
Goddess Cecilia

In this world there is one God named 'Originus' who is the creator of everything sitting next to him is his three wives. The Goddess of Love and Hope, Francesca The Goddess of War and Strength, Eva and The Goddess of Beauty and Immortality, Cecilia The God and Goddesses gets along very well they treat eachother as a family, they are happy but sometimes they tend to get bored and do unreasonable things but in Goddess Cecilia's case she wants to see the world right infront of her. "Thank you for granting my wish my husband and my sisters, I promise that I'll show you amazing things so that you cannot be bored anymore up there" she look up at the sky and smiled "Avanti!!"

Le_xy · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Western Royals

"Tch. Why we have to be the 2nd one to enter this poor empire" the western princess said as she look outside the window

"We should have left 7 days earlier" the king answered while playing with his cat

"HURRY UP AND OPEN THIS FREAKING GATE!!" The blonde knight shout to the southern Knights

"Please calm down the north guests are currently entering" one of the southern knight responded

"HUH? I DON'T CARE!!" He draw his sword and he swung his sword in the gate attempting to destroy it but he failed, a magic shield suddenly appear

"Sir Fredrick Antonio Juqr please don't be more disrespectful than this" the captain of the southern Knights said as he look at Fredrick with his red eyes

"What is that idiot doing!?" The king sigh and look at the man besides him

"Fix this immediately Hans" the man stand up and bow to them before leaving the carriage

"He is handsome and really strong but he rarely speak nor show emotions... Hmp what a let down" the princess whispers and just sigh

"Sir Fredrick" Hans called the knight as he is getting closer to them

"Hans?" Fredrick look at him confused but Hans rise his hands and the Knights near them put restraining magic to him

"I'm sorry for this" then he left, on the other hand the southern Knights isn't happy about his apology

"THE WESTERN EMPIRE IS ENTERING" everyone suddenly fix their appearance, Hans took Fredrick horse and lead the Knights to enter the southern empire

'Cold' he look around and see people dress lightly when this is so cold

Unlike in the north where the sun is everyday happy, unlike in the east where it's warm and unlike in the West the season changes every 3 months, the south is cold and will be always cold

"Hey look at the carriage window" he look at the citizens who is angrily looking at the carriage

"A cat?" He look back and see the princess playing with the king's cat

"Looks like they dislike us huh?" A knight ride next to him

"Who cares, our main objective is to received blessings and plan how to control over their empire before anyone else" Hans answered back and focus his attention in the path and then suddenly he catch a glimpse of a pair of purple eyes in the crowd making him look around but failed to see who is it

"We have arrived" a knight said and there's a lady wearing a red dress waiting for them

"Good day western guests" the lady in red dress and white veil bowed to them

"My name is Diana Fei De Lunar" she smiles inside her veil, the princess just ignore her and walk pass her

"I'm the 2nd princess please allow me to escort you to the hall" the princess remain respectful even though the western princess is already few steps away them, she sign her maids to follow the princess

"I appreciate this, to be welcomed by a strong and beautiful princess like you" the king said as he pat his cat's head

"I see so the eastern empire do like pets" the princess turn around and start walking

"Yes we like pets and humans as much as we like our weapons" the king answered

"Ha!! Why these ugly maids following me!?" the western princess yelled at the maids who is silently walking behind her

"We apologize princ--" before a maid can finish her sentence the western princess cut her

"Don't call me princess, it's 'Your Majesty'" the maids was taken a back

"Do the eastern princess always act like that?" the princess asked the king who is walk towards his daughter

"Father" she immediately cling to his arms

"Please excuse my people, they aren't really aware of other empire's culture" the princess walk towards them with a confident aura around her

"Hmp!! I don't care, you all just weak tools for us to use anyways" as the western princess said that, everyone in the hall and able to hear it felt anger

"Hahahaha it's that so" the princess continue walking

"Using people as tools might be a normal thing at the west empire but you know..." the princess stop infront of the big doors

"Human Tools have a device called Brain that works everytime, you might be betrayed someday princess Ciara so please be careful from now on" she look back a them

'This princess is strong, stronger than my daughter' the king roughly play his cat's furs and he stare at the princess

"I hope we can chat inside later on" the princess turn and bow to them

"Announce their arrival" she told the knight and walk away with her maids


"Hey look it's a cat" the people starts whispering loud because of the cat pet of the king, on the other hand King Caspian just smile

"Caspian it's a beast" the queen whispers to him

"Don't worry Frey, it's a weak beastman" he said and hold her hand

"THE WESTERN KING WILBERT VON FORD" he enter the hall with a smile in his face while he rub the cat's body

"Oh my, they really brought a cat" the whispers continues and starts getting louder and louder

"Ha! He just totally destroyed his reputation" King Arthur said as he watch King Wilbert enter

"Eh? Is the southern empire dislike cats so much?" the 2nd prince asked

"Brother that's not a cat, it's a beastman" the 3rd prince clear him

"So?" he asked again really clueless what is happening

"Brother southern empire and beastmen doesn't have a good relationship" the 3rd answered

"The beastmen attacked Goddess Cecilia's town many times" the crown prince added

"I see, so the southern empire hates them" he said while holding his chin

"And after the news of Goddess Cecilia became a wife of our God the beastmen turned their backs to them" the king said and pick up a glass of red wine

"I never thought I would see a small beastman today" he drink his wine

"THE WESTERN PRINCESS CIARA SELENA VON FORD" everyone was in shocked, some stare at the knight who announced the princess' name

But they don't hear it wrong, the princess have a big smile on her face as she enter the hall with confidence in every step she take

"Unforgivable!!" people starts protesting and the room turns noisy then suddenly a whistle can be heard and the silence was back in the moment

"Ha! They are so stunned to see me" the princess said and stop besides her father

"Greetings to the king of the southern empire" king wilbert bow and the princess follow after him

"Thank you for coming western empire" king caspian smiled to them warmly

"Of course this empire is full of mysterious stuffs, who wouldn't want to come here" king wilbert just smile to the king whose smile disappeared and his purple eyes shine as he look down at the 2 western royalties

"By the way , I never thought you'll name your daughter Selena" King Caspian stare at the princess who ignore him completely, she is looking around and observing men

"Don't call me daughter, call me princess or better 'Your Royal Highness'" she replied without looking at the King

"Please don't be offended this kind of attitude is what the westerners have" King Wilbert said

"I see so the princess is ranking oriented" king caspian said and look at his wife who is quite quiet

"Anyways, I'll make it easy for you" the princess said and look at king caspian

"Pardon?" King caspian tilt his head

"I'll replace your selena in no time" she said and the king fall into a silent suddenly the queen release a very strong red aura

"Hahahaha I see" King Caspian response and tap the queen's shoulder making her flinch bringing her back to her senses

"Well I do look forward to see how you'll replace our Goddess or if you can even be her saint" he said but rather stare at the princess he stare at king wilbert who is quietly watching her daughter provoke them

"Then please enjoy the drinks here they might not compete with the drinks that you have in the west but my people work hard for it to be in the finest quality that this empire can do" King Caspian smiled at them and the father - daughter walk towards the table where the northern royalties sitting

"Tch." the king gritted and the queen falls into a very foul mood, inside her veils her angry face can be seen