
Goetia, Beast of Compassion DxD

The executioner of human incineration was defeated by the last master of humanity. As a loser, 'he' should have vanished. However, his plan did not come to an end. In a different world, the first sin will manifest once again. Watch Goetia along with the 72 Pillar Demon God carry out their plan, will their plan go smoothly this time or will their plan be thwarted like before by a certain human, curious? What are you waiting for? Read now! .... TL

MiracleBringer · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Whose Kingdom Is Heaven?

Let's take a moment to reflect on the issues surrounding the Bible Faction, including those that they themselves may be unaware of or underestimate.

Firstly, there are the monsters who call themselves Demon God Pillar. Their exact identity is unknown to anyone outside their group. The level of caution towards the Demon God Pillar is low from the Three Great Powers. They are preoccupied with dealing with the Old Satan Faction of the Khaos Brigade, leaving them with little spare capacity. Moreover, the fact that they were able to defeat the individual who claimed to be Glasya-Labolas was significant. It was speculated that the individual who attacked the first generation of the Seventy-Two Pillars, including the First Great King, was exceptionally strong.

Furthermore, the conversations between Glasya-Labolas and the higher-ups of the Bible Faction during their battle are only known by those present at the scene. Even if others were to learn about it, there is a level of suspicion regarding the manipulation of information. Although it is not publicly known, it has been faithfully reproduced in a certain television program. Naturally, the reception of that episode was mixed. Some thought it was insensitive considering the deaths of the first-generation Pillars, while others believed it should be highlighted as a successful revenge against them.

Next is the issue of Evil Piece. At some point, strange rumors began to circulate. It was said that a technique for extracting Evil Piece had been established. At first, everyone dismissed it as a ridiculous rumor. They thought it was the delusion of traitors who regretted their reincarnation as devils. However, instead of diminishing, the rumors gradually grew bigger. Moreover, an incident occurred where "a high-ranking devil was killed by a former reincarnated devil." It has reached a level that cannot be ignored. This issue is also crucial for Heaven, as they are developing their own counterparts to the devils' "Piece" called "Archangel." There is a rumor that a nurse in military uniform is related to this problem. The nurse apparently resembles that angel from Crimea. An investigation is underway, but it is proving to be quite difficult.

Furthermore, there is the disappearance of the Holy Sword Excalibur. The fragments of Excalibur were supposed to be recovered, but they have not returned to the Church. To delve into this matter in more detail, there should have been four holy swords in Khaos Brigade's possession, including Kokabiel. However, only three holy swords were recovered. The details of the remaining one are completely unknown. There is a story that the scion of the Pendragon family, who possesses the family heirloom and national treasure called Caliburn, has fled. It is unclear if there is any connection. Compared to other issues, this matter is relatively minor. The focus of attention from those outside the immediate circle was not particularly on the whereabouts of Shidou Irina, who was supposed to bring the holy swords back to the Church.

Additionally, there is a secret agreement between almost all mythological Hells and the Demon God Pillar. When the Underworld is burned, "misfortune" overlaps, making it physically impossible for the devils to take refuge in other Hells. The Kings of Hell do not know everything about the Demon God Pillar. While they know that the Underworld will be burned, they do not expect that Heaven will also be burned afterwards. They certainly do not anticipate the intention to collect that energy. However, they accepted the secret agreement to experience the great misfortune that would befall the Bible Faction and to gauge the strength of an unknown force. The provision of resources and technology in return is also significant.

The Bible Faction believes they are aware of the crisis posed by the Khaos Brigade, the Old Satan Faction, and the Hero Faction, but naturally, their focus is primarily on the Old Satan Faction. However, the Hero Faction is undeniably growing. It has nothing to do with the Holy Sword or the blood of heroes. A true "hero" is awakening. As they progress, including the destruction that will come after their prosperity, the owners of the Holy Spear are becoming worthy of wielding it.

Finally, there is one issue that none of the top members of the Three Great Powers have detected. There is a problem that needs to be detected as soon as possible. It is the fact that the Church's strongest exorcist, Dulio Gesualdo, is wavering between faith and betrayal.


It is an extreme argument, but religion is a tool.

