
GOT- Elf between worlds

The MC reincarnates in the world of Game of Thrones 5000 thousand years before the script, he has as his goal, to explore the known world and the unknown. What he doesn't know is that this world is more dangerous than the one in the series. English is not my native language. I ask the readers, do not get stuck only in the original GOT story

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Powerful Spells

POV: Baelon

The night is coming but still, father and uncle Alex have not arrived, if they delay I will have to go look for them.

I open the gate of the base and go out, start conjuring several fire spears and throw them towards the sky again.

From far away I can hear screams and explosions, looking at the forest I see dad and uncle Alex running, and behind them are coming several monsters, these monsters are the weirdest and most horipilating things I've ever seen, they are white with several iron points coming out of their bodies, they walk on four legs and have no eyes, just a huge mouth.

I pass the signal for the gate to close and run to them.

"RUN I'll take care of these monsters.

I pass by them as a figure and take my sword from its sheath, summon several stone spears and throw them in their direction, they easily dodge them, and attack me from all sides, use my telekinesis and fly to the sky, already in the sky I look up and see several demons with wings, they are kinsmen and have wings of 3 meters behind them.

In the sky I am attacked by more than 10 demons with wings and fly towards the gate where my father and uncle Alex are waiting for me, I fly with my maximum speed towards them, use the wind to help me and telekinesis, and pass through the gate.


(SIm host)

The gate falls and closes with a bang alerting everyone in the base, looking out of the gate I see over 100 demons looking at us with hunger and disdain, the demons begin to pile up at the gate but never try to go beyond it, they seem to be afraid to try to enter the base.

Looking at father and uncle Alex, they are bloodied and bruised, their mana depleted and tired, and both of them fainted on the hall floor.

Using my telekinesis I pick up uncle Alex and carry my father with my arms to the nursing area that is near the rooms the bedrooms.

Passing through the rooms, mother, aunt maria, Sophie, Brandon and Arvid come running to me and say :

'' what happened to them? '' asked Brandon worried

'' They were attacked by demons, there were many demons, I managed to kill some and rescue them. ''

"Let's go to the infirmary, and see if there's anything to try to cure them.

Taking them to the medical room, I put them on a bed and went through the cabinets to find something that could help them.

'Altas find something and help me.'

[ Analyzing ....]

[To their right in the box are several healing wells, according to the information I have using them, they can heal themselves in a few seconds. ]

Opening the box quickly I see several red potions, I feel magic in them, taking two bottles I throw one to my mother and another to aunt maria:

'' Make them drink it, they were healed in a few seconds .''

The two put the potion in their mouths, from a distance I can see that their wounds begin to heal and close, their breathing begins to normalize and the two wake up.

'' Where am I?'' the father speaks disoriented

'' You are safe now, we are in our new base, here we will be safe. ''

I begin to explain to the two how we discovered this place and about their facilities, also begin to talk about the voice and what she told me, that we have to protect this world.

I do not know anything else, I will study in the library and find out what happened in this world and about the worlds beyond this one. ''

"Go rest now, I'll go to the library.

Passing by the corridor I hear :

'' Daddy let's sleep, tomorrow you do it '' said Sophie

Daughter go to sleep tonight with your grandparents if you are afraid, I have to know what is happening on this island, ok?

Yes father '' said sadly

Passing through the rooms, I open the huge door of the library, passing them I find myself face to face with huge shelves, this library is certainly larger than the Winterfell.

Atlas tells me where are the books about this world and the infinite worlds. '

[ On the shelf to his left ]

Walking to the shelf I see a book that interests me, '' The basics to know about the infinite worlds ''


In the infinite worlds, there are 4 types of universes/worlds.

The low-level universes are universes/worlds where there is no mana.

The medium-level universes are universes/worlds where it has mana and some people can use it as an example: mage.

The universes of high-level, are universes/worlds where the mana is something common, has several civilizations that use it.

There are also separate multiverses, where a barrier covers several universes and no one can access them, an example of such a universe is the universe controlled by an entity called One-Above-All, no one has managed to pass through this barrier until today.

The core levels are black, red, orange, yellow, blue, silver, white, and purple.

The level 0 magician corresponds to the black core,

The magician of level 1 corresponds to the red core,

The Level 2 magician corresponds to the orange core,

The magician of level 3 corresponds to the yellow core,

The Level 4 Magician corresponds to the blue core,

Level 5 Magician corresponds to the silver core,

Level 6 magician corresponds to the white core,

The magician of level 7 corresponds to the purple core.

Spells go according to the magician's core, for example, A level 2 magician can only use spells up to level 2.


So I'm wrong about spells and levels, that's why my spells are so weak.

Atlas correct my status according to the book.

[Name: Baelon

Age - 17

Lineage: Primordial Elf King Lineage

Core Stage: Dark Orange

Height - 1.90

Strength - 10 = 2635kg

Speed - 10 = 98,5 km/h

Resistance - 10

Mana - 90

Spells lvl 0 - cast earth 4PM, cast water 4PM, cast fire 4PM, cast wind 4PM, cast ice 5PM, mana shield 4PM, mana pulse 4PM.

