
Golden Dragon (DC Universe) (Dropped)

Chosen against his will, a man becomes a successor to a great power that is more troublesome than what it's worth. Watch as our hero navigates the universe of DC! All copyrighted characters and works belonging to their respective owner! The picture is not mine just edited and will take down if needed to. Support me at www.ko-fi.com/lordemil Note: Batman thinks MC is an alien. Read it for yourselves. No one knows his secret. Peaceee!

LordEmil · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

(Not A Chapter)

Hey, it's me your boy LordEmil! Haha!

I said I wasn't going to do this again, but here I am doing it again to once again ask questions as I've reached a dilemma.

Ok, so originally the harem was 4, but then I raised it to 6 because it felt like a good number and it was what I was comfortable with at the time. As I continue to write and get feedback, I'm starting to gain a bit more confidence in myself.

And with that being said, I will ask my readers should the harem be increased, and to what extent? Or my number is already enough?

I know some people will give the reasoning that the relationships will take away from the story or ruin it. However, all the girls that are added will have a role to play in Ethan's growth and I feel like I could accomplish that.

It's essentially my story and I can do what I want, but I want people to decide right now. If you give me a good enough reason other then yes or no then I'm more inclined to listen to you.

Anyways, I'm off to go back down my rabbit hole.

https://ko-fi.com/lordemil if you wanna buy me a drink then go there.

https://discord.gg/aH9vqHX And of you wanna yell at me then join the discord.

Peace out!