
Chapter 3

I'm most likely going to do nothing too major like bank robbery but something like pick pocketing in small increments everyday, slowly receiving income. Although I don't think that I'm good at pick pocketing, I could try; maybe even get some tips from Cat.

Standing in the city where hundreds of people are bustling around my small self it was the ideal situation to pickpocket someone. I scope the area trying to find someone who looks like they have somewhat of a lot of money and find a tall man in a suit- looks like a lawyer of some sorts.

Walking behind him for a little while I, as quickly as possible, dip my hand in his pocket in which I saw the outline of a wallet. Pulling my hand out of the man's pocket I retrieve his wallet and silently run away.

I pulled the wallet out of my own pocket and opened it up to see my spoils, exactly 100 dollars and a few gift cards at some stores that I like. Although I think it is quite extra to have a hundred dollars in your wallet, I guess some people are just rich enough for it. Anyways I think this amount of money will suffice for some clothes, because I wouldn't want to keep on taking clothes from Bruce.

After counting all the money once again just to be safe, I walk around the city looking for a clothing store. After six to ten minutes of walking around I found a store called "The Attic" The Attic had a bunch of different things including clothing, toys, handy gadgets, antiques, and some knives. I might come to this store quite often, Depending on the service they give of course.

Walking into the store I was greeted by a nice old man with white slicked back hair and a well groomed mustache, "Good evening, what brings you here to my small shop." "I'm just looking for some clothes and maybe other wears and tears." I replied back. "Oh okay, let me know if you need anything from the locked shelves." Once the old man said that I was intrigued by these locked shelves, I completely put aside the clothes and asked the man, "What are in the locked shelves If you don't mind me asking?" The old man grinned, "Follow me and come take a look." After the old man said that he led me to three locked shelves in the back of the store.

Inside the first shelf were knives, any kind you could think of; Butterfly Knives, Switchblades, Daggers, Karambits, etc. In the second shelf were small handguns like a Glock, Desert Eagle, etc. In the third shelf there were a bunch of different combat books and weapons like a Bo-Staff, Taekwondo Instruction Book, Kunchucks, Katana, Ryu Kenpo Instruction Book, etc.

The items in the shelves were quite expensive, like the butterfly knife was around 45 dollars and the guns were obviously expensive but worth it. I might come back to these shelves after picking my clothes out. After telling the old man that I'd come back to the shelves after picking out my clothes and knowing the prices.

After seeing the sheer amount of clothes that this establishment has there was no way I would not want to come back especially since the owner is so nice. Looking through the clothes for over an hour I found 6 different outfits that I really liked. Once I finished checking the prices my total was about 60 dollars. The reason why it was so cheap was because "The Attic" was partly a thrift store and I shopped out of that section. After knowing the prices and how much I had left I asked him how much it'd be to buy the black and silver butterfly knife on the first shelf.

"50 dollars for that beauty. But since this is your first time here I'll give you 20 dollars off." I couldn't believe how nice this old dude was, especially since we're in Gotham. "Thank you." I say as he gives a warm smile but right before giving me the knife he goes serious and says, "But what is a little kid like you gonna do with this knife." I talk in a serious tone as well, "To protect myself. You never know what might happen in Gotham." The old man smiles once again while handing me the knife, "You're right, you can never be too safe."

The old man rings me up and I pay him 90 dollars exactly. (i'm not gonna add tax in this book) With 10 dollars to my name I seriously need to find a way of steady money income. I'll live off of Bruce for right now but eventually I'll need to get my own house like Cat.

I think I'll work for Penguin in one of his establishments and form a father son bond with him to have a good trustworthy connection that can pull through with whatever I need even more so due to him going to become the president in a couple of months. This plan resolves the money problem due to working and the connections. I already have a good relationship with Bruce Wayne which is extremely important due to him becoming batman in the future as well as him being a millionaire as well as Alfred who could become a trustworthy person to call for help in fighting situations.

Going back to Bruce's house I took a cab once more and paid the guy this time instead of leaving him hanging. Once home I opened the door and made my way to the main foyer to model my outfits for Bruce and Alfred which they were very indifferent about my style. Most of the clothes I bought were random graphic t-shirts, ripped baggy jeans, and different colored flannels. I bought more but that was the majority of the clothes.

Despite being focused on my new clothes they questioned me about how I got the money in which I made the excuse that I found a job for being a table waiter even at my young age. The only reason why that would be possible is because I look like I'm 14 instead of 12.

After showing them my clothes me and Bruce looked through some files about his parents murder. While we were looking through the files he caught me up on his different theories and what he figured out so far, which intrigued me because how can such a crime go into such a deep surface of Gotham.

I gave Bruce some of my ideas on the topic like the murderer could be someone that he knew or trusted before his parents death which brought him onto the topic of his relatives. The discussion continued for over 2 hours which brought us into midnight. Bruce said to me before he left to his bedroom, "Thank you for listening to me and not making fun of my antics." "It was really no problem. Your mind intrigues me. I also love to have theoretical conversations. Although I might sound a little like a nerd saying something like that." I reply while having a light chuckle. "Oh no, I completely understand. I'm kind of a nerd myself." Bruce continues to laugh with me until I say, "Well, goodnight Bruce." "Goodnight Art."

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