Passive Spells - Telekinesis 0.5s/1PM . Lineage Control, Elemental Control

Contracts - Fenrir - direwolf, Munin - Raven]

Now I know why my spells are so weak, they are only LVL 0 spells, they are acolyte-level spells.

Reading the book again, I read something that went unnoticed, it's something from my old world, that name One-Above-All.


'' What the fuck''

That means that all fantasy worlds can exist.

After controlling myself, now I know I need to get even stronger, my spells are weak and I am weak, I need to find new spells.

/3 hours later /

After reading some books, I found that my core technique is very strong, in the infinite worlds of different core techniques, some techniques give innate spells, and my technique gives the telekinesis spell.

Going through the books in this library I found a curious book, this book is written by Zeffyros the name is "My World".

Reading this book I discovered that thousands of years ago there was a very powerful civilization on this planet, she was the largest of this universe, and the universe was at peace but when another universe attacked this universe, we were only a medium-level universe, we had no chance but, a war broke out in this universe for survival, all other civilizations of the universe were destroyed by the invaders leaving only this planet where I am.

The war lasted thousands of years and destroyed much of this world, and when we were about to lose, the most powerful wizard on this planet sacrificed himself and isolated this universe. We do not know the level of this wizard, we only know that he died and used his magic to save the universe.

The name mentioned by Zeffyros was '' Wizard World ''

Zeffyros also said that in this world there is a passage to the abyss on this island and that if the seal is broken, demons will come out and destroy everything.

I was given the task of protecting this world and I will try with all my strength.

Atlas, tell me where are the shelves for spells. '

[ Follow straight ahead on the second shelf to the right you will find the lvl 1 and level 2 spells .]

Going to the shelves I take the spell books and go to the table to study and understand them.

Opening the level 1 magic book.


Heal minor injuries: Heal bruises and wounds, cannot regenerate lost limbs .8PM

Withstand elements: protects the target from extreme temperatures.1s/4PM

Understand languages: you understand anything written or spoken, the duration will only be 5min / 8PM

Divine Assist: you can attach some light magic to your sword to fight evil creatures, your sword becomes sharper and does more damage to these creatures. 8PM

Small Fireball: Summon a small fireball of 2 meters, it has the power to destroy several level 1 monster. 9PM

Wooden Skin: Your skin is as hard as wood, normal swords can hardly inflict damage.

Wind sword: Create a wind sword that can kill a level 1 monster. 7PM


' Chip analyzes them and pass to my mind how to use them. '

[Yes host ]

I start to feel a huge headache, but I start to receive several memories and instructions in my mind on how to use and cast these spells.

I take another spell book, this book is the one for lvl 2 spells, stronger and more powerful than lvl 2 spells.


Cat's Agility: target receives +4 Dexterity.

Bull's Strength: target gets +4 Strength.

Spirit weapon: you can create an energy weapon for up to 10 min , it is stronger than normal steel . 17PM

Drain life force: remove the remaining life force from a dying creature, and use it to increase the conjurer's power, its strength and magic are restored to peak .*careful spell can hurt or even change your personality*. 20 MP

Flaming Blade: creates a 3 meters blade of flames and inflicts damage on your enemies, has the power to easily destroy lvl 2 monsters, and can destroy stones up to 10 meters. 15 MP

Stone Skin : makes your skin as hard as stone, normal swords cannot inflict damage on you, duration 15 minutes. 20PM

Earth Wall: Create an earth wall 10 meters wide, 10 meters high, and 2 meters thick. 15PM

Sanctuary: Create an area of 20 meters where evil creatures up to level 2 can weaken to 40% of their power, it will be active for 1min.15PM


'Atlas pass all these spells into my mind'.

[ Yes host ]

I feel the same sensation as I did last time, a pain starts but passes quickly, and I see memories and instructions on how to use the spells.

These spells will help a lot.

Leaving the library and going towards the bedroom, I quickly take a shower and lie down, Sophie wakes up and hugs me, and goes back to sleep.

'Show me my statuses'

[Name: Baelon

Age - 17

Lineage: Primordial Elf King Lineage

Core Stage: Dark Orange

Height - 1.90

Strength - 10 = 2635kg

Speed - 10 = 98,5 km/h

Resistance - 10

Mana Points - 90

Spells lvl 0 - cast earth 4 PM, cast water 4 PM, cast fire 4 PM, cast wind 4 PM, cast ice 5 PM, mana shield 4 PM, mana pulse 4 PM.

Spells lvl1-Heal light wounds 9PM , Support elements 8 PM, Divine aid 9 PM, Small fireball 10PM, Wooden skin 9 PM, Wind sword 6PM.

Spells lvl2-Cat agility 8PM, Bull strength 8 PM, Spiritual weapon: 17PM, Drain life force 20 PM, Flaming blade: 15 PM, Stone skin 15 PM, Sanctuary 15 PM

Passive Spells - Telekinesis 0.5s/1PM . Lineage Control, Elemental Control, Understanding languages 8PM,

Contracts - Fenrir - direwolf, Munin - Raven]