
Gojo Satoru: Reborn as an Uchiha

Within the intricate tapestry of the hidden leaf, Uchiha Satoru ascended not only to the revered title but also took on the roles of Uchiha Itachi's sibling and the mysterious twin to Sasuke. Unfazed by setbacks, Uchiha Satoru dismissed them as mere hiccups in the grand narrative he was destined to unveil. Armed with a unique system that promised to reshape the entire ninja world, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of an epic saga, brushing aside minor obstacles along the way. Konoha bore witness to the arrival of an enigmatic Uchiha, stirring curiosity among allies and adversaries alike. hey guys so my updating schedule will be like this: Monday - 2 chap Tuesday - 2 chap Wednesday - 2 chap Thursday - 2 chap Friday - 2 chap Saturday 2 chap Sunday - 2 chap And sometimes i may upload more chapters but never less than 2 chapters per day!!! please show me your support!!!!

ricardo_yammouni · Movies
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22 Chs

Chapter 19: Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue.

"Satou you bastard!"

"Why can't you be more serious sometimes?" Sasuke asked angrily, feeling that he was being played on again.

But then he noticed Satoru wasn't even looking at him he was just waving at him while his eyes were looking at a random tree, well that that was from Sasuke's perspective at least,

Satoru was glancing over his progress on the system panel.

[Host: Uchiha Satoru 

World: Hokage Ninja. 

Unlocks the Template: Gojo Satoru. 

Unlock percentage: 31%. 

Skills: Six Eyes/Rikugan.


Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue.

Play Points: 1000.]

With the points that I have accumulated these past few years, I just unlocked another skill. Blue, Gojo Satoru's reinforced version of the neutral limitless; Blue is the byproduct of Gojo amplifying the Limitless and negative energy, producing a vacuum. 

Through these, Gojo creates a scenario where the world itself is forced to correct itself and fill in the negative space, causing things to be pulled together at a particular spot. With this skill, his attack power skyrocketed.

 However, many of my acting points have been contributed to unlock the template over the years. Otherwise, the template progress would've been a little faster. And technique scrolls are too expensive.

Satoru closed the system panel and looked at Sasuke again.

"Oh yeah, what were saying?" he asked innocently. He was so absorbed in thinking about things just now that he forgot Sasuke was standing next to him.

There were a few seconds of stillness before jumped back and started doing hand signs with vigor fuelled by anger.

"Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique." and successfully displayed a Fire Style with both hands.

"Huh? Huh?" Satoru was confused.

"Why did he suddenly start attacking?"

"Why are you angry? He asked while dogging comically like a cartoon character.

But Sasuke got more irritated by Satoru's confusion and continued doing hand signs for another fireball ball.

Satoru kept dodging fireballs easily when suddenly he saw that the fireballs coming his way this time were more powerful than the others.

"Not bad, you did a good job at learning this jutsu, huh" "You must have had an excellent teacher" Satoru praised himself while smirking.

"Damn it," Sasuke cursed angrily. It's because of his boosted anger, that his improved Fire Style is extremely smooth.

"Okay okay, I get it ." Satoru waved his hands as a sign to stop attacking. But Sasuke didn't stop he was going to keep going but Satoru suddenly disappeared from Sasuke's sight.

 he felt something cold on his neck he looked down to see a kunai pointing at his neck, he turned around slowly to be met with a karate chop on his head, and a playful Satoru who said "See, if I was an enemy you would've already been dead"

"Alright enough of this, now I'll teach you the shuriken throwing technique," Satoru stated to Sasuke to grab his attention.

Satoru stood on the ground burned by the fire and said lightly.

"First of all, keep your shoulders still, during the throw, only let your arms move."

"The rest of the body should remain in a certain position and not move."

"The first step of the throwing action is when the arm is thrown backward, the elbow should basically remain still, and at a certain point in the process of throwing the shuriken, do it with a flicking motion of your wrist and fingers. The motion should be quick and controlled, transferring energy to the shuriken.

Satoru rarely taught Sasuke seriously. He straightened up Sasuke's pose and said to him.

"You've been copying some of the adults in our clan you're still young and your body isn't developed at an adult level yet."

"So some of an adult's usual methods are hard and unsuitable for your young body."

"That's why you can't use throw your shuriken well."

"However, you can use the power of your wrist to increase the speed."

Satoru studied his throwing motions with his Rikugan for a while and easily discovered the problem, and in a few seconds he was able to correct his throwing motions to fit his physique, and then he asked him to try throwing it now.

"Okay." Sasuke nodded, looked at the targets around him, and started his attempt.



The sound of a shuriken flying through the air sounded.

Sasuke observed his throw, and to his surprise, the shuriken was pinned in the bull's-eye without error.

"It worked?" Sasuke yelped with surprise and happiness, he doubted whether he would actually succeed with his brother's advice, but with just a few words he was able to succeed.

He used his sleeve to wipe the cheek that had just been accidentally stained.

Was it so easy to do, all along? Sasuke asked himself in self-doubt.

Sasuke looked at the blindfolded boy not far away in surprise.

He had practiced this move for a long time, but he still couldn't get it right.

Unexpectedly, Satoru solved his problem with a few words.

Brother, you.....

"How about it, Sasuke dear, I wasn't lying now was I?," Satoru asked rhetorically while laughing at his brother's dumb expression.

Satoru raised the left corner of his black blindfold flexing his beautiful cloudy blue eye and said calmly. "My eyes can see through anything little brother. It's child's play for me to find the best way for each person". That's why he often said he was the best teacher.


hey guys, dam it's hard translating this novel, I'm writing this off a shittily translated version, plz tell me if I went wrong somewhere. 

And thanks for your support!!!

please give me more power stones, they're really keeping me going and i appreciate it.

And please write a review.

my Patreon link: patreon.com/user?u=98700527 

my Patreon link: patreon.com/user?u=98700527 

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