
GOT- Elf between worlds

The MC reincarnates in the world of Game of Thrones 5000 thousand years before the script, he has as his goal, to explore the known world and the unknown. What he doesn't know is that this world is more dangerous than the one in the series. English is not my native language. I ask the readers, do not get stuck only in the original GOT story

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POV : Baelon

Waking up I see that Sophie is still sleeping on top of me, skoll is at my foot, the bed is very big, and one more person could easily fit in here.

Getting up from bed slowly so as not to wake Sophie, I go to the dining room and start setting the plates for everyone, they must be tired after yesterday, taking the deer that dad brought yesterday, I go to the main kitchen of the base and start cutting it, put it on the grill and start roasting.

Leaving the kitchen with the deer roasted, I see that everyone is waiting at the table.

"Good morning, everyone.

"Good morning sir," said Arvid

'' Did you sleep well?

Yes, it was the best sleep I had, the beds in this place are wonderful.

Everyone sits at the table and starts to eat, everyone is hungry, it's been almost a day that we haven't eaten, we people with magic can stay months without eating or even sleeping but we still like to do it.

Skoll, Fenrir, and Munin begin to eat their food quickly, I notice that Munin is beginning to show signs that he will die, he is blind in one eye and cannot fly for many hours as before.

Probably his body has not become accustomed to the magic, after being with me for many hours the mana entered his body and began the aging process faster.

' Atlas how long does he have ? '


[ He has approximately 3 days and 19 hours until his body completely fails .]

[ After he arrived on the island the mana entered his body and the aging process got even faster, ]

'' Guys I have to go "

'' What happened, son?

'' I have to do a lineage transfer for Munin, he's dying ''

They look at Munin with pity and with sadness, they liked Munin, he is an intelligent raven.

Leaving the dining room with Fenrir, Skoll, and Munin we go to the ritual room, this base has many places to discover.

Fenrir and Skoll lie down in the corner of the room and look at Munin sadly, they seem to know that the chance of him getting out is slim.

' Atlas what is Munin's chance? '



'' Munin is prepared ?''

Munin just shakes his small head with difficulty and we continue, I place my hand over his small body and start the process, a golden light starts coming out of me and my hands, Munin starts getting older and I stop the lineage transfer process.

'Altas what happened '

[ He is incompatible with the transfer, his body is too weak to continue the process, the aging has reached its peak, and he will die in a few minutes, sorry host ]

I hear a slightly strange voice in my mind and connect with it:

'I'm sorry master.


'Yes, sir

'You don't need to apologize, thank you for always helping me, do you want me to do something for you ? '

Yes, continue the process, if I'm going to die, may I die at my master's hand.

I begin the process again and put on the royal bloodline of the Galadrin elven family, my hands begin to turn completely golden, and around us, a golden aura spreads throughout the room.

(Host, an unknown energy entered Munin's body)

I feel something happening in Munin's body, I can't see it, a golden light covers his body and he begins to spread out, before his 60cm body becomes a gigantic 20-meter-high golden light, that energy has changed his body.

I stop the transference process and the light surrounding his body begins to dissipate, and I see the body of a huge 20-meter animal, which has four legs, white fur, and two huge, totally white wings on its back.

It wakes up and is startled by its size, its eyes are blue, and it has totally changed, how did a Raven of a few centimeters change to a body of 20 meters and an animal I have never seen?

' Atlas do you know what that energy was? '

[ No host ]

Munin can you hear me?

A beautiful voice answers :

Yes, my master

' Is everything all right with you?

' I'm the very happy master, thank you for giving me this power, I'll follow you all my life.

From afar I see Sophie running up behind me and she speaks:

"Daddy, who is this big animal, he's so cute.

'' This is Munin "

"The old raven?

'' Yes, that's him''

She starts trying to jump on Munin's back but can't, Munin lowers his huge body and lets her climb on his back.

"Look where I am daddy

'Munin take her to play in the statue hall, there is more space there '

"Yes master

Looking back, my family still can't understand how a little crow became that huge animal.

I look at the two giant wolves who are looking enviously at Munin and take advantage of the energy in the air to transfer bloodlines to them.

"Fenrir, come here, let's begin the process.


Fenrir lies down in front of me and we begin the process, I place my hand on his body and an aura covers us, his body begins to change, he begins to grow, and I feel a dormant magic inside him begin to disperse, his fur falls off and grows another quickly, the golden aura dissipates and shows a huge wolf 12 meters tall, he has yellow eyes and he has a golden mark on his head.

He gets up and starts running around in excited circles, he calms down and starts licking me, he seems to have recovered his happiness.

He walks off towards the hall of statues, he's too big to stay here.

