
Goetia, Beast of Compassion DxD

The executioner of human incineration was defeated by the last master of humanity. As a loser, 'he' should have vanished. However, his plan did not come to an end. In a different world, the first sin will manifest once again. Watch Goetia along with the 72 Pillar Demon God carry out their plan, will their plan go smoothly this time or will their plan be thwarted like before by a certain human, curious? What are you waiting for? Read now! .... TL

MiracleBringer · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Demon God and Goddesses

Reality Marble.

It is the manifestation of the landscape of the mind. The closest magic to sorcery. A forbidden spell, a supreme secret, and one of the destinations of magic. In simple terms, it is a magic that replaces reality with the landscape engraved in the user's mind.

Originally, it is a different world common sense possessed by demons, and this magic itself is the "stain on the world". It is foreign and contradictory. Therefore, the world's restraining force tries to modify this magic, so except for a few exceptions, it cannot be sustained for a long time.

Some Heroic Spirits can use this Reality Marble as a Noble Phantasm. Even if the Class is not Caster or the individual was not a mage in life, they still possess unique abilities. For example, a hill of swords resembling a tombstone. For example, the endless horizon sought by the King of Conquerors and his subjects. For example, an Heroic Spirit that reflects the Master's dreams. For example, a golem created to build paradise. For example, a composite temple that materializes authority. For example, a set of armored equipment where desires and ideals are sublimated. Goetia's Time Temple is also one of the Reality Marble.

"I, it's boring."

And this space created by Ophis is also a Reality Marble. There is nothing in this world. It is a space similar yet different from the gap between dimensions. In the gap between dimensions, there are many waste products, but in this world, there is only Ophis. Rather than reflecting Ophis mental image, it is likely due to its attribute as the 'Infinite Dragon God'. Infinity, void, chaos. What Ophis is seeking above all is silence. Therefore, there is nothing foreign in this world.

If it were to be named, it would be the 'Abyss of the Dragon God'.

Ophis is the strongest. Among the lifeforms native to this world, aside from the exception known as the 'Divine Poison', it can only face Great Red, who is sealed with the number 666. Even Shiva from Hindu mythology, considered the next strongest, has a significant difference in power. It is precisely because of the Reality Marble of Ophis Scale that this world cannot be modified. The world cannot erase it. On the contrary, if one tries to forcibly modify it, abnormalities will occur in the world.

Goetia informed Ophis about the existence of the Reality Marble as a means of buying time. It was not expected that it would actually become usable, but it was judged to not interfere with the plan, so the Demon God Pillars decided to overlook it. Moreover, as Ophis no longer needed to fight Great Red, it was recognized as a complement to the plan.

Ophis, who obtained silence as desired and even more than desired, was not pleased. Although it was an emotionless and expressionless dragon, a sense of boredom that should not have been present was emanating.

"Goetia, won't you pay attention to me?"

For Goetia, the encounter with Ophis was an unnecessary irregularity, but for Ophis, the encounter with Goetia was fate. It was only natural. They were opponents in the same dimension, with the same perspective. Unlike the unfamiliar 666 and Great Red, who expelled Ophis from the gap between dimensions.

While leading an endless life, Ophis mentality had not developed to a significant extent. In other words, it was a child. Although it could freely change its appearance, it currently took the form of a young girl. Due to its appearance, its mentality, which should have matched it, was even more immature.

Because of this immaturity, Ophis recognized the paternalism named 'pity' within Goetia and sought it. However, Goetia, who was busy with the burning of the Bible, had no time to spare for Ophis. Although there were several Demon God Pillars that piqued Ophis interest, they were all busy with the burning of the Bible.

While it was a Reality Marble for obtaining silence, it was correct that Ophis sulked and ran away.

"I'm lonely."

In front of Ophis, who muttered without expression, two figures were thrown. Both were covered in blood. Both were on the verge of death. Ophis, without any particular emotion, looked at the man standing before it. It was this man who brought the two figures here.

"I wonder how you entered, or rather, you're not surprised, are you? Well, this world is none other than your landscape of the mind. If you realize it, you should know that you can freely enter and exit."

The man was dressed in an attire that clearly indicated he was a magician. There was something suspicious about him. He exuded a fantastical atmosphere. The path he had taken was blooming with flowers.

"Good morning. And hello, Ophis. I'm your reliable advisor, Merlin."

The Flower Magus Merlin. One of the Grand Magicians, a hybrid of human and dream demon. He possessed the clairvoyance to see everything in the present.

"Merlin? You're different from the Merlin I know."

"Well, that's true. I am a different universe's Merlin. Well, I can only be here within your Reality Marble."

Merlin observed the incredibly mysterious Reality Marble. The nature of this Reality Marble itself is 'contradiction', even though Unique Bounded Fields are originally contradictory. It is not that the construction is contradictory; it is built to allow all contradictions. In this space, everything is 'stationary' and 'progressing' simultaneously. That is why the two people that Merlin threw into this world are severely injured but not dead; it would be strange if they were not dead.

Merlin, who was not supposed to be able to leave Avalon, could enter because of the characteristics of this Reality Marble. There was no need to have clairvoyance like Merlin or even be a magician. Simply by recognizing it, one can enter this world. However, in order to recognize it, clairvoyance is necessary, so it is not that anyone can enter.


Ophis asked towards the half-dead figure. The answer came not from the person himself but from someone else.

"Oh, Ophis. I heard you became the leader of the calamity group and went missing, but I didn't expect to find you here."

Albion, the white dragon of Saxons. The dragon sealed within the 'Wings of the White Dragon Emperor'. The current host, Vali, touched the nerves of the one opponent he should never provoke and was nearly killed. Just as he was pondering who would be the next White Dragon Emperor, Merlin came to Vali''s rescue.

