
GOT- Elf between worlds

The MC reincarnates in the world of Game of Thrones 5000 thousand years before the script, he has as his goal, to explore the known world and the unknown. What he doesn't know is that this world is more dangerous than the one in the series. English is not my native language. I ask the readers, do not get stuck only in the original GOT story

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Dangerous Island

POV: Baelon

Finally, after almost 1 year of travel, we arrived at Summer Island, the island is huge we still had a lot of work to do, we have to set up camp and get some rest.

Every night for a week since we arrived at Summer Sea we have been attacked at night by fishmen, Tontados, Leviathans, and sea roaches.

Everyone is tired but we still have a lot of work to do.

We are arriving at the beach of the island, I can see several fish swimming, and we are already guaranteed food.

"Arvid, stop the ship, let's get going now.

Jumping off the ship, I realize that we have to walk from now on to the shore, the ship will run aground if it goes any further.

Jumping back on deck I say:

'''Guys put your equipment and tents on the ground along with your clothes, I will put them on the space ring so they don't get wet .''

'' Sophie climb in Fenrir ''

''Let's go guys''

Jumping off the ship, we walked to the coast of the island for a few minutes and finally arrived on dry land.

We started celebrating and hugging each other, we finally arrived at our new home.

We'll make teams and each one will have a mission. ''

Me, Aunt Maria, Mom, Brandon, Arvid, and Sophie, will look for a place with drinking water and set up camp.

"Dad and Uncle Alex, go look for food and animals to eat, our food will last for only 2 days. ''

Skoll and Fenrir follow us and protect Sophie and Galadriel. ''

After talking for a few minutes, we leave for our destinations, entering the woods with everyone we go towards the sound of a river.

After walking for 40 minutes we arrive at a lake, it is beautiful but suddenly I feel an energy that I have never felt before, it is a dark and evil energy.

Looking back I see a fat monster with a black roast behind him, his body is covered with goo, he has a metal axe in his hand, his face has a devilish grin, and his teeth are as sharp as knives.

"Everyone stay behind me.

Going in front of everyone I try to talk to the being in front of me.

"Do you understand my language?

'' kikikikikikikikiki kill killll ''

He starts laughing maniacally and attacks quickly.

I take out my sword and before he can even react I cut his head, black blood comes out of his body, and the putrid smell spreads through the air.

'' Guys we have to find a safe place before the dark of the night, let's go fast. ''

"Son, what was that?

'' '' I don't know we have to find a safe place fast, I feel like there are a lot more of these monsters. ''

Mom, galadriel, sophie and aunt maria go up on Fenrir , Arvid and Brandon go up on Skoll.

Fenrir no longer has a problem carrying people, Fenrir is 4 meters tall, and after I put magic into his body several times, he got bigger and more resilient.

Skoll is 10 feet tall, I did the same thing I did with Fenrir, I gave him magic every time I could.

After running for a few hours, we stopped a few times to rest because of Galadriel, we passed by several types of weird monsters, some monsters we saw had several arms some had no eyes.

From afar I see a huge building, it is inside a mountain, and its walls are easily 70 meters in size, I see a large iron grid preventing the passage of any person who tries to pass.

"Guys, let's go down.

"Son, are you sure it's safe?" asked mom

It's our only choice, we can't risk staying out here, I'll send the signal to Dad.

I send several fire lances into the sky, they explode, and hope that Dad and Uncle Alex see the signal.

'' Come on, we have to try to get in . ''

Walking to the big metal gates, I talk to Atlas for some solution.

[ Analyzing ....]

[Impossible to break, the runes and metals in the case are too strong for its current magic and power]

'' That sucks ''

My only alternative is to try to see if anyone can hear me.


I hear my echo spread and I begin to hear the sound of gears, the gate begins to rise until everyone can pass.

Who let us in?

'' Guys come on, stay behind me. ''

Passing through the gate, torches begin to catch fire and illuminate the hall, looking to the sides we see statues of dozens of meters, some are warriors, some are people with books and staffs, and women fighting.

Father here everything is beautiful, right?

"Yes my princess, it's beautiful.

Passing through the hall of statues, a huge white marble door opens and we are in another room, but this one has a huge table with a dining table that extends for meters.

Opening other doors we find huge rooms, we find a hall with a crystal throne, we also find a huge library with several types of books from different areas of magic, all these places were clean but empty.

Going through everything again, I am currently in the crystal room with the crystal throne, this room has something different from the others, the mana has a higher density in this room.

Something inside me is telling me to try to talk to the room:

Hello, is anyone listening to me?

You finally spoke to me Mr. Baelon

I hear a male voice that surrounds the entire crystal room.

"Who am I speaking to?

'' '' An old man who is already dead .''

'''Guys go to your rooms, I'll go there later .''

"Be careful son" said mom

After everyone left the room the voice continued.

'''My name is Zeffyros, I was a mage who protected this world, after protecting and guarding it for thousands of years I died in the war. ''

'' My name is Baelon, my family and I came up with plans to find a safe place for people to live. ''

'' '' You are not a normal person baelon, why would a level 2 elf mage be in this world? ''

'' If you don't want to tell me you don't have to, I'm just a curious old man .''

'' I was born this way, my parents were human but I was born an elf, for some reason now I can give elven bloodlines to whoever I want. ''

'' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's the most hilarious thing I've ever heard ''

"But it's the truth, Mr. Zeffyros.

The voice that was laughing before turns mute and speaks in a serious voice :

'' '' Never speak that to anyone again kid, people would destroy entire universes to have bloodlines and this power that you have. ''

The useful life of an elf is something very important and sought in the universes, the mages are always looking to increase their useful life by utilizing rituals involving blood or even contracts with demonic entities, if they know about you they would go crazy.

I know you have many doubts involving worlds, entities, and runes, but I can't help you with that, the only thing I can give you is security for your family and all that this base has to offer. ''

The only thing I ask of you is that you protect this world with all these forces. ''

"I promise Mr. Zeffyros that I will protect this world with all my strength, I will build a place where people can live without fear.

'' '' Thank you Baelon, I will place you as the new regent of this base, you will have the access to everything and control everything within it. ''

'' I will die in peace now, thank you baelon .

[Sir a link in your soul is being created, may I allow it to continue? ]

[ Yes, let it continue ]

After only a few seconds, I feel that I am in control of the place, I try to open the doors of the crystal hall and it opens easily.

Going to the rooms, I go to the room where I hear several noises, when I get there I open the door and see Sophie playing with Skoll on the bed.

"My princess, the bed is getting full of skoll's hair.

'' Blame skoll not me dad .''

'' Skoll get down from the bed please ''


'' '' Sophie where's grandma? ''

'' '' She's in the next room putting Galadriel to sleep. ''

'' '' Play with skoll, I'll go talk to her. ''

"Yes, Dad.

Walking to the next room, I open the door and see a mother with Galadriel on her lap, she is singing a song for galadriel, and I decide not to disturb.

I go to the entrance hall to wait for father and uncle Alex, if they don't arrive before dark I will have to go look for them.