
Goddess Cecilia

In this world there is one God named 'Originus' who is the creator of everything sitting next to him is his three wives. The Goddess of Love and Hope, Francesca The Goddess of War and Strength, Eva and The Goddess of Beauty and Immortality, Cecilia The God and Goddesses gets along very well they treat eachother as a family, they are happy but sometimes they tend to get bored and do unreasonable things but in Goddess Cecilia's case she wants to see the world right infront of her. "Thank you for granting my wish my husband and my sisters, I promise that I'll show you amazing things so that you cannot be bored anymore up there" she look up at the sky and smiled "Avanti!!"

Le_xy · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Northern Royals

"My dear are you alright?" The eastern king asked his wife who is feeling ill for the long carriage ride

"Yes I'm fine" the queen weakly answered

Today is September the 1st, it's the birthdate of one of the three Goddess

"But father why must we have to arrived first?" The 1st prince asked his father

"We must show to the southerners that we really do respect their Goddess" the king answered

"But why did we left our little sisters behind father?" the 2nd prince asked

"Well for some reason the population of southern males are more higher than their females" the king look at both of his son

"If the Goddess show herself make sure to immediately give her a lot of attention" the 2 prince was puzzled by their father's words but they just weakly nod

"Your Majesty looks like we failed on arriving first" a knight appeared on the king's window

"What!? Who arrived first!?" The knight frown

"My apologies but I cannot tell but it looks like we are the last one to arrived" the king was shocked, so he decided to look out of the window and saw 2 different colored of carriages and Knight uniforms

"How can this be possible!!" The king said and just give up with a sigh

"We left the east 3 days in advance but still we arrived the last" he freely speak as he let his sons, queen and the knight clearly notice his disappointment, the knight kick his horse to walk towards the southern Knight

"Please sign here and write the count of people are going inside" the southern knight said and reach out the paper and pen to the knight

"Looks like the easterners are getting lazy these days" suddenly a big muscle knight who is riding his horse approach the eastern knight

"We aren't. We left the east 3 days in advance" the eastern knight answered while writing on the paper, the big muscle knight just smirk at him

"That's why you shouldn't bring your queen in this kind of journey" the eastern knight return the paper and pen to the southern knight who is checking the east carriages

Southerners have a beautiful Red eyes, with those eyes they can see mana, body heat and illegal items that are banned in their country

"How ugly" then a knight with a long blonde hair said as he gave them a disgusted look

"HA! How brave of someone who came 2nd?" The big muscle knight said

"Who cares who came first, what matters are the gifts" the blonde knight said while giving them a 'low cheap knights' look

"What gifts are you talking about?" The eastern knight asked with a sarcastic tone

"That's right!! If I remember correctly your king doesn't have a son" the big muscle guy grinned to the blonde knight

"You!! Even if we don't have a clean prince, our princess will be the second Selena!!" The blonde knight attempt to attack the big muscle guy with fire magic but the southern knight who is done with his inspection stop the blonde knight on casting his magic

He strongly swung his sword creating a noise of the wind being cut between the knights, the 3 knights look at him and he return his sword immediately

"I don't care if you kill each other since we are still outside of our empire" he stated, that's right they are just at the gateway for inspections, so the southern knight doesn't mind if they kill each other here but...

"You guys should just shut up your mouths" he coldly said and give the blonde knight a death stare

"2nd Selena? Don't make me laugh, if that princess of yours compete with the females of the south she with be ranked last" the southern knight turn his back

"I suggest for the westerners to stop being aggressive and ignorant" he start walking away but give them a quick look back

"Our royalties loves our goddess so much that war is just a stepping stone for them to show their love for her" then he completely left the 3 Knights

"Tch!" The blonde knight just pulled away his horse to the other 2

"Is the south's standards are really high?" The big muscle knight asked him but he just sigh and shake his head stating he doesn't know too

"They remain hidden so we don't know" he answered then he just pulled away and return to report to the king