A tool for survival. A tool for killing. A tool for finding solace in one's heart. A tool for instilling anxiety. It is a tool for manipulating people, for gaining wealth, and for escaping from guilt. It is a tool for starting wars, for prolonging wars, and for ending wars. It is a tool for condemning people and, at the same time, a tool for correcting them. Martyrdom could be considered as using religion for self-destructive purposes.

And for him, Dulio Gesualdo, religion is a tool for helping others.

He was a war orphan, raised in a church facility without parents. As a result, he left the facility and was trained as a warrior in the Church's training institution. As a devout believer, his faith in God is absolute. However, he is not an extremist.

He believed that the peace and agreement between Heaven and the Devil and Fallen Angel factions, which the heavenly realm is pursuing, are for the better. Many oppose it, and there are those who do not welcome it even if they don't voice it. But Dulio believed it was a good thing. It would prevent further victims. If there were no wars, there would be no more victims like himself, and if peace was achieved, there would be no more casualties from minor skirmishes.

Even if it meant rendering the blood and tears shed in the past meaningless, Dulio believed it was worth it. Or so he thought.

A few days ago, a man named Lev Lainur appeared before Dulio and proposed a negotiation.

To put it briefly, the request from the other side was to disseminate false information in Heaven when the time comes.

If that was all, Dulio would have refused. After all, he is an Apostle. There is no way he could accept such a condition. It might not end with simply betraying Heaven and the Church. Moreover, there is a possibility of causing significant harm. He is not foolish enough to overlook such a possibility.

However, the problem lies in what the other party offered as an exchange condition to Dulio.

It was the Holy Grail.

Not a relic touched by the blood of the Savior. Not one of the Holy Artifacts for eradicating gods. It is the all-purpose wish-granting device created by the monsters known as "Demon God Pillar " that has recently gained recognition. It is simply named the Holy Grail, as a temporary designation based on its shape—an ultimate magical tool.

A replication of miracles that can fulfill any wish. And Lev claimed that Dulio just needs to accept the conditions for him to receive it.

Any wish can be granted.

It is beyond absurd. It is a cliché, a false promise. It is an overly common and sweet trap. It is not worth considering. Such a transaction should be rejected, and that man's actions should be reported to the higher-ups in the Church and Heaven.

That man did not make their existence a condition for secrecy. Rather, he seemed to consider it unnecessary to mention, or it could go either way. The presentation of a single false information from him at the appropriate time would suffice. Therefore, regardless of whether he agrees to the transaction or not, Dulio should report the contact he had with him.

It's impossible. Ignoring this transaction is impossible for Dulio. It is also impossible for him to disclose their information to others.

Because Dulio Gesualdo has children he wants to save. Children who suffer from congenital disabilities caused by the Divine Artifact. Perhaps the all-purpose wish-granting device could save those children that God has not saved. Moreover, that man implied it. They have found a way to extract the artifacts without killing the owners. It is conceivable that he might request that instead of the Holy Grail.

The existence of the "nurse who can extract Evil Piece," which is often heard recently, lends credibility to that story. As a digression, many people are not accepting the peace among the three major factions precisely because of this nurse. Is there any meaning in pursuing peace? There should be no meaning in stopping the fight.

If the peace among the biblical factions is achieved, it may be possible to save them with the Fallen Angels' technology, which is said to be advancing the research on the Divine Artifacts. That may be more certain. However, how much time and sacrifice would be required for that to happen? How much more can they endure second by second? After all, if they choose struggle instead of peace, they should be able to repay the past victims.

This negotiation seems advantageous for Dulio. Rather, it should be an unfair deal from the other side's perspective. He could just accept the Holy Grail and choose not to spread false information. It is even possible to pretend to go along with it and extract information from them.

But it's impossible. If he could live that way, he wouldn't be here right now.

Dulio recalls Lev's words. His words that have troubled Dulio this far.

"It's not me. It's not us. Certainly not God or those guys."

"You have to save them."

