
Chapter 4

The next morning I make the plan to somehow meet up with Jim Gordon, thinking back to the Gotham timeline after the explosion there was a 5 month period in between that brought us to the time when Jim was a Hunter although in the show they didn't let us see what he did in that 5 month period I like to believe that he was hunting down those mutants and training himself to fight them. In this time period I could join him and train myself with him, although Jim was only a Police Officer he was also in the military so he could teach me things that other people couldn't which would be really important.

Strength is key right now in the story. I need to build connections, gain strength, and make lots of money. Money and power is the most important thing in Gotham, if you don't have either or the your living the worst possible life, which I don't want to.

Going back into the city I walk into one of Penguin's Restaurants (I'm basically copying penguins' rise to richness) and ask the waiter if I could discuss receiving a job here since the outside said "Were Hiring!" The waiter brings me to the back of the restaurant to where their boss or the head was sitting with a bunch of cash around him in dirty bands; most likely dirty money from drug dealing or something along the lines. I'm okay with it though since I was prepared for this kind of thing to happen since this is Penguin's establishment.

The boss said a little sly-like, "I heard you want a job at my restaurant?" "It's not your restaurant." I quickly replied a little angered that this nobody was taking credit for Penguin's restaurant. "What do you mean it's not my restaurant?" The boss says a little nervously. "You know what I mean. If you don't want me to tell him about this matter you better give me this job." I laugh to myself sinisterly. "Uh- s- sure you get the job kid." the boss says after getting threatened by Art. (I know that this is quite rushed)

I instantly started to buss tables, although it was my first time I was quite good due to watching the other people here giving me examples on what to do and what not to do. I kept waiting tables until it was around 9pm. The total that I received from tips was around 120 dollars as well as my 9 dollars an hour. I got 165 dollars just from one day of working for 5 hours. I don't want to stay here later than 9 cause by the time I get back to Bruce's house It would be dark and usually I can't find taxis that well in the night. After leaving the restaurant I called over a taxi and ask him to bring me to the wayne manor.

At the manor I tell Bruce and Alfred about the news of me getting a job which excited them although they were skeptical about how I got it they just let it go after a while. After talking with Bruce about some important things we both went to bed. In the morning I thought to myself about what I should do next since right now I have a steady job and good living conditions. Maybe I should get involved with the story a little more since right now is a time period where anything could happen due to it being a timeskip in the show.

I should probably get acquainted with Jim around now because after this timeskip he becomes a little more distant from the show although still having his own struggles in the show. I need to locate him in some way but I just don't know how?

Finally getting out of the bed I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth as normal people do and start my daily workout. Although its nothing hardcore like body-builder type shit its still pretty hefty. Push-Ups, Squats, Sit-Ups, Dips, Taekwondo Practice, and Wall Climbers; Spending a minute on every exercise. I like to call this workout "The Ironman'' since some people say that it literally turns you into an iron man.

It usually gets me sweating quite easily, to the point where It looks like I just took a shower, which I usually do after working out. It was a nice refreshing one, not too cold, not too hot. After finishing my daily routine I go to work like a normal person and continue my day afterward by going back to the Wayne Manor to help Bruce with his investigations as well as go to different places due to our conspiracies.

This routine continued for 3 months.

Now with a total of 14,000 dollars hidden away in the manor by Alfred I now have enough money for some basic things that I would need in the future. My prowess is exceptionally good in 2 styles of taekwondo: one that implements fists and one strictly for kicking. From my daily workout it seems that I've grown in strength quite a bit; I could barely lift 70 before, but now I can easily do so and even carry up to 155 pounds. (Keep in mind that this is just from body workouts so there cant be such an extreme change, btw by lift i mean like holding that weight with two hands)

With this improvement I think it's time to live on the streets like Bruce did to learn important skills. Thinking that I say my farewells to Bruce and Alfred and tell them that I'll be going on an adventure; in a theoretical way of course. I bring fifty dollars just for safety if Cat wants to swindle me.

I take a taxi to the city and walk my way to the slums aka where the homeless people lived. There were people who were going to the bathroom in public and people who had dirty hair with lice and dandruff and all different kinds of diseases and other weird characteristics. It was a freak show.

I sit down by a flaming trash can to warm up a little since it is relatively cold outside at this time of the year and an old lady says something to me I can barely hear, "Hey, this is my trash can! Find your own!" It seemed like she was forcing her voice quite a bit, maybe she has a problem with her vocal cords. "Uh, yeah sure. I'll get out of your hair." I say back to her, a little more polite than usual. Don't get me wrong I wasn't scared of that old hag I just didn't want to make a ruckus, cause if I did hell only knows what would happen.

After walking around for a little bit around the slums I found Cat sitting at a flaming trash can with her friends. "Hey, uh, do you think I could sit here?" While saying this I was quite nervous since I kind of liked Cat in the show and always thought she was beautiful. "Sure." After they all agreed Cat and her friends continued talking before I kind of put myself into the conversation by saying, "How are you guys so young yet, by yourself like this?" They all stared daggers at me before the one tall kid said, "Shouldn't we be asking the same thing to you?"