
Goddess of Gaming

Julie dreamed of becoming a popular star, but after getting terminated from the idol training program she turned to the one thing she had left: video games.

GabrielKross · Urban
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11 Chs

Dungeon Crawling

Stream Chat:

AmyChan(M): @WhiteTiger I'm logging in now. @ShopWorker01 login and leave your character name in chat so you can get an invite.

ShopWorker01(M): Already logged in boss, my character name is Mr. Punchy.

AmyChan(M): Why is your naming sense so bad?

ShopWorker01(M): lol I just can't come up with good names.

Game Chat:

/tell Heals 4days: Are you ready to go?

Heals 4days: Yes.

System Notification:

Your friend Amy Chan is online.

Game Chat:

/partyinvite Amy Chan

/partyinvite Mr. Punchy

/partyinvite Heals 4days

"Alright everyone, I'm about to do some fast dungeon grinding, if I miss any questions or comments in chat I apologize."

System Notification:

Amy Chan has joined your party.

Mr. Punchy has joined your party.

Heals 4days has joined your party.

Game Chat:

White Tiger: Amy send the link to the voice channel, so I can coordinate.

Amy Chan: On it! Logging in there as well.

System Notification:

A user has entered your channel.

A user has entered your channel.

A user has entered your channel.

Julie took a deep breath. Now that the party was set up and everyone was in voice chat, she could explain the process to David and the random healer. "So the plan is, I'll pull the mobs to just outside the boss rooms, and we'll kill them there. This will be very face paced and put a lot of work on you Heals. We'll start this way if it's too much I can slow it down as needed."

"I should be fine."

"Okay then, everyone ready to enter?"


"I'm ready."


"Entering now." Julie entered the group into the dungeon and immediately sped off and pulled the monsters along with her.

"Are you not going to wait for my defense buff at least?"

"Don't worry Heals, she does this all the time. They won't hit her until she stops running anyways. Just use an instant cast buff when we get there."

"I see."

"David keep up, you should know the layout of this dungeon from watching the stream."

"Ah, yes boss."

The three chased after Julie's character while avoiding the dungeon's trap mechanics all the way to the edge of the first boss room. As Heals 4days was about to start casting Julie interrupted him.

"Wait, I haven't gotten them in place yet."

"What do you mean?"

"There is a small nook over here, I'm going to pull them all into it."

"You won't have much room to dodge, will you be okay?"

"Yeah." Julie dragged the monsters into the small hole in the was clustering them tightly. She then used her aggro building AoE attack a few times to tag all the monsters. "Okay, begin. Heals, you'll stand behind Amy and Punchy. That way all the monsters will be stuck and won't be able to hit you if you pull heal aggro."

Heals 4day popped his instant cast buff and used it to cast a protection spell on the whole party and then started monitoring White Tiger's health. In Xavier's office, Robert stood behind Xavier and watched the strategy play out.

"This person has an unimaginable grasp of the layout of this dungeon already. Using minor aesthetic traits of the dungeon to trap all the monsters in so that even if you pull aggro, you won't get attacked. Just who are they, is it one of the devs?"

Switching off his mic Xavier responded while casting a small heal on White Tiger. "I don't think so. I'm very familiar with the level designers on the dev team. Her voice doesn't match any of their female members. However, I can't shake the feeling that I've heard the voices of these three players before."

On Julie's end, she secretly messaged Amy in game.

Game Chat:

/tell Amy Chan: Does Heals sound familiar to you?

Amy Chan: Not really. Why?

/tell Amy Chan: No reason, I just thought his voice seems familiar.

Amy Chan: Ah, well I'll pay more attention to it then.

"We're about halfway done with this group guys, keep it up."

"David, use your AoE punches more, it's faster."

"Got it boss."

"This method is highly efficient White Tiger, how did you come up with this idea?"

"It was just a spur of the moment idea since I noticed these little alcoves outside the boss rooms. I don't think many tanks can handle this method though. It requires a lot of minuscule movements one mistake could cause a party wipe."

In Xavier's office, Xavier switched off his mic. "Did you notice any movements from her after she went into the hole in the wall?"

"I didn't see any, let me take a closer look." Robert squinted his eyes and watched. "There, did you see that slight flicker?"

"Yeah, so she's avoiding damage by moving fast enough that you can't notice any changes. That is an insane amount of skill. I don't even think I could pull that off."

"Are you saying that she's even better than you? I don't think we've ever met anyone that could go head to head with you. Should we invite her to the annual competition?"

"That is coming up soon, isn't it? I'll bring it up to the Assistant Director of Communications tomorrow. That should be her duty anyways. I'll also let her know that Mr. X will be in attendance."

"You're really going to make an appearance after so many years?"

"Not only do I want to make an appearance, but I want to make a challenge. Even if that friend turns out to not be the person we've been looking for. I overheard that her personal record of Finale of Fantasy 8 is 20 minutes better than mine. I want to see how she did it."

"I see."

The dungeon runs continued for three hours getting everyone to level 40 at near record-breaking. Julie yawned a bit exhausted from the strain of intense combat. "Thank you for the runs guys. I think I'm at my limit. We can get the last ten levels tomorrow night if you're all interested."

"You're the best!" Amy praised her best friend sincerely for her efforts. "Same time tomorrow?"

"Yeah, that works for me."

"I'll be around to dungeon with you and Boss tomorrow. This is so much more efficient than questing."

"I should be available as well."

"Alright, I'm gonna get off chat now, take care everyone see you tomorrow." Julie clicked the end chat button on the chat program. "Alright chat I'm going to head out for the night. Make sure you follow if you enjoyed the stream." Julie clicked the end stream button without glancing at her stream statistics, so she didn't notice that her stream had reached over 700 viewers while she was running dungeons.

I'm thinking about starting up a ******* in part to solve my financial situation and in part to save up for a collaboration to turn this story into a comic. If I do this, I will create options for allowing supporters to name random stream users in the story. Let me know in the comments section if you'd be interested in a system like this.

GabrielKrosscreators' thoughts