"You called yourself Merlin. For what purpose did you save Vali and Bikou?"

"Huh? It's obvious, isn't it? It's a harassment towards Kingu."

Albion was left speechless.

"No, I mean, it's a retaliation, or rather, a farewell gift. Kingu shouldn't have killed Vali Lucifer over there. That's all."

Albion changed the subject as if they were not seeking a meaningful answer from the beginning.

"You. You said you're a different universe's Merlin? What is your purpose?"

"In one word, it's just to observe. I don't intend to do anything beyond that."

"Observation, you say?"

The usually unflappable Merlin had a bitter expression on his face.

"I just came to see what happened to the seeds I sowed. Well, it was truly unexpected. Maybe I should have summoned Lancelot or Gawain instead of Bedivere. But Bedivere was the easiest to summon according to the rules. He was the only one who could be summoned not as a Servant but as a Heroic Spirit... That's probably why the chain summoning occurred. Personally, if I could just return Excalibur, it would have been enough. Speaking of unexpected things, it's the Caspary League. Despite hating it so much... Well, never mind. It'll be fine somehow. This world has its fair share of beautiful things too. But still, the god of this Bible is causing me a lot of trouble."

Merlin continued to speak to himself and changed directions.

"Well then, I'll be going. I won't come here anymore. I don't need the Holy Sword anymore. Bedivere and the recovery of other Servants will be taken care of by the restraining force. As for the Demon God Pillars and Lion King, let the people of this world handle them. Especially, Vali Lucifer-kun, he needs to do his best. If he becomes strong, there is a possibility that Goetia's plan will fail. If that happens, they will also have free time, but I wonder what they will do."

In the next moment, Merlin's figure disappeared. His final words were clearly directed towards Ophis. Understanding the meaning of those words, Ophis contemplated their significance.

"...If Albion becomes stronger, will Goetia pay attention to me?"

Ophis created a 'snake' in its hands to impart power. It was of much larger size than the 'snake' given to the Old Satan Faction and the Hero Faction.

"Wait! Ophis! Don't rush it!"

Albion's attempt to stop it was in vain as Ophis forcibly stuffed the oversized 'snake' into the mouth of the unconscious Vali.

"Gah, gaaaahhhhh!"




Having understood that he was once again deceived and let the enemy escape, Kingu was filled with indescribable rage, to the point of being speechless and even smiling. And this anger would surely never dissipate.

His displeasure could perhaps be appeased by conversing with the fox parent and child.


"Well, well, Lion King, I must say I'm surprised. To think you would come all the way here."

"I could say the same, King of Demon Gods who deceived the King of Mages. Or should I call you the King of Humans?"

"Are you declaring war? I don't think so, but have you come to form an alliance?"

"Don't worry. That's completely out of the question. However, I heard that one of my knights made contact with you. Where is he?"

"Well, I'm not sure. He was in the Temple of Time, but he flew out in a panic when I relayed your information. I didn't bother to stop him since it was pointless. If that's all you wanted, then please leave. We are busy making plans to destroy the abominations that tarnish the names of the seventy-two pillars."

"No, there's still a matter at hand. I can anticipate your plan, and it's something I cannot overlook. That's why I will stop you."

"Oh? Have you figured out that we're trying to burn Hell, Heaven, and rewrite history?"

"It's not that simple. From your perspective, that is only half of it."

"What do you mean?"

"Your goal goes beyond the incineration of the Bible. It is to obtain omnipotence that surpasses the King of Mages by using the Subspecies 'Authority' as a substitute for the tenth ring, the Holy Relics you have gathered."


"You yourselves become a deterrent force, equivalent to Gaia and Alaya. No, are you planning to merge with them? It is your unique idea born from continuously outwitting the deterrent force for three thousand years. Will you treat the owners of the Holy Relics like Avatars?"

"Ha... Hahahaha! That's right! We failed to die, and instead ascended to the heavens, oh goddess! That is the quickest way. It is the most certain method. In order to create a world without the tragedies we desire. We, who surpass omniscience and omnipotence, will make the choices. Where else can we find greater extremes? How can we create a better utopia?"

"You don't realize it. Your plan has a fatal flaw."

"You mean our perfect plan will fail? Even though there's no detestable Solomon or Fujimaru Ritsuka in this world!"

"No, it's not about defeat. They don't even need to come. You will fail due to your own mistakes, and you will give up on achieving your plan. And why deny the beauty of what exists? If you truly understand the value of humanity, you should simply protect the current activities of humans. I'm not saying you should preserve them like I did, but changing the past will alter the way humans exist. It could become better or worse, no matter what modifications you make. And why is there a need to destroy everything? Isn't there a choice for you to guide angels and devils correctly from now on?"

"No, such a choice doesn't exist. They can't be allowed to live again."

"I believe they can."

"Then what can you do? Besides using that Holy Spear or the Holy Sword that will be returned by the knights to cut down the enemies in front of you, what else can you do? As a human, you couldn't protect a country, satisfy the people, or command your vassals, remember?"

"And what have you learned? Just because you obtained seventy-two pieces of something, you think you can lead all humans to an ideal? With just omniscience and omnipotence, who can be saved? Have you forgotten that even King Solomon couldn't achieve that?"

"I am different from that incompetent and merciless king who had no rights."

"That's right. And this world is not our world. It is not the world you have destroyed. How about returning to the original world if you want a rematch?"

"We can't reach an agreement."

"Our conversation is not getting anywhere."

"I could simply kill you, but it's not that simple. Your head will eventually be taken by the people of this world, this era. Just wait for it."

"We both have experienced twisted resurrections. I also don't intend to settle things here. Reflect on your own plan and understand its flaws. If there are humans who challenge me, I will guide them."

"If you lose, we will rewrite human despair."

"If I win, I will support human hope."


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