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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 110: Operation Commence

A/N: Sorry for the late release, my editors and I have been busy...

Edited by MagnuS the depressed

Arias had gathered the Task Force in the conference hall to explain their mission. Loki hadn't been in the organization long enough so he was asked to remain behind.

"Let's not waste time and begin. Normally Slade would relay the information but this operation is crucial for our organization to build its foundation."

"That said the task itself is simple. You are to mark down potential recruits for our organization's branch in this world. A war between mutants and humans will soon begin, meaning all mutants from young to old will be at risk."

"Your task is to find young recruits and mark them in the index. They'll be properly incorporated once we open a larger facility. As for how you'll find them..." Arias trailed off and allowed Shay who just walked in to continue.

"To find them, simply use your rings. Zero is handling all the tracking. You'll be informed if a mutant meeting the search criteria has been found." She spoke softly but firmly.

Those gathered looked at their rings and nodded at her statement.

"What if they don't want to be recruited?" Asked Ivy while crossing her arms.

"Making your approach and stating your reasons is enough, once the war starts they'll either seek us out themselves or be more open. Keep in mind you may not be the only ones looking. I'm sure you know what to do".

Said Arias in a serious tone making Ivy and those gathered nod in agreement.

"Good you'll work in pairs. Caitlyn with Banshee and Ivy with Katana. Dr. Veritas we'll brief on everything else you need to know in the lab. You're dismissed" announced Arias.

Slade however looked a bit confused and stood up before walking over to Arias.

"Am I paired up with Rose then?" He asked in a curious tone but Arias shook.

"No, Rose won't be participating. As for you, you'll be joining me in my other operation." Answered Arias after everyone except Slade left.

Upon hearing that, Slade showed a grin and let out a satisfied laugh.

"If you're coming then the mission is most definitely going to be interesting. When do we start?" He asked as his mind already began thinking of what their operation would be.

"We leave at midnight, prepare well. We'll be dealing with many deadly mutants. But I trust your skill set and hers..."

As Arias said this Slade turned to the door. A second later Harley burst through the door and looked around seeing only Arias and Slade.

"Uh...Is the meeting over?" She asked in a playful tone while facing Arias and Slade.

"Just be ready by midnight" Answered Arias while sighing before walking towards the exit of the room

As Arias left the room Harley walked beside him as they went towards the residential floor.

"Mind filling me in on what I missed?...please" pleaded Harley as she Arias wasn't going to speak.

"You'll find out tonight. Just have your weapons ready I suppose." Replied Arias while slightly shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh then I better have Dr. V do some fine tuning on em, see you later Sir." Said Harley hurriedly before giving Arias a peck on the cheek and leaving.

"Didn't think goodbye would be her style..." thought Arias allowed before continuing down the hall.

He soon arrived at a door leading to his room and casually entered. However he was greeted by a sight he did not expect. Àpeiro and Natasha were seated on a sofa conversing but soon turned their gazes to Arias who had just entered.

"Welcome back Ari" Said Àpeiro in a lovely voice.

"Since when do you socialize?" asked Arias with a slight smile on his face as he walked over to the women.

"We met in the lounge and started talking, after that place got noisy we came here. We both had nothing to do after all" replied Natasha while sipping a glass of wine.

"Interesting. Well then I'll leave you two to it." Replied Arias about to leave but had both of his hands held. One by Natasha and the other by Àpeiro causing him to raise a brow in curiosity.

"Well you should join us now that you're here. Natasha has some questions to ask but didn't want to disturb you so I entertained her curiosity for you to some extent, her company is tolerable." Said Àpeiro with a smile on her face.

Arias was very skeptical as the last time she smiled like that was when she showed Arias her progress in "teaching" Nearítheá. Still he sat down between the two and awaited their questions.

"Well firstly, I wanted to ask if I could participate in your organization's operations. It just feels strange doing nothing while everyone around me seems busy. I think it's a habit." Said Natasha while sighing.

"I already have something in mind concerning that. It hasn't been that long since I arrived so only now am I starting operations. More importantly, you may not agree with me on how I carry out operations." Answered Arias honestly making both of the women chuckle.

"You're strange Arias, but in a good way" stated Natasha while smiling.

"That he is" added Àpeiro, leaving Arias in the dark about what they meant.

Time flew by and the questions continued to flow. Arias soon became relaxed and enjoyed the interaction with the two.

"...That wasn't so hard now was it Ari?" Expressed a smiling Àpeiro.

"What do you mean? The questions?" Replied Arias while shrugging his shoulders but Àpeiro shook her head.

"No. To having more interactions. Have you even seen the time? We've been talking for hours and I quite enjoyed it, I know you did too" Àpeiro said leaning against his shoulder.

"He stopped complaining after the 11th question." Added Natasha while chuckling.

Arias could sigh as he couldn't refute her words, time flew by it was now almost time for him to set off.

"I refuse to comment on that. But...next time I'm asking the questions." He said before standing up from the sofa.

Natasha and Àpeiro remained conversing while Arias went down to the lounge. There he found Slade and Harley already waiting.

"Didn't think you'd be the one whose late" Stated Harley as she grinned while leaning against her bat.

"Are you trying to say only the other gender can be late Harley? Hmmmm" Said Slade in an attempt to back up his fellow man.

"Let's just go you two, it's going to be a long night." He said as he approached both of them and held them by the shoulder.

A dark light engulfed them and they vanished from the lounge.

00:13 PM, Colorado, Rocky Mountains.

Arias, Harley and Slade appeared in what looked to be the middle of nowhere.

"Uh? Are we camping and hunting or something?" Asked Harley as she looked around.

"It may not seem like much but inside those Rocky Mountains is an immense security prison for superhumans and aliens. The Vault."

"As a precaution this place has a direct detonation line to the Whitehouse. In case of a break down, the facility would be detonated. Once Zero has gained control over the direct line, we'll engage." Explained Arias while keeping his gaze forward.

"A good old prison break, this takes me back" commented Slade as she showed a smirk.

"Yea, Ivy and I broke out of a few together. Good times. So he are we busting outta here?" Asked Harley while twirling her bat.

"You'll free all D and C class level prisoners. Those are the ones with minor crimes who are only here due to either having an uncontrollable ability or for experiments. The Warden here hates Super-humans and enjoys experimenting on inmates." Explained Arias to which Slade and Harley nodded.

"So you're going after the Warden then boss?" Asked Slade but Arias shook his head.

"I'm going after a potential recruit in the lowest levels of the Vault."
