
Golden Dragon (DC Universe) (Dropped)

Chosen against his will, a man becomes a successor to a great power that is more troublesome than what it's worth. Watch as our hero navigates the universe of DC! All copyrighted characters and works belonging to their respective owner! The picture is not mine just edited and will take down if needed to. Support me at www.ko-fi.com/lordemil Note: Batman thinks MC is an alien. Read it for yourselves. No one knows his secret. Peaceee!

LordEmil · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
94 Chs

Happy Ending 2/2 (R-18)

All through the night, the two had moved through the house screwing each other like they were animals.

During their heated session, Pamela had called Ethan asking about his whereabouts, but she was only met with Harley squealing, "He's occupied!" before hanging up.

Pamela couldn't believe it and she also wondered why whenever those two had sex, they fucked like animals. The redhead was always treated like a delicate flower to which she greatly enjoyed, but hearing those two go at it made her want the same treatment.

Would she like it?

Would she ask for more?

Questions she thought as she moaned into the pillow of the master bedroom with fingers desperately trying to reach places where her man reached with his cock.

'Next time he's mine...' She thought whilst continuing to finger herself

Myra on the other hand was still lost in her own world from the earlier kiss while Raven mediated to keep her calm as she overhead Pamela on the phone.

'Ugh... Filthy...' The half-demon thought in the back of her mind as there was a noticeable wet area between her legs if one removed her cloak


The current position they were in was a missionary on top of a hardwood table that was already crushed underneath them and yet they were still at it. The position was quite boring than their past ones, but the villainess wanted her lover's lips, forcing her tongue inside his mouth as he continued to plow into her with the same intensity he started with hours ago.

One couldn't even tell which smelled like the other because their sweaty bodies were doused in each other's scent just like the entire living room they destroyed.

On Ethan's back, there were countless claw marks that quickly healed as Harley's nails had grown to almost claw-like during their session.

"Mmm!~...Mmnn~.." Harley was a complete mess as, despite her enhanced strength, she couldn't keep up with Ethan who had reached the 3rd stage. However, it didn't stop her from taking load after load into her cunt, she wanted to be pregnant with his baby and several more to start a family as she wanted.

Unfortunately, her wish won't be granted that night, but at least her man was solely focused on her. Suddenly, Harley started to scream, forcing her lips away from his as she screams for him to stop while she tightens around his huge prick.

What she thought was a warrior was now a beast...no a dragon that wanted to take everything she had from her. The villainess gritted her teeth, trying to keep her next orgasm from coming because she felt as if it was going to be mind-breaking.

She wouldn't be the same anymore, and yet her lover still rammed his cock into her, ignoring her plight.

'Don't you know what you're doing to me?! I'm losing my mind here! Ah...Honeybun...I don't want to lose consciousness...I want to keep on until the morning...let me rest!' Her thoughts were erratic, her face flushed with red with quite the lewd expression as she panted almost like a dog.

"Ahhh!!~" Her screams became louder, scratching Ethan's back as she soaks his lower half with her cum. An incredible feeling of pleasure racks through her, causing her toes to curl while her body spasms under him.

Another round of his thick spunk flooded into her as he growled, shaking the house with just his voice alone. A few neighbors happened to hear it, but they wrote it off as hearing things as it lasted less than a minute.

"Y..you..Mm..stop~..." She breathed heavily as her red eyes returned to their natural blue while her nails and teeth turned back to normal.

"Ethan...I love...y..ou. Let's have..more dates...that won't..be ruined..." She whispered after saying his name after so long and with the last of her strength she'd embrace him until she passed out.

Ethan felt like he could go on for much longer, but unfortunately, she couldn't keep up. He tried his best to calm down, but all attempts felt futile.

That was until someone opened the supposed locked front door, and strolled inside before closing the door behind them. Ethan's eyes would pick out a fairly tall woman with beautiful crimson hair and what looked to be purple skin with two horns on top of her head.

