
Goddess - On The Mission

Nova - Goddess of Stars is on her mission to find her soulmate to defeat the evil. on the other hand , Astrophel - youngest prince of Atri Empire is completely oblivious of what's happening in the supernatural world . what will happen when he'll be dragged into the world he has no knowledge about ? will they be able to save the stars from fading away and the world from freezing to death? Let's see!

createdbysupernova · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

"I heard anger is a human emotion. Looks like our atmosphere has already started its magic on you " Reuel smirked and settled down on his chair in front of Selene with his own breakfast.

"I AM NOT ANGRY, SO , CAN'T YOU JUST ANSWER US " Selene spelled out every word gritting her teeth " last night, you said nooo nooo you PROMISED you'll answer our EVERY questions this morning, I couldn't even SLEEP a bit because of that, now...

"I am sorry, she just loves her sleep too much. " Nova lookes at Selene and continues " you waited this long ,Now a bit more is not going to harm ."

" I am only taking your words " Selene quotes and fills her mouth with the toast while glaring at Reuel to which he just smirks .


After that they had their breakfast in peace and now they are all inside the office they were introduced to just last night.

They just look around the room while Reuel was looking for something in the drawer of the table.

The office looks very simple and formal with a wooden table and chair at the right corner which you'll see the first thing if you open the door. A tea/coffee table and three comfy chair near the window a little beside the table . Leaving these two things the whole room is full of only books in racks but in a very organised way.

"Found it " Reuel announces his victory.

" Come " he goes and sit at the chair near window and puts down the golden card like thing at the coffee table.

The duo joins him on the table and looks intently at the card like thing which had a picture of lilies and white roses on it .

"Are you...." They both muttered.

" Yes " Reuel smiled " told you, I am Reuel"

*(Reuel means "Friend of God" , Hebrew origin)*

"We are so glad to meet you so soon "Nova gives a sweet smile to him.

" Me too " Reuel smiled back at her .

"Now that we are at it let me introduce myself properly.

I am Reuel Ezer, a member of Ezer family. Our family has been serving almighty since generations. My ancestors had served almighty all their lives and now it's my time to do so .

I have been chosen to help you both with your mission. So I'll be with you till the end of it . I'll do my best to help you . It's my honour to get a chance like this . " He bows in front of them for a little long .

"Ezer family.....they have been very helpful for us ...we heard many things about them ...it's our first time meeting someone from Ezer family...it's our honourable for us too" Nova puts her hands on his shoulders indicating him to get up now.

"So let's talk about the major issue here " Selene interrupts them .

" Are you talking about the meteor shower and that pit ? " Reuel asks .

At that they just stay quiet and blink their eyelids once .

" It has become the talk of the town , but , the good thing is, they couldn't find anything about it yet , so you can reat assured about that for now ."

Selene and Nova nod their heads telling him to continue .

"There will be no one there at night , so we can go there tonight. Till then we can discuss what can be done ."

"Are you sure there will be no one there at night ?" Nova enquires.

" Is there any problem?" Reuel asks in return .

" Yes , I can't be seen by anyone at night . I am star and I shine at night ." She answered him.

" Okay , we'll do something about that too."

He continues " what about the one you are looking for? How are we going to recognise him? "

" Our soulmates have a symbol at the back of their hands , we have them too . " Selene shows him her hand which had a crescent 🌙 symbol . For me it's crescent moon and for Nova it's đŸ’« . It depends on who we are ."

" Looks like I have seen it somewhere before " he runs his fingers at the symbol on Selene's hand .

" Really!" Nova chirped.

" Yes , but I can't remember where ? " Reuel answers . But what they both didn't noticed was the look of horror on Selene's face .

" Let's talk about your identities here , this is Chandra Empire and the one we'll be meeting is the royal itself. We'll meet them at the celebration next month on the occasion of prince's 22nd birthday."

"I know someone who can make fake identity cards for you both but it'll be of Atri Empire "

" Both the emperors are best friends and so are their sons . So , we can look into these two empires easily. "

" But we'll have to think of something for Hira Empire."

"Let's leave it for some other time ." Said Nova .

"Alright" he agreed with her and gets up from the chair " would you like some tea?"

" Sure " Nova said and looked at Selene when she didn't heard any answer from her

" Selene ? Selene? Are you fine? SELENE ".

"Yes, why are you both looking at me like this " Selene asked in confusion " I was just thinking about something."

Nova still looks at her unsatisfied from her reply .

"Alright then, I'll bring some tea ."


" I am sorry, are you fine Miss ?" He offers his hand to Nova .

She tilts her head up to look at the man in front of her who happens to be the reason why she is on the ground right now.

"I am fine " she replies and gets up ignoring his hand .

" Looks like you are mad " he takes back his hand and continues looking intently in her eyes " can I get your name ?"