
Goddess - On The Mission

Nova - Goddess of Stars is on her mission to find her soulmate to defeat the evil. on the other hand , Astrophel - youngest prince of Atri Empire is completely oblivious of what's happening in the supernatural world . what will happen when he'll be dragged into the world he has no knowledge about ? will they be able to save the stars from fading away and the world from freezing to death? Let's see!

createdbysupernova · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

"Perseid meteor shower was seen in the Delta region of the Chandra Empire last night."

"Chandra Empire had it's second perseid meteor shower last night that lasted a half an hour, the longest meteor shower in the history."

"A very strong meteor shower was seen in Chandra Empire. The people who witnessed this unexpected shower said that the light was dazzling. It felt like they lost their eyesight for a straight half an hour. "

"A very big pit is seen in the same region where meteor shower was seen. "

"According to the witnesses, they saw something falling from the sky. The guesses are that the pit was because of that thing that fell on earth surface. "

"The biggest mystery of the year - an unexpected meteor shower and a big pit in the Delta region of Chandra Empire."

"No traces of the thing that fell from the sky ."

"Space scientist visited the location this morning but no one is saying anything about the situation."

"I want to make it quiet " Selene turns her gaze from the radio to Nova "Is this your Q-U-I-T-E?" She asks mocking her best friend.

They have been sitting at a tea stall in the corner of the street they don't know anything about , since morning.

"Can you stop it ,Selene ? You have said this a million times since morning. " Nova looks up at Selene and looks directly in her eye and states " we need to think of a way out . Humans can't know about our arrival and you know why right ? " she asks rhetorically .

"What should we do then ?"Selene asks being serious.

"I don't really know " Nova states with a sigh.

"Seriously? I told you to just come with me , why did you insisted to come like a shooting star if you don't have any plans ?"Selene looks at Nova with complete disbelief.

"I ..just ...it's just how I can come to earth ." Nova tries to dodge the question, keyword tries.

Selene looks in Nova's eyes like she is staring directly into her soul making Nova shift in her place nervously.

"You know " she continues"I can tell when you are trying to hide something just by hearing your voice."

"It was my first time entering into Earth's atmosphere. I just wanted to look around and enjoy the breathtaking scenery I had only seen from a trillion miles away . I just losted track of time and ....and I know it's my fault but we can't let any humans have any ideas about us especially me . So please think of something." Nova ceases her ranting by taking a deep breath.

"Okayyyyy, we'll think about something because I can't let my best friend be in lion's den alone . We'll go together and beat the lion up but " she holds Nova chin lightly and continues "after eating something. I am starving. "

"You really are a foodie , we just ate like few hours ago." Nova remarks with a smirk

"Right HOURS AGO, and it's a food lover . Don't insult a food lover like that " Selene exaggerates.

"Right , I forgot my goddess." They share a glance and bursts out laughing like a maniac.

"Ladies, I don't want you to go but don't you have school I mean office to go ?" They stop their laughing fit to see who was disturbing their fun time . And he turns out the owner of the tea stall who appears to be in his early thirties.

"We .....work ? Ummmm we don't hav ..." Nova trails off and looks at her best friend for help.

"We are doing our work " the owner looks at Selene confused with a frown.

"Yes , we are " she reassures him .

He gives her a tight lipped smile and comments " Leave it aside , first thing first when are you going to pay for all those cups of tea ?" he points at the cups in front of them .

"Pay ? Again ?" Nova asks with a confused frown .

"When did you paid before , madam ?" He Retorts.

"What does it mean ? How do we do that ? " she asks innocently.

"Are you kidding me ? " he looks at her like she has grown horns.

She again looks at her best friend for help to which Selene just shrugs her shoulders.

"Ohhh ! So you are thi.....I got it . So you are not going to pay , right ? " he asks one more time.

"Can you tell us first..." Nova was cut off by the man's voice of talking but strangely not with them he was saying something while holding a rectangular thing on his right ear .

"Yes, they are here . "

"Ok, I'll not let them go till you come ."

Nova and Selene looks at each other with a big question mark on one and the biggest one on the other's face .


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createdbysupernovacreators' thoughts