
Godspeed: reborn as a speedster in earth-5

Chiranjeevi_2005 · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Reincarnation and Wishes

"I am a Primordial and creator of this multiverse," said the being.

To say shocked by this revelation would be an understatement, but strangely enough, I wasn't freaking out about this. I am sure this is because of the being before me.

"Can you tell me why i am here?" asked Victor.

"I am looking for entertainment to pass my boredom. So, I am going to reincarnate with some wishes as long as they are not exaggerated and i will decide where you will reincarnate and your identity. You can choose some minor details about your background and other things. So, do you accept?" said the primordial.

"Yes, I accept this proposal. But, why was i picked, not that i am complaining" said Victor. Primordial says, "You were selected randomly among those who met certain requirements". Victor asks, "Ok, where will i be reincarnated and as whom?"

"You will be reborn in earth-5 in DC universe (flash-verse) as a speedster. Also, earth-5 is 99.9% similar to earth-1, and you will be reincarnated as an alternate version of Barry Allen there. Other changes are, that Caitlyn and Ronald are step-siblings, Oliver and Felicity won't be in a relationship, although its rare polygamy isn't against the law, etc. The remaining changes won't affect the plot. You can have 10 wishes as long as they are reasonable" said the Primordial.

"OK, my first wish is to have an IQ of 300 and selective eidetic memory. My second wish is to have a system that has AI, a status panel and an inventory (time-frozen). My third wish is to have technopathy. My fourth wish is to have a physique that passively increases my strength and defense along with my super speed. My fifth wish is to copy the powers of others by injecting their blood. My sixth wish is to become immune to any type of control and mind-related abilities. My blood or my descendant's blood can't be used to create clones, this is my seventh wish. All my powers can't be stolen, replicated or erased, this is my eighth wish. I want a large amount of money as an inheritance passed by my grandparent's sibling as my ninth wish. Make it so that Caitlin doesn't have multiple personalities and can use her powers by transforming into killer frost as my tenth wish." said Victor.

"All your wishes are acceptable, but your 3rd and 4th wishes will be granted during particle accelerator explosion and your 5th wish will have a cooldown time depending on powers you replicate, ranging from 1 week to 1 year."

" You will get your memories when you are 11 years old. Also remember, since you are taking Barry Allen place, you will be effected by his cause and effect. Now, you can go on and start your new life" said the primordial. 

The primordial snapped his finger and sent to reincarnate. Then, he vanished from there and, leaving the void empty.