In northern empire, the northerners have golden eyes that represents the sun and they dress up like a moving treasury, they love to wear largest and blinding jewelries, it represents their status and achievements, Yellow is their nation's color

"THE NORTHERN EMPIRE IS ENTERING" a southern knight shout as the gates slowly open, everyone start mounting their horses, fixing their posture and securing their belongings

"The sun empire came first" the south citizen whispers as they watch the northerners enter their territory

"Father why is the females hiding their faces?" the 4th prince asked

"Females are holy and scared here, they can only reveal themselves infront of their partners" the northern king answered

"Isn't is just because they are ugly and no one is truly beautiful between them?" the 2nd prince said and just cross his arms

"Be careful of what you say brother, we don't know what they are capable of doing" the 3rd prince answered

"Our duty is to get the goddess and the southern royal family's trust, quit all your nonsense" the crown prince reminded them while looking outside watching the people and then he saw some pair of purple eyes within the crowd

"We don't know how strong they are or what powers do they have, we only know small details about them" the king said

"Always be careful of your words and actions, we don't know what kind of monster they are" the king give a great warning to his children then suddenly a knock to their carriage came

"Greetings dear guests" a sweet soft voice greet them outside of their carriage

The big muscle knight open the door of the carriage and it reveals a princess who is wearing a purple dress and white long veil

"Please allow me to introduce myself" the princess bow elegantly to them

"My name is Anthyi Margaret De Lunar, the 4th daughter of the south" the princess look at them and smile inside her veil

"It's a pleasure to meet the northern royalties" they we're stun by the princess even though they can't see her face, her actions are very gentle and elegant

"The pleasure is ours to be greet by the 4th princess herself it is such a honor" the king replied back with a satisfied smile in his face

"Please allow me to escort you to the reception hall" they all dismount the carriage and the princess's maids who are wearing maid uniforms and black veils bow to them as their greetings

"Tsk!! They are just so polite" the 3rd prince click his tongue and whispers to himself but the 2nd prince heard it

"Wanna do something?" the 2nd prince whispers to him as they walk inside the palace

"What are you planning!? Don't do anything that will ruin father's reputation" he warn but the 2nd prince just smiled and wink to him telling that leave things to him

The maids start walking behind them and the knight who is passing will quickly bow to them, suddenly the 2nd prince slow down his pace and without noticing the maid who is infront stop before she bumped or get touched by the 2nd prince but the prince just smirk and turn to the maid

'Is just me or this maid is just smart?' the prince thought to himself then he tap the maid's shoulder, the maid was shocked and immediately took a step back

"Emily!!" the other maids suddenly pull the maid further away, the princess notice that they all stop following her

"What seems to be the problem?" the princess asked without turning around but she stopped walking, the northern king, 3rd, 4th and crown prince looked back

"Oh!! 4th Princess you see, your maid here bumped into me I just stopped to ask her if she intentionally did it" the 2nd prince playfully said with a big smile on his face, the northern king stare at his son like he wants to kill him

"I see, I do apologize for that" the princess turn around and the maids are just looking down on the ground

"Emily" the princess coldly called her name while walking towards them, for some reason the knights stopped what they are doing and the princess heels echoed loudly in the halls

"Princess, I deeply apologize if I do offended our important guests but when I saw the prince stopped walking I immediately stopped but he turn around and tap my shoulder" emily explain while kneeling

"Hah! What a lie, you are the one who bumped into me" the 2nd prince continues, he's waiting for the other maids to speak but no one decided to do so

'Will they not save her??' he just look down on the maid, the princess stopped right infront of emily

"You have a husband and 3 children please inform them of today's incident" the princess look down at her as she silently

"All of you retreat for now, I don't want any kind of rumors about this incident flying around" the maids and knights who are present in the scene bow and quickly walk away

"Emily turn yourself to sir Bil" emily weakly nod, then she lower her head and touch the princess left feet

"I'm sorry your highness" she kiss her left feet

"You may go" the princess said, emily quickly stand up and bow to them before she walk towards the prison cell direction

