
Goddess Cecilia

In this world there is one God named 'Originus' who is the creator of everything sitting next to him is his three wives. The Goddess of Love and Hope, Francesca The Goddess of War and Strength, Eva and The Goddess of Beauty and Immortality, Cecilia The God and Goddesses gets along very well they treat eachother as a family, they are happy but sometimes they tend to get bored and do unreasonable things but in Goddess Cecilia's case she wants to see the world right infront of her. "Thank you for granting my wish my husband and my sisters, I promise that I'll show you amazing things so that you cannot be bored anymore up there" she look up at the sky and smiled "Avanti!!"

Le_xy · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The world is divided into 4 empire. Originus gave the 3 empire to his wives while he personally handle the northern empire.

He gave the east to the Goddess of Love and Hope, Francesca while he gave the west to the Goddess of War and Strength, Eva. Originus planned to give the south to the Goddess of Beauty and Immortality, Cecilia because it is her birth land.

The Northern empire stays the most powerful "Northerners" are excellent blacksmiths, architects and they excel at using magic. Next to them is the west where "Westerners" are excellent and refined warriors, a empire that is full of military power where man and woman are equally treated it doesn't matter to them what gender you hold as long you are strong to make them obey then you'll be part of the masters society.

The next powerful one is the east "Easterners" aren't like northerners who can create nor craft items and magic they also aren't like the "Westerners" that only based to strength, in the east where the streets are full of lights and life they are a free empire where poverty is low and nobody is jobless, no cheating husband and wife but even though they are carefree and always positive they are the most terrifying enemies "Strategists" that is a nickname that others gave the Easterners, they can be manipulative, they are so smart to out number and win a war against the westerners.

And lastly the south no one knows what's inside the south rather than the "Southerners" themselves for some reason they shut down their empire just for themselves only and those who are allowed by the king himself can only enter the empire but one thing is for sure they keep hidden because of their beauty they avoid exposing their true beauty in public because they believe that beauty can be sinful, if you got expose or you choose to expose yourself you need to ask forgiveness to Goddess Cecilia and kill yourself or be killed afterwards.

The other Goddess can blessed the other's territories. Originus who blessed the 4 empires with basic knowledge of survival while the goddess of love and hope, Francesca blessed all of them with fated ones and the Goddess of War and Strength blessed the other countries with strength but the Goddess of Beauty and Immortality never gave her blessing to the other countries up until now.

That's why up until now the other 3 empires doesn't know what she looks like and the reason why she was the goddess of immortality, the beauty who captured the creator in instant, the Goddess of Beauty and Immortality, Goddess Cecilia or what they also called