("A demon!") Tydris roared in Ethan's mind

The woman was wearing practically nothing, but clothing that did nothing to hide her assets.


"Go to sleep.." The woman whispered as she moved faster than Ethan could blink before he lost his consciousness.

"Look at you...getting girls before I could even confess...bastard." The woman said as she kissed Ethan's cheek before her eyes began to glow. Soon after, the two unconscious bodies started to float into the air by unknown means, following the girl as she leads them to the bedroom. She didn't want to take care of the woman, but she could tell that she was already marked by him as his mate.

"We'll settle this later...I'll be watching you...I won't let them take you from this world." The woman said as she tucked him into bed.

After staring at his sleeping body for a while, she would leave the room, and almost immediately the entire room was covered in red light, cleaning up all the fluids that were in the room, leaving no trace except for the destroyed furniture.

"You'll have to get much stronger...or it won't be fun to kick your ass..." She whispered as she left the house without a trace.


Soon morning would come, and Ethan found himself in the bed with no memory of what happened or how he got there until Tydris started to speak.

("You were knocked unconscious by a powerful demon...she reminds me of a friend I once had...")

'You had a friend?...' He asked, massaging his forehead.

"Wait?! A demon?!" Ethan shot up from the bed, disturbing the one who slept peacefully next to him.

"Mm..." Harley groaned in her sleep as her hands reached for something to hold on to as she was holding him all night.

("Calm down...They didn't do anything to you which was strange...") Tydris mused.

"Ugh...we'll talk about this later...for now let's get back to the RV." Ethan groaned, putting his clothes back on. He didn't have anything for Harley and so he just put one of his oversized shirts on her, before wrapping her in the blanket.

Ethan decided to leave a bit more money for breaking the man's stuff before leaping into the air with Harley close to his body.

Feeling the nice morning air would invigorate him as leaped from building to building until making a stop at the RV that was parked in the same place.

As soon as he walked in, Harley's body was taken by vines and placed on the couch before one wrapped around his waist and pulled back towards the master bedroom.

Ethan didn't dare fight it as he could smell the lust coming off his first wife as she gazed at him with her glowing green eyes.

The door was slammed shut and was followed by movement that caused Raven's cheeks to be flushed with red.



A few hours after, Ethan emerged from the room with a happy expression.

Seeing this, Raven frowned and refused to even look at him before she was suddenly swept off her feet.

"H-hey!-Mmm!~" Her lips were sealed by his as he held onto her tightly, ignoring her squirms. However, it didn't take long for her to stop and kiss him back with the same amount of force, greedily sucking his lips as she clung to his neck. She could feel her body start to crave for him to do more, but minutes later she regained enough clarity to pull away from him.

"Pervert...Haven't you had enough?" She said as she cuddled against his neck.

"Not when someone like you is around. " Ethan growled as he kisses her head. He wasn't lying, but he managed to reign in the majority of his lust after Pamela did what she did best.

(A/N: which won't be known till later~ Haha sorry, there will be some Poison Ivy action soon and plus one more.)

Eventually, he would put the half-demon down despite her displeased groan and quickly went to take a shower.

Once everything was settled, and everyone wide awake, Ethan suggested that they book a camping area for a while as it will be their temporary home of operations.


The place they found was pretty much empty, and Ethan chose the spot that was furthest from the others to have more privacy.

Soon after, Ethan would dress in some light clothes to meditate on the soft grass, surrounded by nature.

It was time to start learning seriously from the golden dragon to become stronger than what he feels now.

As all of this was going on, something else was happening in the background, threatening to turn the world upside down.

However, more importantly, there were now eyes on Ethan, ones that belong to people that knew when to wait and when to go for the kill.

"We'll wait till nightfall...We'll take everyone out except for the man." a woman dressed in a crimson and black suit whispered as she watched the golden-haired man mediate from a tree over a mile away.

Hey guys! Two chapters! Praise meeee

Thank you for support and I'll get out of here!



See ya in the next one!

LordEmilcreators' thoughts