
Goddess of Gaming

Julie dreamed of becoming a popular star, but after getting terminated from the idol training program she turned to the one thing she had left: video games.

GabrielKross · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

First Stream

Xavier Quinn left the store and entered the car that pulled up. After shutting the door, he pulled off the face mask. "Take me to the office." Pulling out his phone he made a call. "Robert, any developments on the problem I had you looking into?"

"No Mr. Quinn, as soon as we got word she had been terminated, I looked for her records so that I could contact her. It seems someone has tampered with the system and erased all data on her. However, when I interrogated James Allen, he claims the order to shut her out and terminate her came from your office. I checked the security footage to see if anyone had used your office unattended over the last month and I found gaps in the footage. Whoever it is is really good at covering their tracks. Why would someone go through so much trouble to terminate a trainee?"

"It would seem that someone feels threatened. I may have a lead on the whereabouts of the trainee, but keep looking into the matter. I will let you know whether my lead pans out."

"Will do boss."

Meanwhile across town.

"Jules, I've finished setting everything up. Okay take a look here, this is your capture program, I've set it to game capture mode and voice capture. You can switch scenes by clicking these options here, I went ahead and set up some default scenes for you. Once you get going, if you get some more interesting scene layouts call me over and I'll help you swap them out. You sure you don't want to set up a webcam? I think your face alone might build your fanbase quickly."

"I'm sure Amy if I'm going to do this, I want to establish myself with my skills first."

"Okay, if that's what you want then we'll do it that way. I still think you should order a webcam soon, even if you don't use it right away, in a few months your fans will be begging to see your face. Anyways, I've also set up webcam-enabled versions of the scenes I made for you that will just need to be linked to your webcam when you decide to finally use one. Oh, here is the voice chat program I use. I've already added you as a friend. I can't believe you insist on using the same ID you used when we were kids. What's so special about 'White Tiger' anyway?"

"Did you forget? You came up with the name yourself back when we became friends."

"Is that the reason you use it? I'm touched, Jules. I didn't realize our friendship meant so much to you."

"Of course it does you blockhead."

"Anyway, I've set you up a channel group too, so fans will be able to join and chat together even if you aren't streaming. It's linked to your stream account so it will automatically notify members when you go online. Oh, I've also created a few social media accounts for your stream, since you don't want to reveal your face yet I didn't think using your main accounts would be wise. I used a picture of a cute white tiger cub as your profile picture. Do you want to email that Xavier guy? He seemed really interested in you."

"I was just looking for the paper he handed me. It must have fallen out of my pocket because I can't find it. I don't remember seeing it when we got out of the car either, so I must've lost it before getting in. Oh well, let's just get started. You installed the game on your laptop right? If so we can start together."

"Don't forget to send out a message on your social media accounts saying you're about to start streaming so I can share it on mine."

"I got it, I'm doing it now."

White Tiger:

First ever live stream, going live playing Finale of Fantasy Online, come enjoy the show. ******.com/WhiteTiger

System Notification:

Your post has been shared eight times.

"Now just click the 'go live' button and the stream will start!" Amy practically bounced in her chair as she explained it to Julie.

"Done, what server did you choose?" Julie turned and glanced at Amy's laptop.

"Gae Bolg."

"What's with you and spears? Are you going to be playing a Dragon Knight then?"

"Of course, spears are cool. Have you decided what you're starting as yet?"

"I'm thinking I'll start as a Holy Warrior, that way we'll have fast queue times when we get to dungeons. Have you created your character yet?"

"Yep, I have pre-loaded character data saved from the test software. I chose the little people race and named my character Amy Chan. What about you?"

"I'll just do what I always do and randomize my appearance. I didn't have the test software since I haven't had time to game these past two years." Julie clicked the 'Randomize' button and a cute cat girl with white stripes on her cheeks and shoulder-length black hair appeared on her screen. "Well, at least it fits my user name." She typed out White Tiger in the name box and clicked confirm.

"What is this? I call rigged! It took me two hours to make a character this cute and you get one in a few seconds by clicking randomize? Oh forget that look, you got people chatting in your stream quick say hello to your viewers.

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming to my channel."

Stream Chat:

User1111: Wow such a pretty voice.

DarknessIncarnate: Probably a voice changer.

AlphaGamerXD: What do you know, it would have changed the other person's voice too since it sounds like they are in the same room.

"Please rest assured, this is my natural voice. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the show." Julie turned to Amy, "looks like we don't start in the same area, I'm in Sand City, where did you start out?"

"Village of Trees. It should be fine though, in beta, the story merged around level 15."

"Alright, let's focus on level grinding then. We can start story and power through it once we hit level 15."

Three hours later.

Stream Chat:

User1111: I can't believe they hit level 15 in three hours.

AlphaGamerXD: In beta the fastest time was held by Mr. X with four and a half hours.

DarknessIncarnate: These girls are really skilled.

ShopWorker01: Boss and her friend really are amazing gamers, I thought boss was exaggerating.

User1111: @ShopWorker01 you know them?

ShopWorker01: @User1111 Yeah, Amy Chan owns the game shop I work at, White Tiger is her friend. I was there when they bought the game this morning.

DarknessIncarnate: @ShopWorker01 what do they look like? Probably really nerdy right?

ShopWorker01: @DarknessIncarnate no way! Boss is super cute, and White Tiger is breathtaking.

AmyChan(M): @ShopWorker01 DON'T GET ANY IDEAS! Also, please respect our privacy. For now my friend has chosen not to reveal what she looks like, so don't talk about it please.~

ShopWorker01: @AmyChan got it boss!

Julie glanced at the chat and then switched off her mic temporarily. "You know ShopWorker01?"

"Yeah, it's David, the manager of the shop, he has horrid naming sense. He was the one working the counter when we were there. It's a shame I'm his boss, otherwise, I'd ask him out for drinks but don't tell him that."

"Is he trustworthy? Should I make him a mod?"

"He's pretty reliable, you can mod him if you want."

"Okay, I'll do that then." Julie switched her mic back on before clicking the 'promote to moderator' button beside ShopWorker01's ID.

System Notification:

ShopWorker01 has been promoted to moderator.

Stream Chat:

ShopWorker01(M): @WhiteTiger thanks friend of boss!

"I'm relying on you ShopWorker01. I think we're going to take a thirty-minute lunch break, we'll be back soon to speed through the story so we can start dungeons. Take care everyone. Be sure to click the follow button to get a notification of when I go live." Julie clicked the 'end stream' button and put her headset on the desk. "I've got some microwave pizzas in the freezer, you think we should cook them for lunch? We should be able to finish in thirty minutes right?"

"That's more than enough time, are they D's brand?"

"Of course! You know I only eat the best."

"So what did you think of your first stream? Was it fun?"

"Yeah, it was fun."