
Goetia, Beast of Compassion DxD

The executioner of human incineration was defeated by the last master of humanity. As a loser, 'he' should have vanished. However, his plan did not come to an end. In a different world, the first sin will manifest once again. Watch Goetia along with the 72 Pillar Demon God carry out their plan, will their plan go smoothly this time or will their plan be thwarted like before by a certain human, curious? What are you waiting for? Read now! .... TL

MiracleBringer · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

The crown is on the ground

... Well, that's more or less my plan and the reality of this world. I don't expect anything more than your help. But before that, what do you wish for as a reward?

"If any miracle can be granted, I want to meet Sita."

Alright, Saber. In this world, that's possible. Just defeat a couple of fallen angel executives, and you can go on vacation with your wife.

"If I can work as a guardian of Erin and help innocent people, that's enough for me... But I'd like to meet my first wife, Serva, again."

Lancer, it turns out you're quite troublesome. I can't guarantee whether your womanizing tendencies will be erased by the "Truth," but you can give it a try. Enjoy it as a fleeting dream.

"Even if it's in a different world, can I bear the flag of 'Sincerity' with impurity?"

I thought you'd say that, Berserker. Wherever you are, you believe in the flag of 'Sincerity,' right? Then you can't forgive someone who has fallen to the demons without staying true to it, can you?



A dark man, seemingly summoned by some sort of magic by Solomon, suddenly attacked Okita Souji, a "knight" of Sirzechs. The man's face was filled with a raging fury, and he delivered a powerful strike.

"N... grrr!"

Okita instinctively drew his sword to defend himself, but the black man's strength was superior, and he was sent flying. He escaped through a broken window, and the black man chased after him, leaping outside.


"Then I'll... gyaaaah!"

Solomon, who had jumped from the window frame, was kicked just before landing on the floor. He crashed into the wall and continued to be thrown through the room, causing destruction.

The one who had kicked Solomon then approached Yasaka. He was an enigmatic and unidentified self-proclaimed "new type of human" clay doll, Kingu.

"Are you okay, Yasaka?"


"Good. It seems like nothing happened to you."

Kingu had sensed that a Fallen Angel Executive had entered Kyoto some time ago. However, neither Yasaka nor any other Kyoto youkai had heard such information. He had considered it might be an illegal intrusion like the white dragon from some time ago, but it seemed that the Kyoto youkai were keeping something hidden from him. Moreover, he had sensed that Yasaka had been in contact with two individuals. Sensing he was being watched, Kingu had been cautious while quietly observing, but then this interruption happened.

The power this new entity possessed was incredibly immense. No, it was more than just immense—it felt raw and brutal, unlike any human, youkai, or god he had known. Something entirely different had appeared. Ignoring the objections from those around him, it had come here, and when it saw the man he was after, it kicked him away.

As the destroyed wall was pushed aside, the man returned.

"Isn't that something... How'd you survive that?"

"Oh, you were a bit scared, weren't you? Your stance is that buildings aren't guilty, right? But maybe, am I like that to you? Well, I also have to take responsibility for forgetting to conceal my presence. Anyway, nice to meet you, Kingu. I am the 'King Solomon' over here."

The man was furious. That was Kingu's first impression of him. Therefore, upon hearing the name the man claimed, Kingu understood. Over here, the King of Magic was called "King Solomon." A king who knew only rage.

However, the man's anger was not directed at Kingu's attack. It had been directed at the two individuals, Azazel, the Fallen Angel Executive, and Sirzechs Lucifer, the Crimson-Haired Devil. From the strength of their magical power and their appearance, it was probably Sazex Lucifer, known as the "Crimson-Haired Satan."

Azazel and Sirzechs looked between Kingu and Solomon.

"...You're 'over here,' huh?"

It sounded as if there were two Solomons. No, it wasn't that simple. That one line carried a much more complex meaning.

However, Satan and the Fallen Angel Executive made the wrong response. They should have reacted to the name Solomon. Just like Yasaka, whose face had turned pale.

"K-King Solomon!?"

Perhaps this devil's true identity was indeed the legendary King who knew only rage. From their reaction to his introduction, it seemed that Azazel and Sirzechs knew about it. Paradoxically, this man's words served as proof that they were neither sleep-talking nor talking nonsense.

"Kingu, we should escape. You might be strong, but that's not a level you can handle. We shouldn't get involved with it!"

"Yeah, I was planning on that even without being told. I've seen it up close, and I'm sure it's just like mom—"

"Whoops, that's a forbidden topic. There are things you can say and things you can't in this world, clay doll. It's all about timing. Well, I don't intend to let you guys go home now."

Solomon spread his arms as if welcoming them.

"Look at my rage, my original sin. I'm leaving everything here."

Understanding Solomon's intention, Kingu tried to escape with Yasaka, but he was a moment too late.

"Crown, Carnation Blooms Upon the Earth!"

As Solomon called out the name of the flower he supposedly loved, the world was rewritten.

It became a temple. From its architectural style, it seemed to be from ancient Israel. Judging from the structure and the throne where Solomon sat, there was no doubt it was the King's chamber. The space was spacious, yet it felt strangely suffocating.

"A barrier... No, but did he deploy something this powerful in an instant?"

"Damn it, showing off all these things that catch our interest!"

Surprised, Sirzechs and Azazel reacted differently. In Azazel's case, he seemed stimulated as a researcher.

"This is my mental landscape. The throne of my long-standing fury and obsession. Nothing can be broken except for human love and hope. Let's fight to our hearts' content!"

