
Godlike one piece

DaoistTtqJXj · TV
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8 Chs

Arrival and changes

When we landed everyone was terrified of Veldora but when they saw me jump from its back they calmed down a bit and the guards came towards me while pointing their spears at me, honestly I can't blame them I had changed a lot during these two days and because of the blessing I received from the guardian gods I had lost all of my childish looks and I had become at least six feet five and with how I was dressed I looked nothing like how I did before I left.

"Who are you and what are you doing in kings landing with a dragon no less."Asked a member of the guards," Really sir you are asking me who I am, I know I have been gone for only two days but I haven't changed that much have I," I replied back at him, as he looked at me a bit more closely he finally spoke," Is that you my prince, forgive us for our rudeness behaviour but you have changed quite a lot and we couldn't tell who you were" he said sounding a bit scared.

"Be at ease sir you were just doing your job and I got to say I am impressed you didn't cower even in the face of a dragon and for that you have my respect you are a true warrior," I said to him."We are just doing our duty my prince but even so we thank you for your gratitude," he finished saying.

Walking a bit closer to him I signalled Veldora to leave and he did with a bit of a dramatic exit which he got from me seeing me make a dramatic entrance he decided to try one of its own and succeeded in doing so.

After he left I turned to the guard asking for his name," My name is Vali my prince," he said,"Thank you for granting me your name Vali now would you mind accompanying me to the small council's chamber," I said to him which he agreed.

As we made our way to the chambers I asked him a few questions as to where he was from, why did he choose to become a guard for the royal family and such as such, hearing his answers honestly made me respect him even more.

Apparently he was from a no name family in the reach and he rose through the ranks through his sheer strength,skill and perseverance which not a lot of people could do considering most knights became one because of their family name but Vali didn't rely on any of that he earned his position strength and merit through his own force and this guy is someone who has all the virtues I am looking for in a warrior he just needed more training which I will be happy to do for him and so I turned to him.

"You know Vali, you are exactly what I have been looking for in a warrior you are humble, kind, strong and hard working which is why from today on you will leave your position and come with me because I will train you to be the best of the best but also you will be my companion, which means your family is my family and my family is your family, if they should ever come to harm one of us will protect them if the other can't or if they are too far away," I finished saying, but when I turned to him I saw tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

I could understand what he felt all of his life he never had anyone show him kindness or respect, experiencing that from the prince of the realm must have made him happy and proud,"Thank you for your kind words my prince, from this day forward I will be your companion and your brother if you should have need of me I will gladly lay down my life for yours", he finished saying and we shook hands.

"Now remember if anyone gives you trouble tell them I asked for you specifically and if anyone gives you trouble you come straight to me understand," I said to him which he nodded," I shall do so at once my prince now with your leave I will accomplish what you asked of me and return to your side at once," he said after we reached the doors of the chambers, so after he left I walked towards the doors where two guards were stationed and I nodded at them telling them to open the doors but they refused to budge.

"You know who I am and yet you stand in my way can you tell me as to why," I asked them,"Forgive us my prince but the hand of the king has instructed us to not let anyone in the small council chambers," one of the guards said which made me chuckle," Prey tell what would prevent me from removing your heads from your shoulders and then going inside the chambers," hearing me say what I saw scared them but one of them spoke again," If you were to take such action you will be punished according to the crime," he said again which made me chuckle again and this time a bit more loudly, so without further talk I speeded towards them and I knocked the guy who didn't talk out ,but the other who had the nerve to take orders from Otto and not the king I simply snapped his neck and then I placed them both out of sight and went into the chamber where I heard Otto talking.

"Your grace the triarchy aren't a threat to the realm, we don't need to focus on them what we need to focus on is the matters of the city which require our attention, crimes have been escalating and they need to be handled immediately," said Otto but as soo as the doors opened everyone turned and saw me enter the room which made Otto mad.

"I thought I told the guards that we shouldn't be interrupted when discussing the matters of the realm," said Otto which made me chuckle as I said," Well they did try to stop me but I knocked one of them out as for the one who dared talk back to me in a disrespectful manner, well I snapped his neck so he is no longer with us," I said to them which made some of them a bit uncomfortable including my father, the only member who showed me approval was Lord Colys which I respected and I nodded at him.

"You killed a guard in the palace and barged in the council without our say so, even if you are the prince of the realm there are still consequences for such actions," said Otto which made me laugh and Viserys frown," It would seem that you forget your place Otto I am not only a prince I am also a dragon lord which holds even more power than some mere princely title and the next time you raise your voice at me or try to undermine me I will personally cut of your head and trust me I don't make empty threats," I said to him as I sat down on the seat of my uncle.

"That is enough Aegon prince or not you aren't allowed to threaten the hand of the king, he has the authority granted by me to make such decisions which benefit the realm," said Viserys which made me frown and Otto smirk,"If he has your word prey tell why hasn't he taken action to better the realm or does he need to bother the council with such trivial matters when we could be focusing on strengthening the realm instead of destroying it by using our resources to invest in new inventions which would help the common folk with their daily tasks," I said but the council didn't like my idea and I could guess why.

"The realm doesn't have the necessary budget or funding to create such inventions we are only keeping it together now because we aren't overspending and if we chose to create these inventions the realm will be in debt"said the maester," You don't have to worry about the funding I will take care of it and the realm nor the crown won't have to spend any gold during this process," I said which made the council a bit restless.

"Where will you get that huge amount of gold that would be needed to cover the cost of the projects that you want to start?" asked Colys,"I have my own resources which you won't have to worry about but I will make those changes, I will also clean kings landing from the filth that has plagued it since the beginning, since the hand of the king wants to waste time discussing every decision I will act on my own accord to deal with said problems all by myself and do not worry about helping me because I already have plans set in motion to deal with said problems," after saying that my father and the rest of the council nodded mostly because they thought I would fail, but they are incredibly wrong.

When I got out of the chamber I meet Vali and it seems him leaving his post went of without a problem maybe because they knew that if anyone made trouble I would deal with them in a very efficient way, but now I have to make sure the common folk have what they need and that their safe in the coming conflicts so without further ado I together with Vali left the red keep to begin creating the changes I wanted to make.