"Is that enough??" the 2nd prince asked and the princess faced him

"I know that she didn't bumped into you but the fact that a another man touched her is enough to be charge of crime" the 2nd prince was shocked of the princess statement

"I have to ask the 2nd prince of the northern empire to stop doing things like this because in this empire no one will believe you and because of what you did, you just killed a person" the princess walk pass him

"I do apologize" the crown prince said and bow his head, the princess look at him

"My brother is a little playful so please do forgive him" the crown prince look at the princess but for some reason he saw a pair of purple eyes that is looking down on his being

"Don't worry we shall forget about this incident" the princess ignores it and continue to walk

The king gave his son a warning while they walk in the hallway, on the other hand the crown prince for some reason he is really scared of the princess right now

'Purple eyes...' he thought to himself as he watch the princess back

'I thought southerners have red eyes but why did I saw purple ones? I need to gather information about this' the princess stop walking infront of a big closed door

"We're here" the princess stated and look at the knight

"Please announce their arrival" the princess step a side

"You aren't entering with us?" the 4th prince asked and the princess smile inside her veil

"I will enter later, entering before important guests is disrespectful" the princess elegantly bow to them as the other knights slowly open the big door

"Please enjoy your time and I will be glad if we meet inside the hall" the knight start announcing


"THE NORTHERN KING ARTHUR MAXIMO" the king walk inside the hall the southerners who are inside the hall clap their hands for the northern king, while the king keep calm and composed

"THE NORTHERN CROWN PRINCE LANCELOT MAXIMO" the crown prince walk inside next he keep his eyes directly to the southern king and when he saw the king's eyes all of his questions was answered

"THE NORTHERN 2ND PRINCE ALI MAXIMO" the 2nd prince enter the hall while waving his hands to the females

"Oh my god he is so disrespectful" the ladies start whispering while the gentlemen just stare at the 2nd prince

"THE NORTHERN 3RD PRINCE BRIAN MAXIMO" the 3rd prince enter the hall with a emotionless face

"Black hair??" once again whispers can be only heard inside the hall as the 3rd prince walk down the red carpet's path

The characteristics of the northerns royals are really simple it's easy for people to recognize them. A pair of golden eyes, wearing jewelries and silver hair but for some reason the 3rd prince of north have black hair

"If he have black then her mother must be from our empire??" that's right southerners have black hair, simple elegant clothing and a pair of red eyes but...

"Silence" a cold voice ordered them everything turn quiet once again, the king's purple eyes was staring at everyone and making them feel the chills

Southern Royalties have purple colored eyes making them very different

"THE NORTHERN 4TH PRINCE IAN MAXIMO" the 4th prince nervously enter the hall while the knights slowly close the big door

"Father..." the 4th prince cling to his father's clothes

"It's nice to finally see you northern king" the southern king said as he watch the father and son interaction

"Hahaha we finally met southern king" king Arthur said and bow to the southern king

"Excuse my people for whispering insolences words behind your back Prince Brian" the southern king look directly at him

"No it's fine" Prince Brian answered while look down at the ground

"But really... You are quite a interesting subject" the king said and the queen quickly held the king's left hand

"Stop that Caspian!!" the queen softly said and the king suddenly laugh

"Sorry I was just really interested on him" king caspian hold his wife's hand

"I welcome you to the south, our empire might be different from the north but we will try our best to serve you and offer you comfort" the queen smile inside her white veil

"We deeply appreciate that" king Arthur replied and king Caspian smiled

"Why not enjoy the banquet while waiting for the others" king Arthur bow to them and walk towards a round table with a yellow clothing cover

"Aren't they just so polite?" Prince Brain asked while they walking

"You said that earlier too you know" prince Ali just rolled his eyes

"But they are all beautiful" prince Ian said they finally sat down

"Stop saying nonsense" Prince Lancelot said and look at his father who is observing King Caspian in a distance

"He is a dangerous monster"