'' Skoll is you now ''

Skoll comes quickly and lies down hoping to become the same as Fenrir, a golden aura covers us and his body begins to change, his hair falls out and grows a snow-white fur, and his body expands to 10 meters and I stop the process.

He stands up and sees that he is still smaller than Fenrir and I speak :

'' Skoll patience, Fenrir is 10 years older than you. ''

He runs off toward the hall of statues, hoping to play, I can't criticize him, he is only 2 years old.

I call my parents and Aunt Maria, Uncle Alex, Brandon, and Arvid, to give them the books with the spells to learn, I explain to them all that I have discovered about this world and this island, and that there are several universes beyond this one.

They go and start trying to encode the spells but I forget that they do not know the language of the magicians.

Does Atlas have how I can pass into their heads the language of warlocks?

[Yes host, do you want me to do that?]

' Yes please '

'' Folks I will pass the language of the mages into your heads, you will have a temporary headache.

I will also pass them the book on runes, this is very important.

I'm going to the library to read some books about potions, I know my strength is nothing yet, so I have to break through the core and get stronger.

/5 hours later /

After reading some books, I realized that there is no way to break through faster, the only way to get stronger is with alchemy, runes, and equipment.

I read some books about alchemy and there is a potion that interested me, a person can only take it once in a lifetime, and it increases your physical strength forever.

According to the books, I need a Demon Heart of the Abyss, Heart of Dizzy, and Fresh Blood of Leviathan.

I also read that there is a potion that would increase the core of the person who took it, it would make the person store more mana in the core, can only be taken once in a lifetime, and the ingredients are only the heart of a Behemoths.

Looking in the book I see that behemoths are 120-meter stone giants that live on the island.

I read a book about the abyss that connects this world and found that this abyss connects several worlds and that within them there are countless numbers of demons. The abyss passage opened a few times in this world, which is why there are demons on this island, the passage opens when there is a temporal or spatial instability occurring, such as an invasion of worlds.

Most of the time only low-level demons get through, but there are several worlds that are being attacked every second.

Taking the Advanced Rune Book, I see those runes like :

Rune of Concealment: Inscribe this rune over something and it will become almost invisible.

Sharpening ll: More powerful than the sharpening l

Rune of Invigoration: Every time its user spends magic, even the slightest, this rune is activated in the form of practically microscopic, cellular fire, immediately filling the magical stock that was lost .

Rune of Strength: Inscribed on the body of the person who wants to use it, when activated the user's strength increases by 3+.

Endurance ll: Greatly increases the sword's resistance, it becomes harder to break.

I take my armor and sword and start writing the new runes, I write the Invigoration rune on my abdomen and the strength rune on my two arms.

I leave the library a little refreshed, discovered new ways to become strong, and improved my armor.

Going to the hall of statues, I see that everyone is training the new spells, tomorrow we will begin to explore the areas and begin to clean the monsters, now that Fenrir, Skoll, and Munin are tremendously powerful they will help a lot to clean the monsters.

I will have to test the new powers of Munin, Fenrir, and skoll.

'' Guys, let's go outside in the forest, let's test the new powers of Fenrir, skoll, and Munin. ''

Sophie jumps off Munin and I open the gate, leaving the base it is still afternoon, in a few hours night will come.

We arrive in a part of the forest and start setting up a place for mother and Galadriel to stay .

'' Munin is ready?

He shakes his head and goes a few meters forward, he opens his huge mouth and from his mouth a blue fire comes out and burns a stone in front of him, this fire is certainly more powerful than a normal fire.

Fenrir, your turn

Fenrir gets up and goes towards the place where Munin was, he closes his eyes and I can see that the mana around him starts to change, a black fire consolidates and forms a spear of 5 meters that Fenrir shoots towards the lake.


A huge explosion forms in the lake, this spell of his is surely more powerful than a level 2 spell.

Fenrir looks excitedly at me, hoping for approval.

"Congratulations Fenrir and Munin.

''Skoll it's your turn''

Skoll gets up with a little fear and goes towards where they are, he closes his eyes and concentrates on the mana around, everyone can notice that the air starts to get colder, a 5-meter spear is formed, it is all made of ice, skoll throws the spear towards the lake that forms another huge explosion.

Looks like I have to make this core expansion potion as fast as possible, I have little mana to use powerful spells.

'' Guys look at me ''

'' Starting tomorrow we will start exploring and exterminating the monsters.''

"Baelon, can we start in two days? We have to improve our new spells '' said uncle Alex

"Yes of course, then Munin and I will start exploring and opening the way for you.

'' Thank you Baelon '' said uncle alex

Munin image

Fenrir Image

Skoll image