
Godlike one piece

DaoistTtqJXj · TV
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8 Chs

Progress and Westeros

When we left to train I used my connection with nature to keep an eye on the progress that my people made each and every day.

So far the farmers had managed to plant some crops like grain, corn, onion, cucumber and all sorts of fruits, vegetables, also because the land was fertile together with the water which had been saturated with magic they had already started to sprout.

Now let us focus on the most important part of the changes and that was the combined strength of Ancalagon and myself, during these two days I kept pushing him non stop with every spell I could come up with ,together with hand to hand combat I never gave him a chance to rest and because of that his proficiency at using his new abilities had gotten better but he was still a long way from being the best, also I got to say challenging a dragon especially an alpha dragon in hand to hand combat is not fun, he kept tossing me around without giving pause and it was a good thing that I had great durability or else he would have knocked me out more times that I could count.

I would have hoped that we could keep training to push past our limits but the two days that I told Daemon that I would be gone were up so I needed to return to Westeros ,but first I needed to make sure everything will go as planned once I have left which is why I was going to announce it to the people or the group as most would call us.

"It has been a while everyone first of all I want to thank you for your hard work in creating the farms, mines and the buildings needed to store food or forge new weapons from the rare minerals in the mines and for that I thank you, but now I have new projects for you guys, I want you to create a bank and use the gold dragons currency that is used on Westeros, I know you can do it because you are all the best at what you do which I have chosen you for these projects but you won't be doing these tasks alone you will have help"as I finished I told Oracle to get 400 dwarves, five hundred elf's and also different kinds of animals from wild to mythical.

As I waited everything that I asked the system for started to appear along with the knowledge about where they are and what to do, as soon as they arrived they greeted the previous members of the empire then they got to work.

Also the farmers had their hands full with the buffaloes, goats, sheep and other animals that I got from the system but they also had the tools and the resources to look after them.

Another reason why I bought the elf's and dwarves was because they are the best craftsman's and tailors which will serve me well when I trade with the free cities but now I have to go back to Westeros so I started preparing myself in the tower where the trigram was,I got my new outfit which was a long trench coat with the flames at the bottom and the yin and Yang symbol in the back and a hood which completed the coat along with a dark muscle shirt, black combat pants with a belt that looked made of dragon scales and dark grey combat boots, I also chose to use the black blade shusui since I too was a master swordsman, to complete the look I cut my hair short down to my neck and I wore my hoodie strapped the sword to my side and jumped of the tower just as Ancalagon now named Veldora with his consent came flying below and I landed on his back and we made our way back home.

{Westeros the day I left}

Daemon was on his way to deliver the message to his brother about his nephew going of to god knows where for two days and as he and cyrax made their way to kings landing he landed outside of the dragon pit where a kings guard was waiting for him to escort him back to the red keep, which he didn't bother to refuse so as he got down from cyrax he took a horse and made their way to the red keep.

When he got there he found his brother in the small council along with Otto, lord colys and the maester, it would seem that they were discussing the triarchy of the free cities that had been established but as soon as he entered the chamber all the chatter stopped and Viserys offered him the seat on his left side which he took, after he sat down he broke the silence in the chamber.

"It would seem that the small council is the same as always scheming about something or other," said daemon," Well these are the matters which concern the realm if we don't discuss them who will," said Viserys.

"Probably my nephew would do a much better job at finding solutions if only he didn't go of to god knows where with four dragons," he said and as he did the whole council was in shock about what they heard but lord Colys spoke first.

"Forgive me for my impudence but did you say that the prince left with not only one but four wild dragons," Colys asked ,"You heard me right lord colys my nephew went into the dragonmont and came out in the back of the most dangerous wild dragon cannibal together with Vermithor,Silverwing and Sheepsteler, honestly I was as surprised as you when he claimed the most untameable dragon in the world," said daemon.

"How did he manage to do it without being burned and where is he now brother?" asked Viserys," Well I don't know how he did it but one thing has stuck with me since then and that was what he said before going into the dragonmont ,"A dragon recognises one of its own", that saying had a deeper meaning and as for where he went I have no idea but he did say he would return in two days so we should wait until he comes back", said daemon.

"You mean to tell us that you let the prince and heir to the seven kingdoms go of on its own without supervision," said Otto which made daemon sneer," He wasn't alone he was in the company of four dragons and don't get me started on his own strength, if anything I would pity anyone who dares to go up against him since no one can best him in combat yet and he also has his dragons," said daemon.

As Viserys had enough of their bickering he decided to speak,"If my son has said he will return in two days than we shall wait until two days are done then if he doesn't return within that time we shall search for him," finished saying Viserys and everyone nodded.

While they were leaving lord colys approached daemon and asked,"Do you have any clues as to where he might have gone?"thinking about daemon replied."Your guess is as good as mine but I am sure he will return and when he does quite a few changes are gonna happen". he finished saying and went on his way leaving Colys to his thoughts.

"Back to the present"

We were flying across the sea when a storm picked up but the strange thing is that it was a clear day today and as I focused on it I sensed darkness which was trying to prevent me from returning or destroy me in this god forsaken place, I have to say whomever was casting it had guts to target me, it wasn't doing anything to me but it was a nuisance so my eyes glowed bright white then I spoke."Whoever you are do you think you have the power to challenge me with such a weak spell, now let me show you what true power is,"Wind magic; Wind gods roar",as soon as I said my spell the entire storm disappeared without a trace along with the clouds then I turned east and said," Next time you try to challenge me try to be more of a challenge and if you aren't then I shall destroy you." finishing my say I told Veldora to pick up speed and he so he did.

After a while I finally saw Westeros and we flew towards the red keep landing right in front of it and destroying a bit of property, but now came the time for me to deal with my father and the rest of the council.