The figure of Okita Souji and the black man who attacked him were gone. Perhaps there were limits to the number of people or the distance that could be included in the barrier. It wasn't that Solomon believed he could defeat Azazel and Sirzechs alone. In his former life, perhaps, but now in his current body, there were limitations.

Therefore, the harassment and hints would be the main event.

"This is too much trouble, ancient King of Israel."

The clear voice of a woman sounded from behind Solomon's throne.

Along with the sound of horse hooves, the owner of the voice appeared. She was a knight riding a beautiful white horse, carrying a mystical spear. Her helmet had a lion motif, concealing her face.

Solomon didn't panic at the knight's arrival. She was undoubtedly on his side.

"You took your time. I've already paid you in advance. Do a good job, the Goddess of the Lance. Or should I call you the Red Dragon now?"

"It doesn't matter. I am both Artoria and Rhongomyniad."

"I see. Then please keep the red demon occupied until the promised time."

"Understood. With this, the diplomatic relations with you are over, and I can relax."

While still mounted on the white horse, the knight stepped forward.

"Long time no see, Azazel, Sirzechs."

Kingu recognized this presence. Only two dragons possessed such an intensely dragon-like aura besides the Dragon Gods and True Dragons: the white dragon of Saxons and the red dragon of Britain. And this was the aura of the red dragon.


The knight didn't respond to Kingu's question or confirmation, instead assuming a battle stance with her spear.

"It's time for double... or nothing."


Did I pull the trigger too lightly?

"Haa, haa... damn it."

Everyone is alive. Despite enduring such overwhelming firepower that could have burned the forest to ashes, they managed to protect themselves. Some used explosions to counter, others absorbed with mist or shadows, and some used the dragon of a forbidden sword as a shield. However, all of them are on the verge of death. It would take just a single strike to kill them.

"Cough, are you all okay?"

"If this looks like 'okay' to you, then go get treatment from Professor Florence."

"Well, that's inconvenient..."

Oh, I admit it. I should have wanted to kill them. I should have wanted it desperately, but I didn't. This contradiction is my limit.


"Why did you protect us, of all people?"

"Hmph, I wonder why. Damn it, I wasn't like this..."

Once, they called themselves the Hero Faction, and I was betrayed by them.

"Everyone reacted quickly, defending or deploying barriers, and they're all growing..."


"A-ah! Is there any healing here? We need to stop this bleeding quickly...!"

I should have been the first to die, so why did they protect me? I told them to use me as a shield. I asked them to leave me behind. I ordered them to abandon me. Yet, nobody listened to what I said.

"Haa, haa... there's no need to say it, Mummy Man. I'll buy time for everyone! Contact Goetia during that time!"

I look at the spear I'm holding instead of my Holy Spear, and it almost makes me want to cry.

With the Holy Spear, it felt like I could go anywhere. Without it, it felt like I couldn't go anywhere. But that wasn't true. I could go anywhere from the beginning.

However, I still had to kill them. This is judgment and atonement.

"Noble Phantasm-!"


Dangerous! A scalpel is flying towards me. As a Servant, I cannot be harmed by mundane blades that lack mystic properties, but I instinctively avoided it. ...No, I had to avoid it. It was precisely aimed at my eyes.

I see a golden-haired girl standing there. Asia Argento. Once revered as a saint and scorned as a witch, she will now be feared as an incredible woman.

The most troublesome person has returned. I didn't want to meet her and the others, so I aimed for the perfect timing! Damn it! Sensei! Florence-sensei won't be nearby, right? Facing this master-disciple duo at the same time is something I've always avoided, even when I was alive!

"What's going on here?! There are so many patients, and the dust is flying everywhere, it's unsanitary! If we don't secure cleanliness quickly, we won't be able to treat them. Moreover, you, your strong radiance is causing harm to the eyes! Intense light can damage the eyes! A decrease in eyesight is problematic in itself and increases the risk of injury. Are you trying to increase the number of patients?"

I don't know why, but being around her makes everything seem manageable. Is she invincible or something?

"And what's with this improperly wrapped bandage? It's old and unclean. Unsanitary. I will instruct you properly, so sit there."

She's too carefree, but I hold back my laughter. Oh, right. This is how she is. Although I've never seen her in a romantic light, I respected her in that sense. Among us, she was the strongest, no matter what. Not in terms of strength or skills, but her soul or rather her presence was strong. I remember the game of tag when we first met.

And then, I remember that she was the first to die. I realize her strength and my weakness. She died protecting me. With her hands, she saved far more people than my spear ever could. At that time, I should have been the one to die. I thought about it repeatedly, thought about it countless times, but the conclusion never changed.

"Why, it's quite a gloomy scene. A wannabe hero like you is suitable for this. So, what are you going to do, Hero Faction's leader, Cao Cao? Your comrades are on the verge of death, you better use yourself as a shield."

It's him, Professor. Was he here from the start as a disembodied spirit, or did he come with Asia and the others?

My mentor. One of my goals.

As brilliant as he is at reasoning, he probably wouldn't notice someone like me who had fallen so low. Who could imagine that a once aspiring hero would end up as a loser? Well, having him here is disadvantageous. I'm considering retreating, but the professor opens his mouth with a serious expression.

"You've become quite an uninteresting man, my former student, Cao Cao."

... As I thought, I will never be a match for him.


"On behalf of the nine pillars of the Abyssal Star, this is an urgent report from Amon. Urgent report to Goetia and all Demon God Pillars. We have obtained information on the entity we will soon confront: the 'Apocalyptic Beast, Beast VI, Trihexa,' also known as the '666 Beast of Revelation.' Its true identity has been revealed."




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