
Chapter 2...

"Well of course I do, my dad was a MMA fighter, quite a good one too albeit it's hard to admit. Although it was pretty one-sided I fought back when he hit me. Not that well but I learned more about his fighting style and his flaws. Hence I understood how to dodge some of the punches and counterattack, although every time I counterattacked it didn't really do anything due to my weak arms and my dad's big frame. Due to the feeling of being able to somewhat defend myself against someone two times my size was a great feeling, due to this I started to train and gain some sort of strength." "You wanna go with me?" Alfred said with a smile on his face. "I mean sure, but why." "To test how much you learned and to see if your training paid off." I gave Alfred a nod and stepped in front of him, I put on the boxing gloves and got into stance. Well it wasn't really a stance, I usually let my hands dangle at my side to make it seem like my fighting is just based on my feet even though I usually use elbows and attack only vitals like temples, front of the foot, liver, neck, etc. It's a very powerful fighting style that I hope to call my own after I master it.

Seeing my stance Alfred was confused, why would this little boy be so relaxed in a fight against someone so much stronger than him- it clicked; since he was constantly being beaten by his father he was immune to "fighting fear" in which led him to being able to relax himself in battle to minimize stamina usage. It was insane, truly; a boy of this age knowing this much about fighting could be detrimental to all villains in this world if he grows correctly.

After getting slightly lost in his thoughts Alfred goes back to focusing on the fight. He makes the first move, giving Artemis a slight jab towards his ribcage in which get quickly deflected by Art's elbow, after blocking the attack the boy continues his motion by throwing a elbow towards Alfred's trapezoids in which homes a huge pressure point that could knock him off his concentration. Landing the hit was like a saving grace for Art, a chance to make a chain of attacks that could maybe win him the spar and show that he is worthy of living here.

After getting hit Alfred winced and put distance between him and Art as quickly as possible but despite that Art wasn't going to let that happen. He quickly dashed towards Alfred and threw a horridly quick elbow that could easily knock out an untrained person. Alfred as someone who was severely trained in the army (navy seals, marines, idk tbh) wasn't going to let this puny kid on the street beat him so he started to use more of his strength and block the attack while throwing a left hook towards the kids jaw. Artemis was confused how could someone block and punch at the same time, it wasn't possible and even if it was it couldn't be that strong of a punch due to the lack of build up but that wasn't the case for Alfred, he was strong, he could build up enough force to deal a devastating blow towards Art and knock him out.

When the fight was over and Art laid on the floor unconscious Alfred said half-jokingly, "Did I go a bit rough on the poor lad?" "Yes, just a tad Alfred." Bruce said sarcastically to Alfred as they both chuckled. Art thought that he was definitely going to win due to seeing how weak the jab that Alfred first threw was but little did he know that that wasn't even half of his strength. If Alfred took that fight seriously Artemis would be dead in mere seconds, even before he could touch him. (This is not an exaggeration, in the military they teach you deadly techniques that could kill people faster than a minute, btw I didn't like that in the show they weakened Alfred so that he only knew basic combat which shouldn't be true.) Which Art took as a lesson to not get cocky when fighting because cockiness could lead to death.

After waking up Art finds himself in the main foyer once again, Bruce and Alfred are both looming over him with a questioning look. "Oh, He's awake." Bruce said to Alfred in which he responded in affirmation. Alfred helped lift Artemis so that he could sit up since he was still quite groggy. When he was fully awake Bruce explained that he was knocked unconscious by Alfred. Nodding his head he fully understood that he was weak; on the same level as Bruce but with more unpredictability.

Bruce continued talking and said something that slightly shocked Artemis, "Art- well I mean Artemis, me and Alfred have been thinking about your situation and what you could potentially be and we decided that if you would like you could stay here for a while and help with the search for my parents murderer." After hearing this Artemis thought about the other people who he could stay with but ultimately Bruce was the best; so he accepted the offer with the utmost gratitude, "I will like that, thank you. I'll help with finding your parents' murderer to the best of my ability." Artemis was actually being serious, he always wanted to find Bruce's parents' killer. Imagining him and Bruce kicking villain scum and figuring out who killed his parents side by side was a dream, well that is until now.

"Great, then it's settled." Bruce says with a quite nice smile. Alfred at Bruce's side also grinned slightly. 'With a house secured I think it's time to pay Jim a visit.' After thinking to himself Artemis told Bruce and Alfred that he was leaving to go occupy himself, after saying his farewell Artemis left Wayne Manor hoping to find Jim somewhere in the city or at the Gotham City Police Department.

Walking for a while now I understand that I'm kinda lost without a navigator of some sorts. Hence why I need to make some money so that I could afford some essentials like a phone, clothes, I can't drive yet so no car, a laptop for more in depth researching projects, and maybe a knife of some sorts, also I'd like to receive some sorts of taekwondo lessons from a video dvd. For now these things are enough, no need for a gun if I don't get in trouble which I hope not too and no need for a house cause I'm too young for my own house anyway.

Now the question that remains is how, how do I make this money, maybe crime, working (I think I'm still too young), busking, selling things at stands (idk), all of these are really good ways of making money but if I want to get the amount of money I want as quickly as I can I'd have to do some sort of crime.