
Gojo Satoru: Reborn as an Uchiha

Within the intricate tapestry of the hidden leaf, Uchiha Satoru ascended not only to the revered title but also took on the roles of Uchiha Itachi's sibling and the mysterious twin to Sasuke. Unfazed by setbacks, Uchiha Satoru dismissed them as mere hiccups in the grand narrative he was destined to unveil. Armed with a unique system that promised to reshape the entire ninja world, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of an epic saga, brushing aside minor obstacles along the way. Konoha bore witness to the arrival of an enigmatic Uchiha, stirring curiosity among allies and adversaries alike. hey guys so my updating schedule will be like this: Monday - 2 chap Tuesday - 2 chap Wednesday - 2 chap Thursday - 2 chap Friday - 2 chap Saturday 2 chap Sunday - 2 chap And sometimes i may upload more chapters but never less than 2 chapters per day!!! please show me your support!!!!

ricardo_yammouni · Movies
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22 Chs

chapter 17: The invincible shuriken technique

"Wow! Have you noticed that boy over there? He's so handsome!

 "You mean the one with the white hair?" asked one of the girls. "Yeah that guy, I'm curious which class he's assigned to.

""Oh please let him be my classmate." A girl begged to no one in particular. "Any idea what his name is?" well, He's undeniably handsome!" "Should we go and introduce ourselves?"

in the ninja school, a group of girls engaged in hushed conversations as they glanced at a figure with beautiful white hair wearing black clothes with the Uchiha emblem on the back, and he had a pitch-black blindfold covering his eyes.

Satoru who had just arrived noticed the attention he was gathering and found it normal, pulled up the corner of his blindfold a little showing his beautiful cloudy blue eye, and winked at the girls who were by this point screaming and blushing while looking at him.

"He's not that great! Suddenly, a male student's voice interrupted," he looks like a weirdo with that stupid blindfold on, I don't get why you guys are so interested in him." The speaker, also a male student, looked at Satoru with disdain.

Damn it! He is getting all this attention just because of his good looks? This isn't fair! The boy thought to himself

This is a supposed ninja academy, where only strength should matter. The student thought angrily. But, in the end, he was just complaining because the girl he had a crush on had also taken a liking to the new kid.

"How can you say that?" one of the fangirls said. "You're just jealous of him, aren't you?" The girl beside him glared at him, refusing to let her male god be slandered.

"I-I don't care about him and I'm not jealous." Blushing, the boy left a retort and ran away.

But At this point, Satoru finally had found his class.

He looked at the door that said class seven, he pushed the door open and entered, looking around at a room full of noisy children.

This chatter gave him a headache. Is this my karma catching up with me for all the mischief I've caused?

Hell no, I can't endure such an environment for three years, not even for a single day. I'll just graduate early! Satoru swiftly made up his mind and made a plan.

So, he unleashed the nice side of his personality to the fullest throughout the day. Then From fifty-year teachers to five-year-old children, everyone liked him. Even the boy, who was initially hostile to him, fell under his charismatic charm.

After school, the teachers were surprised. They didn't expect a Uchiha to be so obedient, warm, and friendly. 

Their comments reached the Hokage's office, leaving the Third Generation wondering if they had misunderstood something.

This wasn't the behavior he expected from Satoru. It contradicted his previous judgment on the boy's personality, but he liked the positive change. The Third Hokage thought about whether he should include him back in his plan.

However, what nobody knew was that Satoru's actions were driven by a simple idea: I dont want to go to the academy!

After his day at the academy, Satoru returned to the clan compound, then he headed to the training ground for the first time with the purpose of training, and upon arriving he saw Sasuke training what looked to be shuriken throwing.

"Yo! Sasuke!"


Sasuke stood up from the ground, his face filled with sweat from shuriken practice.

"Why are you here, Satoru?" Sasuke asked confused.

"Just came back from the academy and thought I'd come to see you," Satoru replied casually.

the truth is he came to practice shuriken throwing. Since he decided to graduate early, he asked around about the graduation requirements and the shuriken standard is one of them.

Even though I never tried this before, it didn't matter, with my six eyes, learning this would be easy, Satoru thought confidently. It's just a shuriken, I'll just throw it — easy peasy.

He picked up Sasuke with one hand, saying, "Hey, Sasuke! Fancy a lesson from your big brother in shuriken throwing?" Satoru asked with a devil's grin.

"you bastard! Let me go!" Sasuke's face darkened as he struggled.

Putting Sasuke down, Sasuke asked, "Satoru, you think it's so easy to throw a shuriken and hit the mark,

But upon thinking about it, Satoru turned out to be proficient in ninjutsu, and his physical skills have also been praised by the clan instructor. shuriken throwing should be easy for him, right? Sasuke thought about it, and in the end, he decided to put his trust in his brother.

"How dare you doubt me." Sasuke's hesitation made Satoru dissatisfied and competitive.


Satoru confidently said to Sasuke, "Today, I will show you my invincible shuriken technique." His confidence managed to infect Sasuke next to him.

Satoru picked up a shuriken lying on the ground and took a throwing pose, with a serious face, that made Sasuke hold his breath waiting for Satoru to throw it.

And when he did throw it the result was not even close to all the hype, he did it again three more times as Sasuke watched with a face that showed more disappointment with every throw Satoru made.

He finally had enough and asked "Satoru, is this the invincible shuriken technique you boasted about? Are you kidding me?" your even worse than me. He complained as Satoru was throwing his fifth shuriken.

But Sasuke was looking around for where the shuriken went.

 "Haha,. It's just because I didn't get enough sugar today, "Satoru tried to cover his bad technique with a lame excuse.

but then he suddenly turned around and there it was the shuriken that he had thrown. Blood dripped from his forehead. The position of the shuriken was also very obvious at this moment.

"Satoru, you..." Sasuke's eyes widened, staring at his brother's head in disbelief.

He saw Satoru with the last shuriken sticking from his head. "Satoru, are you alright?" Sasuke asked. "What? Nothing can happen to me, your mighty and incredible brother? What can puny shuriken do to me?" Satoru started to smile like an idiot.

However, this smile looked particularly creepy with the trail of blood flowing on his face "Satoru, your head?" Sasuke hinted silently.

"What's wrong with my head?" Satoru tilted his head to the side confused and smiled. "Satoru stop moving you idiot; there's a shuriken sticking out of that empty head of yours." Sasuke hurriedly stopped Satoru from moving.

He didn't want his brother to lose his life because of such a stupid mistake. "Ha ha... Sasuke, it's just that I just don't have enough sugar in my system, I didn't consume enough sugar today. That's why I missed the mark the first few tries." Satora nodded to himself.

"Satoru stop talking I don't care about that right now, there's a shuriken in your head," Sasuke said while pointing at Satoru's head.



And please give me more power stones as a Christmas gift.><

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also, I'm gonna start making the chapters longer, so stay tuned.