering guard threatened before firing his gun.

However the person he shot at wasn't the least bit worried as the bullets came to a stop as they were just about to hit him.

"You people never learn. Always preaching to the public about how mutants are a bane to society...but when really we are a blessing and you are the bane."

"*sigh* it's pointless wasting anymore words on a dead man. Goodbye." The figure turned his hand towards the guard and the bullets that hovered in the air returned to guard and pierced his body.

The guard died immediately and fell to the ground. The figure in front of the guard hovered past him and continued on. Behind him even more numerous figures could be seen standing.

"Kill everyone. It's time the mutants send a message to the world...."

The next morning at the Leviathan Branch tower, some members of the organization were gathered in the lounge looking up at a big screen. On it was the news of a gruesome massacre that took place in the early hours of the morning.

At first everyone all gazed at Arias as they knew he was out last night but no one dared to say anything.

"It wasn't me" He suddenly said, causing everyone to nod their heads.

"Of course it wasn't big bro, I knew that" Big patted his chest confidently and said.

"It's more hot thinking Master did it" Blackfire commented while showing a smirk.

"I agree." Harley pointed out before high fiving Blackfire.

"It wasn't Mr.Leviathan and if it was then they deserved it." Kara said confidently and Raven nodded.

"Yo Ivy? What do your plants think?" Slade asked while smirking but Ivy simply gave him a middle finger.

Jennifer, Eddie, Loki and Natasha who were still relatively new to the Organization looked at this scene oddly. They argued and were rude to each other but one could see the chemistry between them.

"Hey Eddie? What does that voice in your head think" Slade shifted the question to Eddie who hesitated for a moment.

[We can do better] the voice in Eddie's head said.

"No way I'm saying that. Shut up". Eddie Retorted quickly.

[Wuss] The voice replied before going silent.

"Just what we need, more weirdos." Ivy commented, causing Slade to look her way.

"Weird? You literally grow fungus on your body at will! I'm sure your pubes are weeds, your perfume is insecticide, you use fertilizer as shampoo, I could go on but I'll stop here because I don't want to be insensitive" Said Slade while raising his hands in the air.

"Could you two not argue so early in the morning" Arias finally spoke once more and Slade shrugged and listened while Ivy leaned back into her chair and just glared at Slade.

"...H-hey boss...uh what do you think about the news..." Rose asked Arias out of nowhere.

"I almost forgot you're here, always so quiet when the boss is here. Then again that explains why you actually showered today" Slade concluded and almost immediately got a punch to the gut while Rose had her face flush red.

"What I think...In two days time it will be our names that will be on the news." Arias answered the question casually before turning to leave.

As Arias said these words, multiple members of the organization showed smiles. Natasha showed a smile as it sounded exciting while Eddie, Jennifer and Loki looked confused.

As Arias walked away, Starfire and Blackfire wanted to approach him but out of nowhere, Nearítheá flew to his side in an instant while Àpeiro calmly approached him.

Seeing Àpeiro everyone seemed to flip the switch to best behavior. Blackfire and Starfire immediately returned to their seats while everyone else turned towards the TV despite it being now off.

"Uh who's the lady?" Eddie suddenly asked and Slade immediately looked at him and shook his head.

"Good morning everyone." Àpeiro's voice reached everyone and caused them to feel a chill like no other.

"Must you tease them?" Arias turned to Àpeiro and asked but she simply smiled.

"I'm still adjusting to controlling my output in this body" Àpeiro answered but Arias gave her a skeptical look.

"How are your plans progressing?" Àpeiro asks in her usual demeanor.

"So far quite smoothly. Is there anything of importance Perpetua has told you?" Arias asked and Àpeiro nodded.

"Quite a lot, but it's best you see for yourself when you return Ari." Àpeiro replied and Arias nodded without asking any further.

"Yes, that is best Father...." Nearítheá suddenly said in an attempt to join the conversation using their manner of talking.

Arias and Àpeiro both gave her a quick glance before both smirking. Nearítheá thought they didn't take her seriously which led her to frown.

"She's beginning to sound like you" Arias pointed out but Àpeiro shook her head.

"I believe she's emulating her father. That seems far more plausible in my opinion." Àpeiro retorted while Arias only glanced at her and slightly shrugged his shoulders. All the while Nearítheá followed quietly with her arms crossed.

"I need to stop by the lab and check on Shay's progress. I think-...hmm seems we have company." Arias and Àpeiro both stopped walking after he said this.

"Do you feel that Nearítheá?" Arias turned to Nearítheá and asked but she shook her head while keeping it lowered.

"She's well versed in the physical aspect of her abilities but the mental part will take time as it requires patience and focus on her part. Something she doesn't especially excel in...anyway, are you going to send someone to greet our guest? I see no reason for you to intervene, Ari" Àpeiro explained before assessing the situation.

"That's true, but I have some words for our visitor. Shall we?" Àpeiro nodded and the two turned and began walking while Nearítheá continued to follow while frowning.

'I can be patient and focused...Hmph!'

Rip for the late releases. The editors are also busy with their personal lives so some delay should be expected here and there. Otherwise updates are daily. The action and brutality is about to start returning to the book. Enjoy

God_Of_Brutalitycreators' thoughts