
Gojo Satoru: Reborn as an Uchiha

Within the intricate tapestry of the hidden leaf, Uchiha Satoru ascended not only to the revered title but also took on the roles of Uchiha Itachi's sibling and the mysterious twin to Sasuke. Unfazed by setbacks, Uchiha Satoru dismissed them as mere hiccups in the grand narrative he was destined to unveil. Armed with a unique system that promised to reshape the entire ninja world, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of an epic saga, brushing aside minor obstacles along the way. Konoha bore witness to the arrival of an enigmatic Uchiha, stirring curiosity among allies and adversaries alike. hey guys so my updating schedule will be like this: Monday - 2 chap Tuesday - 2 chap Wednesday - 2 chap Thursday - 2 chap Friday - 2 chap Saturday 2 chap Sunday - 2 chap And sometimes i may upload more chapters but never less than 2 chapters per day!!! please show me your support!!!!

ricardo_yammouni · Movies
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22 Chs

Chapter 5: Unexpectedly Reliable

"Sasuke, my boy."

"your pace is not that bad."

Satoru was laying back casually on the branch with a lollipop in his mouth, speaking casually.

Sasuke, who had caught up by this time, redirected his attention from scouting the surroundings and looked up at his brother on the branch.

It was at this moment.


Sasuke snorted lightly, and a faint twitch appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Clearly, he wasn't unaffected by the earlier praise.

"Sooner or later, I'll surpass you." Sasuke declared

I was just born at the wrong time.

If only i had been born earlier than him, i would've been stronger.

Stronger than this infuriating brother of mine.

Sasuke thought resentfully.

"A bit faster than a snail crawling on the road." continued Satoru.


Satoru let out a mocking laugh from the tree.

"Asshole!" responded Sasuke irritated.

" Satoru! Come down!"

Sasuke's eyes sparkled, and his baby-fat cheeks were now filled with anger, his mouth forming a straight line.

" come down!" he shouted again.

"Hey? But the sunshine here is good; it's a perfect place for a nap."

"I'm really tired today; ima need to rest for a while."

Satoru leaned on his hands and closed his eyes carelessly.

Sunlight filtered through the dense branches and leaves, casting a soft glow on him. Birds flew by, adding to the serene atmosphere.

"Satoru you bastard!"

"You dare fall asleep!"

Sasuke widened his eyes, staring in disbelief at his brother who was already snoozing.

Did he just fall asleep like that?

"Him Tired"? Sasuke questioned himself.

How could a ninja with robust physical fitness be exhausted so easily? Moreover, he didn't even participate in clan training today, and there was no intensive training today either. Why would he be so tired?

In the morning, his brother had mentioned that real combat was the best teacher, as he skipped class and went out. When he returned, he briefly taught me a few words. he only used Fire Style once. and now he dares to say that he's tired?

Even my training load surpassed that of Satoru.

This guy.

He might be the most lazy person in the entire clan.

Sasuke thought then, suddenly realizing that everyone around was looking at them curiously.

This is... the Clan training ground?

How are we in the clan training centre?

He had just caught up to his brother, and there weren't so many people around then. Does that mean all the previous quarrels were witnessed by them?

Damn it! Sasuke cursed his brother for this humiliation.

A crack appeared on Sasuke's usually indifferent face in an instant.

"That's Uchiha Satoru and his younger brother?"

Wearing the standard black long straight Uchiha uniform, a girl observed the scene.

"That's right, it's Uchiha Satoru, Yuu," the girl next to her responded.

Uchiha Satoru was quite famous among their peers. Not only because of his extraordinary strength but also due to his vicious and peculiar personality. 

Although his personality was hardly like a typical Uchiha. He felt like one of the oddest beings in the crowd. 

Whenever he was present, everyone seemed to feel safe, as if they had someone in their corner. Even though he causes a lot of trouble, he is extremely reliable when it matters.

If Satoru knew the girl's thoughts, he would undoubtedly respond without hesitation, "Of course, it's because I'm the strongest!"

"Uchiha Satoru!!!"

Clan elder Uchiha Kenji, responsible for this part of the clan, also heard the commotion and rushed over.

"come down right now, and don't make me repeat myself."

It was the first time someone had run away in his class. Although Satoru had slipped from his class when he wasn't paying attention, he still was a student under his supervision who ditched, All his old friends laughed when they saw this, this was a humiliation for him too.

"Fire Style, Great Fireball jutsu!"

Kenji swiftly formed the seals, casting a C-rank ninjutsu.

Satoru, if you won't listen then I'll make you listen.

The violent flames slammed into the huge trees.

"Is it okay to be so unloving of flowers and plants, old man?"

Satoru jumped up and disappeared from the tree in the blink of an eye, appearing next to Uchiha Kenji.

"Could it be that someone has recently reached old age, feels overwhelmed, and is under too much pressure, that's why he attacked an innocent boy like me to vent the pressure in his heart?"

Satoru solemnly sighed.


What does he mean when a person reaches old age and feels deeply helpless? He's only in his thirties; he isn't even that old. Kenji was so angry that he wanted to strangle this kid.

I can't see how a serious person like Fugaku could give birth to such a child; it's just not logical.

But... How did he just come down? It didn't seem very clear, sigh... forget it. 

"Hmph, the patriarch asked you to come over."