
Got Stuck in Overlord as a NPC, Now I'm in Sothoryos?!

An Overlord x ASOISAF/GOT Crossover Fanfic What happens when a Theater Kid gets reincarnated as an Angel NPC in the DMMO-RPG, YGGDRASIL? What would be his fate if he got transported into another 'New World'? Follow Ainz aka 'Ainzerophiel Deus Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale' on his newfound path of Justice~ _____________________________ English is not my first language so please correct me if I'm wrong. I do not own anything from any of these franchises nor the pictures I use as imagery and I give credit to all its creators. But my OCs are MINE! [If you wish to support me: ko-fi.com/reyvielfaesly patreon.com/ReyvielFaesly]

Reyviel_Faesly · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


Ainz's POV

Being successful in anchoring my Angels in this plane, I went on a Summoning Streak.

I summoned more [Elder Sages] to help me manage things and added more [Angel Guardians I], including the II & III variants to do the menial work.

I assigned one [Angel Guardian III] to manage the rest of the Guardians.

I chose him in particular because somehow his platinum blonde hair - clearly of Valyrian descent - combined with his strong and manly features made me remember one particular Witcher...

I named him Geralt.

The first ever named Angel of my summons!

I also anchored the Angels I summoned from the 7th Tier Spell [Angelic Army] - which is like our OG Daddy Bonez spell [Undead Army].

The spell enables me to summon a horde of Low-level [Angels] with just a single spell.

They are [Angels] that wear Greek-designed togas but they unfortunately don't possess any weapons.

'These guys have immense potential, cause as far as I know, Summons from evoked spells with a vessel or anchor are capable of Leveling up right?'

'The [Death Knight] that trained along with the cutie hamster, Hamusuke was able to level up and gain its own sentience right? Or was it another fanfic that I read?'

Either way, it could still work.

Besides, I'm lazy.

Compared to me manually summoning each angel, would be quite a hassle and time-consuming.

Considering the fact that I have a limit of 12 low-tier angel summons per day to use. So that spell saved me a lot of energy.

With that out of the way, I continued my summoning routine.

I summoned [Divine Knights] which are like the [Death Knights] in terms of size but angel and divine by nature.

Each of them is wearing a Full Set of armor, with metals so shiny like gold. A helmet with a long blue feather at its tip. Along with a cape to add up with the Chivalrous Vibe.

They also carry a large pure-white sword and shield with golden accents. Both possess an ethereal blue gem that continuously glows.

I also summoned [Divine Cavaliers], which came along with a pure white unicorn for each rider.

'Don't ask me how they got a horny horse coming out of a human vessel when I summoned a [Divine Cavalier]'

'Daddy Bonez got himself a [Death Cavalier] from a single dead corpse but I didn't even question where the black horse came from'

'Trust me. It's not that I'm the weird one. I'm not into kinky Beastiality nor am I a Furry. It's definitely the game mechanic's and system's fault!'

Anyways, the [Divine Cavalier] is a white knight who rides a blue-eyed unicorn, whose body is pure white and sporting a horn on its head. It emanates an aura of the divine, as radiant as the sun. The rider wears a full plate armor that pulses as though it is alive.

I also summoned [Ethereal Sentinels], with the armor they wear that looks like The Destroyer, or The Destroyer Automaton, that guards Odin's Vault in the Thor Movie.

'These guys shoot laser beams from their eyes. The 'Cyclops' from X-men could never'

I also evoked the spell [Ladies of the Covenant], that enabled me to successfully anchor [Holy Priestesses].

The spell basically summons, [Holy Priestesses] that are capable of Healing spells and Exorcisms. They are wearing your classic Nun outfit, holding a staff or a book that looks like a bible.

I also summoned [Angelic Choirs] that anchored Angels with the Bard job class. Each one of them carries a different instrument, though most of them are either harps or trumpets.

'Can you imagine going to war with cool background music? I can already hear my dramatic entry! HAHAHAHA!'

I also tried anchoring Angels from my [Angelic Hierarchy] Skill Set but I found myself limited.

I could only anchor the 3rd Triad: The Heavenly Messengers, but other than that, I can't do so for the 2nd and the 1st.

'Somehow it doesn't work... Why though?'

'Is it perhaps due to the quality of the vessels?'

So much to do. So much to learn.

I found myself in another questioning loop.

But I stopped myself and decided that such matters were thoughts to have for another day.

I will have to focus more on the rising number of Angels at my command.

'What should I do now? Hmmm...'

I have the land to build my own home with no one to stop me.

'It's free real estate!'

This place definitely has a lot of untapped resources so I don't have to worry about where to get them to build or make anything.

'The Plaques and dangerous wildlife though... How should I fix it?'

I just can't kill everything... But I can at least cull their numbers and control them at least.

