
Goddess - On The Mission

Nova - Goddess of Stars is on her mission to find her soulmate to defeat the evil. on the other hand , Astrophel - youngest prince of Atri Empire is completely oblivious of what's happening in the supernatural world . what will happen when he'll be dragged into the world he has no knowledge about ? will they be able to save the stars from fading away and the world from freezing to death? Let's see!

createdbysupernova · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

I took too long to update , I was just too occupied. I'll try to update as per the update schedule from now on .


"Can we take all these ? "

Nova looks mesmerized at the vast stream of different dresses in front of them . All of them in different colours, sizes , long and short , red , blue , black , green , peach, violet, skirts, tops , jeans with different styles, crop tops , Tees, and many more she doesn't know about.

"You can have whatever you like , that's the only reason we are here but ,not all of this" Reuel looks at her with pleading eyes and continues " I am just a poor doctor , have some mercy on my Pocket."

"Are everything here for everyone? " questions Selene.

"It is , but we have to pay for that in money and you can't take anything or use it without paying " he continues " if you take anything without paying you'll be sent to jail , always remember this . I'll tell you about it in detail later . "

" Alright, but when are we meeting that person you mentioned? " asks Nova .

" Why do we need to buy these clothes, we have ours ? " questions Selene.

" who are we going to meet ? Are you sure they can help us ? "

" But I like my clothes, I won't wear these ....they are sooo .....odd. "

They both continues their chain of questions until Reuel sits down on the floor with a THUMP .

" Have a seat " Reuel motions for them to sit in front of him and continues " let's just talk here . Do you want to gather people here so that we can announce who you are ? Why you are here ? What are we going to do next ? " he gets up and Nova and Selene both takes a step back " I told you I'll tell you everything but before that we need to buy everything you'll need while staying with me " he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

After taking a few deep breaths he continues in a relatively calmer voice " Before ...before meeting anyone you both "he point at them " you need to learn how we humans live , how we talk , how we dress , what we eat , how our society works - everything, so you need to wait till then ."

" And you " he looks at Selene " you look too much of a goddess in what you are wearing, if you continue to wear what you are wearing you'll be considered royals .....royals without any resources and things like this morning can happen again . "

He looks at them and asks " Are you getting my point?"

" Yes " they both answers in unison .


They bought some dresses, and toiletries as Reuel told them and ate their lunch peacefully in hopes of getting the information they need .

Now they are in front of a one - storey house painted white surrounded by a garden with beautiful flowers of different colours adding to the beauty of the house . The green colour of the grass was complimenting the creamy white of the house.

"Is this where you live ?, It's beautiful" Nova comments.

"I can live here for an eternity." Says Selene her eyes still on the white Lilies.

" Are you just going to stand outside for the eternity?" Reuel asks mocking her .

"I was about to come , let's go love , now , this is our love nest " Selene broughts Nova in holding her hand .

Reuel looks at them back and forth suspiciously " Whatever, come I'll show you around and ...." he takes a short pause to face them " I have prepared your rooms and it took me a whole two months. It's too difficult to prepare something for a goddess and I had to prepare for two but it still turned out to be Marvelous . I'm telling you, you are going to love it . Come " he motions for them to follow him .

"Look there in the middle , that's staircase or stairs for short . We use that to go up and down the upper floors and this is the ground floor. Am I making sense?" They nodded there head a little in response.

"Okay then, there on the leftside is kitchen and dining area , that's for cooking and eating. On the right , that's the drawing room. Do you see the door behind that glass wall in the drawing, that's my room and the one beside that is my office. If you can't find me anywhere just go straight there . "

" You see the room behind the stairs , that's storage room and beside that is the washroom mainly for outsiders. "

" Now , up the stairs there are two rooms and they areee"

"Ours " Selene and Nova chirped blissfully .

"Correct " Reuel gave them a toothy smile in response trying to match their spirit.

" Follow me upstairs and decide which room you want to take " they followed his track as was requested by him .

"Are you ready to see a heaven on earth? " he playfully asked .

"YES "

Reuel turned the door knob showing them how to open and close the door, then , he pushed the door opening it slowly .

As soon as the door was wide open he turned to see their expressions but to his surprise there was no one .

He then turned around to see them going inside the room .

Nova and Selene took their each step forward watching the great combination of blue , black and white walls giving them a look of sky and ocean at the same time .

Nova takes hold of one of the strings those were in line on the three sides of the bed that had big and small shining stars and muttered " It's home " .

" I love this cloud ! It's so cute ! Does the other room have this too ? " Selene enquired looking intently at the fluffy clouds made at the pillowside of the bed .

"Yes " Reuel replied.

"Then I'll take that room , this is Nova's" she announced.

"Alright then, you must be tired from all the chaos and shopping,you should rest .I'll bring in your things from the car and then I'll go to sleep too . Goodnight, see you tomorrow." Reuel turned to exit the room and took a few steps when he was stopped by a voice .

"Who are you ?"


Update schedule - Every Monday

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