
Goddess of Gaming

Julie dreamed of becoming a popular star, but after getting terminated from the idol training program she turned to the one thing she had left: video games.

GabrielKross · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Max Level

System Notification:

Congratulations to White Tiger for being the first player to reach max level.

Stream Chat:

ShopWorker01(M): Congrats!

User1111: Congrats!

DarknessIncarnate: Congrats

AlphaGamerXD: Congrats!

AmyChan(M): Congrats, my best friend really is the best!

Julie looked at her chat and saw the wall of congratulatory messages and smiled. "Thank you, everyone. I'm really glad that so many of you were here to share this achievement with me."

Stream Chat:

AmyChan(M): Woah, there are over 300 people watching!!

******: White Tiger is the best!

*****: White Tiger is the best!

Meanwhile in an office across town.

System Notification:

Congratulations to White Tiger for being the first player to reach max level.

Xavier looked down at his own experience bar and saw that he was just half a level from capping out. "That White Tiger sure is impressive, they even managed to beat me."

A knock sounded at the door.


"Boss, did you hear the news? Someone on the Gae Bolg server has already reached max level. It's only been two weeks since launch."

"I heard Robert, what about the task you were supposed to be looking into?"

"I've hit a dead end. I can't recover the missing footage and the orders that James Allen received came from your office email. Did the lead you had not pan out?"

"Seems that way. I was sure she was the one, but she never contacted me."

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Doesn't look like we have any options left. It's a pity, that woman was born to be a star. Wait, what about the friend? Robert, look up who owns the game shop that I usually go to."

"On it boss." Robert turned and left.

Meanwhile in Julie's stream.

Stream Chat:

AmyChan(M): We still running dungeons when I get off work?

ShopWorker01(M): What? I want to run dungeons with Boss and White Tiger!

"Sounds good Amy, my Berzerker class is still around your level. What time will you be off work? I'll find us a healer."

Stream Chat:

AmyChan(M): I should be off in an hour, so I'll be ready to go in about two hours.

"Sounds good."

Game Chat:

White Tiger: Looking for a healer in the low 30s to run dungeons in two hours. PST if available.

"Okay chat, I'm going to step away from the computer for a few minutes I'll just switch to an afk scene since I won't be gone long."

Stream Chat:

****: Come back soon!!!

******: ^

***: Don't go!!

Julie watched the massive wall of text from the 300 views fly by as they urged her to return quickly. With a smile, she switched the scene and stepped away.

In Xavier's Office.

Game Chat:

White Tiger: Looking for a healer in the low 30s to run dungeons in two hours. PST if available.

Xavier picked up his desk phone and dialed Robert.

"Robert, do we have any blank healer accounts in the 30s? I need one."

"We should have one or two, I'll forward the login info to you momentarily. By the way, I just got the information back on the owner of that shop. She actually works in our gaming department, she used to be a community manager but she's currently the Assistant Director of Communications there now."

"Understood. Schedule me an appointment with her for tomorrow. That's all for now."

Julie's Apartment

"I'm back everyone."

Game Chat:

Heals 4days: Have you found a healer for your dungeon runs?

/tell Heals 4days: Not yet, you interested?

Heals 4days: Yes please, message me when you're ready.

/tell Heals 4days: Will do!

System Notification:

You have a new private message.

AmyChan(M): The big boss wants to have a meeting with me tomorrow, should I bring up your previous situation?

White Tiger: No, I don't want your job to be affected by it, if you upset your boss and lose your job how will you afford to run the shop? That is our precious place, I don't want to see anyone take it from you.

AmyChan(M): I understand, I won't say anything then. I'll be off soon, can't wait to run dungeons with you. :)

White Tiger: Make sure you eat something, it would be unwise to jump right into the game after getting off work, we're going to be running dungeons for a long time tonight.

AmyChan(M): Will do bestie, I hope I can catch up before they release endgame content.

White Tiger: Of course you will don't forget who you're talking to here! :P

AmyChan(M): Right, right. I better go then, need to finish up the closeout procedures for the day, talk to you soon!

Julie closed out the private chat on her second monitor and glanced at a photo on the shelf. In the photo were two young girls and a shy boy holding up copies of Finale of Fantasy 8 in front of the game store. Needless to say, the two young girls were her and Amy, but after such a long time, she had forgotten the name of the cute little boy in the photo. The three of them were inseparable back then, but he disappeared a few weeks after the photo was taken.

"Alright everyone, I think I'm going to level up my crafting while I wait for Amy. Please bear with me, I know that crafting is a bit boring."

I feel like a lot of what is in my head gets lost in this version. This story is more of a story that should be seen and not just read. If this story gets really popular and can support it, I would like to get it adapted into a comic at some point. I just can't afford to hire an artist to work with me right now.

GabrielKrosscreators' thoughts