'But how? By taming them? That could work'

I could use the Angels to kill most of them to cull their population and make them submit - Daddy Bonez style~

'But the Quogoa were intellectuals like the Apemen though? Not like the monstrous animals here who are living by mere instinct'

'Should I let them purify the lands and waters of the place instead?'

'Does using the Spell [Cleanse] work on a river? Will it clean any form of debris or will it also remove floating mosquito eggs?'

I mean, we've got all the time in the world to find out.

'Hmm... How about the possible unwanted visitors?'

I was just about to continue my overthinking thoughts when I was interrupted by Geralt himself.

"Lord Ainz, It is all done, Milord" He reported to me as he bowed like how Sebas Tian does it in the anime, with a hand by his chest.

"Have all remaining bodies properly stored and the Angels in assembly?"

"Yes, Milord. It was all done according to your instructions. We have placed all remaining bodies in stasis in the Cryopods you have provided for us"

"Good. Lead the way then"

I am ever grateful to Sophie for making me her storage room during one of our plays.

I wouldn't have those Cryopods within my inventory.

It was supposed to keep large pets within for transport.

'Who knew it could serve as a giant refrigerator for human meat?'

As I followed Geralt, we flew over the thick green forest of the 'Green Hells', unto the horizons, heading towards the flatlands beyond the tall mountain rages of Sothoryos.

'I initially planned to summon these guys in front of the settlement but decided against it at the last minute'

'They would surely die from shock from the scene of numerous naked bodies lying about'

That's why I settled to someplace far and unseen.

A couple of minutes later we arrived.

I was standing on an elevated platform made out of smooth marble. With a throne not much luxurious but elegant nonetheless up top.

Trumpets played along with the singing of a choir, with a song of a melodious hymn, as I walked towards the throne, wings hidden in place.

As I sat, Geralt was standing over my left and the 1st Elder Sage I summoned, who I later named as Merlin, was at my right.

"Arise, all of you," I said since they had been kneeling ever since I arrived.

I set my sight upon the gathered Angels, standing on the earth with an intense aura of divinity.

The Principalities at the forefront.

Unlike their Anime counterparts which seemed robotic, now in this reality, they are akin to gods and goddesses in human form, with their wings secured at their backs and a halo ever pulsating with golden hues.

Their beauty and handsomeness are out of this world.

'If their biblical form could not be described by the tongue, so is their humanoid form'

'Initially, I thought they would take the face of the fleshed-out bodies as is, I didn't realize they could improve it to inhuman heights!'

Along with the other summoned angels behind them, arranged by the sequence of hierarchy, grouped up by Job Class.

Making the Jobless Angels I summoned through the [Angelic Army] spell at the furthest back along with the Unicorns of the [Divine Cavaliers].

I felt a little bad but what can I do? Angelic we all may be, but we still have to follow protocols according to levels of authority.

"Welcome my dear children..." I said as I raised my arms and unfurled my golden wings in a warm welcome.

"To our New World!"


[Angelic Hierarchy] Skill Set


{High Tier Angel (4/day)}

10th Tier Spell - [Seraphim] Level 90s

9th Tier Spell - [Cherubim] Level 80s

8th Tier Spell - [Thrones] Level 70s


{Middle Tier Angel (8/day)}

7th Tier Spell - [Dominions] Level 60s

6th Tier Spell - [Virtues] Level 50s

5th Tier Spell - [Powers] Level 40s


{Low Tier Angel (12/day)}

4th Tier Spell - [Principalities] Level 30s






3rd Tier Spell - [Archangels] Level 20s






2nd Tier Spell - [Angels] Level 10s







The (*) Above are some of the types of Angels he was able to summon within his [Angelic Heirarchy] Skill Set.

Comment here if you any more ideas on what type in particular to summon.

He could still summon high-tier angels though only temporary and few by numbers.

And don't worry. I'll think of a way to make it possible to anchor high-tiered angels. Skulls being rebuilt to 'fleshen up' just doesn't work. So far our very own Daddy haven't found one as well, as far as I know.

Also, Our MC 'could' have done better but, unfortunately, he is built like a Knight, not as a Summoner.


And that's a wrap! (≧▽≦)

This closes our 2nd Arc ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Up next? The 3rd Arc of course (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

I know this turned into a bit of an info dump. I just didn't know how to close it. ಥ‿ಥ

Anyways~ Do you have any ideas I can work with?

How was the chapter? Any good?

Comment and Review your thoughts so I can work things out better (~ ̄³ ̄)~

Thank you all once again for the stoning session! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ We've actually reached more than 5.3k collections like Sheeesh~

I couldn't have reached this far without you guys ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Thank you for enjoying my imagination despite all my shortcomings and failures in life ༼;´༎ຶ ∆ ༎ຶ༽

Have a great day!

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