Dulio may not know this, but Lev sees himself reflected in Dulio to some extent. Feeling pity and a desire to save him, Lev ultimately blew up Chaldea and killed Mash Kyrielight. Even if he were to be in the same position, Dulio would not make the same choices, Lev keenly senses. That's why he approached Dulio with this kind of negotiation. To prevent him from making the wrong move.

Dulio is not an extremist. He does not have fanaticism or obsession, but he is an Apostle. He has been kept alive by the Church until today. He has fought under the name of God until today.

The development of Dulio betraying Heaven is highly unlikely unless something drastic happens. Yes, something drastic—unless the Archangel tells him about God's absence and urges him to become an angel. Unless he knows that the angels, for the sake of protecting the "System," have deceived under God's name and trampled upon humanity, Dulio will not betray them.

If he had not been approached by the Demon God Pillar for negotiation, he would not have been in such turmoil. Compromising, resigning oneself, and accepting—Dulio would have become a "Joker" in that manner. Because he is like that, he cannot reject that request. He ends up wanting to accept it.

"Fou, Fou Fou."

Your betrayal has been decided even within yourself. If you're going to move, do it quickly. If you don't act fast enough, the "Beast" will devour everything of yours.


"Dantalion reporting. The Cross has been completed. There are no issues with the owner."

"Furcas reporting. The protected humans are expressing their will to fight. The healed injured show their determination. They gather their strength to slaughter those lives that oppressed them and seek revenge."

"Balam proposing. Let them have the opportunity for revenge."

"Marchosias objecting. That would be meaningless. They have suffered pain. They have tasted suffering. There is no need for further tragedy. When the plan is complete, they must remain 'human'."

"Goetia, then I, will fight alongside. I am stronger than Lucifer or Michael."

"Be quiet, Ophis. We can't afford to disrupt the plan any further. It seems that we are perceived as members of the 'Catastrophe' you were a part of, but our relationship with you cannot be known by the likes of Hades and the underworld."

"Zagan reporting. It appears that the biblical factions are attempting to make contact with the Kingu in Kyoto."

"Amon acknowledging. I've given a warning, but there might be unforeseen circumstances. Let's make arrangements so that we can make adjustments to the plan based on his response."

"Belial suggesting. We should make contact with the Knight of Round Table, Bedivere. It has come to light that the summoning method differs for us, Kingu, and the world."

"Gaap contacting. His current whereabouts are unknown."

"Gremory approving. If he comes face to face with him, I was supposed to handle the negotiation. Let me take care of it."

"Forneus reporting. Talks on countermeasures against terrorists are taking place in the underworld. Upper-level representatives from each faction are also attending. The name of Indra is mentioned."

"Understood. It's finally my turn."

"Morax expressing concern. What about the Greek and Norse pantheons? Even if we seal the Hindu Pantheon, unnecessary interference from these pantheons is still highly possible."

"Valefor suggesting. Currently, we lack the strength to deal with the two pantheons. This could become a problem when it's time to burn Heaven. Shouldn't we absorb not only the Heroic faction but also the Old Satan faction as part of our forces?"

"Murmur objecting. They are the spear, the cup, and the cross meant to destroy gods. They were secured as reinforcements for the plan, and we have sufficient forces even when counting them."

"Vepar objecting. Both Greece and the Norse pantheons are polytheistic. While they have god-kings, those positions are not absolute. Killing the god-kings would only bring unnecessary trouble. We are lacking in forces as it is."

"Sabnock adding. There are no issues regarding combat. However, if the battle occurs during the Heaven incineration or immediately after, it will be problematic. Energy recovery will be delayed."

"Caïm agreeing. Odin is a knowledge-seeking gods. He hung himself and offered his eye for knowledge. He would not hesitate to use any means to know our world and theirs. Zeus is also an ambitious gods when it comes to strengthening his faction. Depending on their response, full-scale confrontation is unavoidable."

"Zepar suggesting. I have a good idea."

This week, we have an ambitious goal of aiming for 1000 power stones. Once we reach this total, there will be a delightful bonus of 5 extra chapters for this week. So, let's harness the immense power you all possess to determine the fate of this book. Together, we can make it an incredible journey! Your support and contribution will truly make a difference, and we're excited to embark on this adventure with you. Let's unleash our potential and take this story to new heights!

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