
Goddess - On The Mission

Nova - Goddess of Stars is on her mission to find her soulmate to defeat the evil. on the other hand , Astrophel - youngest prince of Atri Empire is completely oblivious of what's happening in the supernatural world . what will happen when he'll be dragged into the world he has no knowledge about ? will they be able to save the stars from fading away and the world from freezing to death? Let's see!

createdbysupernova · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

"Here they are " the owner chirps in delight. Finally he'll be free from the torture the two ladies have been giving him by asking very obvious questions?

"Who's here ?" Asks Selene . But she gets an answer from Nova instead of the man who seems to be like a child who got his favourite candy " It must be family , only family can make anyone this happy ."

"It can be a customer too. Didn't he told us this is a shop and humans who come here are his customers and arrival of a customer makes him happy." Selene retorts.

"But when they don't pay him , that makes him feel sad " Nova recalls what the man has told them .

"Mr owner you didn't told how do they pay you ." says Selene .

"Are you both done ?" Yells the man in annoyance . "How could you not know how to pay ? Even a child knows that you pay with money. "

"What's mo....."the man cuts off Nova in between " NOW DON'T EVEN THINK OF ASKING WHAT MONEY IS " he warns them pointing his finger at both of them .

Nova and Selene share a glance and keeps their mouth shut.

"Now, come with me . " he orders.

They both gets up from the chairs they have been sitted on and follows the man.

They stop their trail when they see there are some people, everyone wearing same white coats and the shop owner is telling them something while they all are occasionally looking toward them .

"I think humans call them something D-T-O-R or M-O-T-O-R or it can be D-O-T-O-R " says Selene trying to remember what the word was .

"Daughter " Nova continues " how can they be daughter? Aren't they males ? " Nova questions.

Their discussion was disturbed by one of those men who is currently standing right in front of them and he has his hand out for a handshake. "Hello Miss! I am Reuel. What's your name ? "

"Reuel ? " asks Nova for confirmation to which he just nods . She looks back at her friend with an ear to ear grin . Selene also smiles in delight while they remembered what almighty has told them about their helper on the earth .

"Hello ! I am Nova " she brings her hand forward for a handshake "and this is my best friend Selene " she continues and gives space to Selene to shake hand with the man .

"You have some beautiful names" Reuel compliments. "I am a psychiatrist from The Central Hospital and that's my team "he points to the other men in the shop with his hand " we are here to help you . You just need to come with us and we'll tell you everything you want to know . Is that okay ?" He coos.

"HOSPITAL? Why would we ? We are not sick and we don't get sick too " Selene almost screams.

" I am not saying you are sick Miss. I can only help you , if you agree to come with me " he speaks with so much tenderness that melts their hearts.

"You'll help us ? Why ? Do you know who we....just tell why would you help us ? " Selene questions.

"Because it's my duty to help you and " he took a few steps closer and murmurs" I know who you are. "

They just stood there dumbfounded. How could he know who they are ? Reuel noticed their confusion and said " I know you have many questions but please trust me, I will help you the best I can ."

"What do you know ? and where will you take us" Selene demands.

"I will tell you everything just come with us first . We really can't talk here and I am sure you are aware of that ." Reuel pleads .

They consider his request and speak in unison. "Okay, we will ."


As they ( Selene and Nova ) said they followed Reuel wherever he took them . As a result, they are currently seated in the backseat of a van( as Reuel told them ) waiting for him to come out of the building they are in front of .

The building looks quite modern and maintained but it's very crowded even from outside. It has a board in the middle of the building "The Central Hospital" .

"When is he going to come , we don't have much time. We have to do something about the pit " said Nova impatiently, her eyes glued at the building in front of them .

"Pit ? Really? Why can't you worry about how to look for your destined one ? Once you find him , we'll be out of here. And a pit will be nothing to you then . You can make thousands of pits disappear in a swift of moment. "Selene retorts in a slightly angered tone .

"I am afraid "Nova murmers .

"Finally ... finally you admitted it . "Selene sighs in relief and continues in a very soft tone " what are you afraid of Dodo ? You know you can tell me anything, right ? "

Nova nods her head in yes and says " He is a human ,Selene. He knows nothing about us . What if he is already married? What if he has kids ? What if he has a family? " she pauses for a brief second and murmurs almost inaudible "what if he loves someone else?"

She takes a deep breath and continues " He is a human nothing will happen to him but as for me it will be like burning in the fire for an eternity all alone. You do remember what happened with Geeta, right ?

"Who's Geeta ? " the friends duo turns their gaze in the direction of the voice to find Reuel sitting in the driver's seat .

"What were you guys talking about . The atmosphere here is so tensed . May I lighten it up a bit . I have dealt with everything in the hospital. Now you don't need to go there . " he gives them a wide smile but doesn't gets one back in return from either of them.

"OH MY GOD ! I MEAN GODDESSES WHAT ARE YOU SO WORRIED ABOUT ?" " You really don't need to be worried about anything. I have got your back . I'll help you and will be with you till the end of it . Now SMILE " he gives them a soft smile . But this time he gets it back in return from the other two too .

"How can you help us then ?" Asks Nova .

"Don't underestimate me Miss goddess just because I am a human . I am not an ordinary person , you are with REUEL . "He exaggerates .

Selene and Nova gives him a questioning look so he answers them " I know someone who can definitely help us ."

"Who?" Selene and Nova asks at the same time .

"You'll see ".


Who do you think they meet ?

Is it the one they are looking for or someone else ?

Let's see . And have a good day beautiful souls. 😊

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